In a peculiar turn of events, Tucker Carlson teams up with Bernie to seize the means of two day dildo delivery!

58  2018-08-31 by -Mopsus-


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"He should be complaining about Walmart!"

"He did."

"He should have done it sooner!"


But actually watching the video before I make snide remarks about it is much to hard, sir.

Kill Those Who Take Too Long To Agree

Classic Tuck. This guy man.

Tucker turns nazbol


these corporations are monopolies and they use liberal government regulation to crush competition

Lol, what you meant to say tucker, was that the conservatives have refused to enforce and uphold anti-trust laws which has resulted in monopolies that crush competition in the absence of regulation.

The argument there would be that antitrust laws treat the sickness instead of the disease, only skimming the surface of marketwide opportunities for larger companies exploiting regulatory capture and rent seeking to lock out competition.

Less relevant, but antitrust law enforcement itself is subject to regulatory capture and shifting party winds. Just look at how late last year Democrats were cheerleading for an AT&T + Time Warner merger because doing so was at the time politically advantageous to dems.

Of course now that the trump admin has done an about face and approved it they conveniently publish an Op-ed decrying it.

Where dis?

Only complete retards think Amazon or Google have anything close to a monopoly

Monopolies are when businesses are successful and the more successful they are, the more they are monopolies.

You know, when people say "x has a monopoly" they often just mean "x has an insane amount of market power, so much that healthy competition is hampered".

One could argue that in the digital marketplace, Amazon is really fucking close to it.

You could argue that, but you'd be retarded to do so.

Because a duopoly where one 90% market share is sooo much different.

lol, he's correctly using the word 'liberal' right there, but the US populace is borderline brain-dead so they probably will think it means obummer and hillareeee did it.

He's not lying and his base gets what they want.

Progressive and liberal were synonymous in American English for decades. The more international term for "liberal" is new to us in the past 5 years. That isn't wrong, just different.

Left and right teaming up to take tech fuckers down a notch would be a dream come true. I wouldnt even care if all the actually powerful rich people who know how to shut up and stay off the news slink away in the chaos.

Left and right teaming up to take tech fuckers down like notch

Woah woah woah

This witch hunt doesn't need to lead to /r/drama

tech fuckers

I mean, WalMart isn't a tech company. Any anticompetitive system-abusing big business needs to be taken down a peg.

This is about Amazon tho

Did you watch the fucking video? WalMart and Uber are brought up as well.

Did you watch the fucking video?

Why would I do that?

Tucker Carlson has idea where he lands ideologically anymore he's just going full chapo, gotta love it

Anything to pwn the libs

👏 Can’t👏cuck👏the👏Tuck.


Carlson / Sanders 2020

There's always been a sizeable bloc of people who would be happy to join the left on economics if they weren't also required to believe that white people suck and that men in dresses are women. The only surprising thing is that it's taken until the last couple years for politicians to realize that they could be worth courting.

top 10 anime crossovers


Bezos is the new Soros but better, because he triggers both Chapo chaps and Trumpsters equally. Plus he's the richest man on the planet AND gives money to basic bitch democratic causes! Also has demonic laugh and might pass for a Dr. Evil wannabe!

From now on I buy online only from Amazon and you should too. Let's make that guy a trillionare and after that let him buy the whole planet and enslave humanity!

Radical Centrist as well

Tucker Carlson confirmed brocialist.

What timeline is this?


He's a nationalist turned socialist. What should we call this ideology? National socialism?