The SharkJW's have smelled blood and have descended on Lerna's GitHub page

86  2018-08-31 by saint2e


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Why do these trans and gay people have Githubs. They can't code. They can barely stop thinking about their dicks.

Wat? I think this Lerna nonsense is silly but what you just said is absurd. If I had to list the top ten best hackers I know, around half if them would be trans. And these aren't just people doing shitty webapps, they write emulators, create jailbreaks, and wrote exploits.

because sitting in front of a computer 24/7 not building social skills, makes you go crazy. That's why there's a lot of trannies in tech.

List the top ten best hackers you know

(He knows none)

"I don't know them personally, but one time Lizard Squad favorited one of my tweets back when they where still called favorites"

the elite hacker tool of loic

how can you be a good hacker if you're not willing to hack your own dick off?

checkmate bigots

Matthew Lillard, Lord Nikon, Zero-cool, Angelina Jolie, Jugh Hackman, Geodude, Bucci-fer 3.0, the entire site of rotten tomatoes, the state of Israel and Martin Shreki

Never realized until right now that Zero Cool is now Sherlock Holmes

Yeah he was basically blacklisted from acting for twelve years

Would those be the twelve years before 1995? Because Miller has some pretty strong roles and nominations over the years.

He like disappeared after 96 after doing trainspotting and some other crap and then has apparantly showed up in stuff around 2010 again.

Being in Aeon Flux or whatever I didn't count


It checks out, guys..

My dude todd got minecraft on the school computers. What a madlad.

4chan, 4 chan, 4chan, 4 chan, 4chan, 4 chan, 4chan, 4 chan, 4chan, and 4 chan.

Lmao you believe this.

It's not the 80's, nobody says "hack" anymore.

They can't code

Which is why they write javascript

They can't code.

As it stands, all the mental issues that make you a tranny in the first place tend to be very conductive to coding.

It's all in the 'tism.

It's all in the 'tism.

yeah, same thing for speedrunning. It seems they pop up in hyper tedious crap even most nerds can't stand.



I take it back. Mental issues do make you very able to carry an electric current to coding.


Maybe they allow you to carry heat through contact instead. coding.

There's probably a fire joke in there somewhere, but I'm white and I don't go on instagram.

That's right I don't use instagram, I'm not cool don't hang out with me.

I'm not cool

We can tell

I don't like pokemon or harry potter either. You should report me on social media.


Hah, I used to make the same mistake.

To be fair it could be seen as a figurative kind of conduction...that was my rationalization at least.

It's a false cognate... In my language they're the same word. I actually didn't even know conducive was a word at all, so it's useful to know.

Seriously, look at Stallman and tell me autists can't code.

And attacking people with kitchen knives.

They don't code. they write codes of conduct, generate pull requests on other people's projects to make documentation gender neutral, complain when people use terms such as "master/slave architecture" and "blacklist/whitelist" and write support tickets to get people removed from their own projects for years-old tweets.

Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.

I looked at CoralineAda’s GitHub profile. They actually have decent stuff up

Who da fuck is dat

Created a SJW Code of Conduct, propagandizes it heavily in open source circles and gets REALLY REALLY mad on Twitter when you decide not to use it on your project.

Thanks for the recap!

We have updated our code of conduct to version 6.78 please respond.

Many of our previous edge case scenarios of tech support projects using our code has confused our github namedrop juxtaposition word salad as something moderately useful. Thus our code of conduct has been simplified as follows:

-replaced entire thing with bullet point "piss off the shitlibs"

got a twitter link?? I can't see to find when this tranny was originally posted

It was Ruby that she was trying to get her CoC into and she was smacked down.

For reference. Search Twatter for "Coraline Ruby" and you'll see the salt mines.

I remembered seeing that freak shows face on here before but Reddit has been fucking up for me lately. I'll sort by New and get 12-15 hour old posts mixed in with actual new stuff.

she her

You have to go back...

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Whoa, good drama, thanks. I’ve read up to comment #112 so far

Why do they all have purple hair?

Mental illness.

Poisonous creatures tend to be brightly coloured as a warning sign

More like what the fuck is that.

Holy shit I'm not gonna read this fucking tome

Bonus Drama, as a followup to this event:

Basically, "lolcow didn't do anything wrong", the github issue.

That one MadHatter (not going to use their l33t h4x0r spelling) really seems big on transparency.

Are we witnessing a call for ethics in OSS journalism?

So let me get this straight...

These people, who've contributed absolutely nothing to project, swoop in out of nowhere and start demanding you use their special people club CoC. and you're just supposed to spend two days discussing it with them?

Who the fuck lets people push them around on their own project. let alone people who couldn't contribute if they wanted to.

But you see, if you'll just bend over backwards for our whims, then you can get more diverse people like US in your project!

Nice project you have there... It would be a real shame if people found out it wasn't .....Inclusive.

that's the face of an unhealthy person

Lol. Calling it a person and not an abomination.

So little life left in xirs eyes

What is it about sitting in front of a PC all day that turns people into trannies?

The bazaar is dead. Long live the cathedral.

we all should really be using the abrms license

Epic pasta:


The problem that you are raising, which might exist in your society, is not universal.
Not every society works like yours. Some problems of your zannen society only generate disbelief.
The world is diverse, and your strength and limitation are not everyone's.
You would be greatly inspired to respect this diversity and acknowledge it instead of presuming
everyone should be protected of problems which are fundamentally yours.
It takes some humility to recognize it but that also opens up a better understanding of
the world.

Should you feel like it is a real problem in your society, it would be a first step to tackle it
at the appropriate level and not in some obscure technical circle. Indeed the point you are
raising has nothing to do with Ruby.

People going to non-ruby conferences, people not going to conference at all, they should
also not be subjected to harassment. If you are humble enough, you will recognize that this
thought of yours is not original and new. That's why civilized societies organized
themselves around a code of conduct which they call a law.

This idea of having a law is a very old one, and went through many reforms as it is not easy
to have the necessary checks and bounds. It would be very presumptuous, on top of being
illegal, to imagine that you can pretend to have such balance in place on your own at
a worldwide scale, and reconcile what is non-acceptable here with what is completely normal

Some people seem to believe that having a CoC solves issues - which is nonsense of course.
It's not nonsense. I have seen CoCs solve issues. The Portland Ruby community has a code of conduct and it hasn't had to be used often, but it has been used to solve several issues that community members have come to us with.

Then by all means, have a Code Of Conduct if you feel like the population of Portland need one.
But those concerns talks about this population and it has nothing to do with the technical
concerns of a programming language, especially used worldwide.

You should again realize that this place you are describing is very specific and the situation
of : an english colony, having replaced natives, with a history of slavery, in needs of communicating
how nice they are, while having no intention of giving back the stolen territory, is a very
specific situation. Most of the world out there does not experience any of this.
Most of the word does not have this dire need to send out there some message about how
good they are.

I have the impression that some expect a CoC ensures maximum happiness of all community members. This will never happen as conflicts are human.
This isn't about ensuring maximum happiness. Again, it's about having a documented way of what we feel constitutes real harassment and how to deal with it when it occurs.

Documenting it means giving the instruction manual to deranged minds on how to abuse it.
Quite the opposite, it is essential, should you want to really foster a good spirit, you would keep
a technical realm technical and oriented toward technic and nothing else.

But abuse is precisely what is looked after here, and the reason why this first step is played out.

May be some kind of compromise will be reached giving the power to Matz in front of a moderate
pushback, but make no mistake, this is a first step before a 2nd, a 3rd and eventually a control.
Every step will be made in the name of some good cause. once for this. once for that.
Each step will actually be motivated by an ulterior motive.

A CoC will encourage some bad, unnecessary or unwanted behaviors:judging and policing of others pointing to the "law"
spending time on working on the CoC
even founding a CoC Committee
debating interpretation of particular rules (while creating the CoC, but also later on)
Nobody is going to be judging or policing. People just wanna be a part of Ruby without being afraid to show themselves for who they are.

Some people just saw that people are manipulable, good hearted, well meaning, and decided to abuse of it
to foster their political agenda.

We are grown ups and every grown up should know how to behave. Those who are not, will remove themselves from the community by their behavior or be removed by the community - regardless whether a CoC exists or not.
Being a grownup doesn't mean one knows how to behave.

The grown up have already made laws. As a citizen you can vote for them.
As a ruby programmer, you have nothing to say about what it means to be a grown up or not.
You are confused and mixing genres.

If we follow your twisted direction, why not have the Senate vote on evolution of the Ruby language ?

And while yes, a CoC is not required to remove people from the community for awful behavior, it is important to be able to state why someone was removed and why that behavior was awful. It's also important to state how someone could be welcomed back if they choose to work hard at returning.

Awful behavior .. like trying to impose something that Ruby has nothing to do with ?
Awful behavior .. like having the prevention of being morally qualified to punish people ?
Or like bringing your political ideas to some technical project ?

I do not support the goal of featherbedding everybody. There are too many people insulted by peanuts that make noise or even harm others. People need to learn (again) that life also has its harsh sides and nobody is entitled a first row seat in heaven.
This isn't about a first row seat in heaven, either. This is about literally basic human rights to participate in this public space without being harassed.

For once you are right. This is about basic things.
So basic that it's kind of not at all the mission of some programming language to deal with it.
So basic that it has already been taken care of in a legislative framework.
It would be a great service to everyone if you could recognize this basic fact

I very much prefer the Buddhist approach to define the noble goal ("reduce suffering") and leave it to the individual's responsibility to do the needful in every situation than other religious approaches which give detailed rules ("here are the rules, this is forbidden, this is allowed") which tend to be applied thoughtlessly across the board.
Individuals don't tend to take action when they're in a group unless they're pointed to and told, "Hey we need you to do this thing." A CoC makes folks more likely to speak out when they see bad behavior.

I am sure all the people who contributed to making Ruby will appreciate the fact that they "did not take action"
No doubt they were waiting for you to come and tell them what to do.
Or do you mean Ruby is a negligible outcome ?

Or are you talking of something completely different than Ruby ?
Then dont argue of things irrelevant to Ruby on





That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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ph (ph ph) Wrote:

Coraline Ada Ehmke wrote:

Suggested draft for community guidelines. I've tried to incorporate language that other people have suggested without losing any context or important criteria.
== Ruby Community Guidelines ==
As part of our collective culture we believe that the Ruby community should be open and welcoming to everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

What on earth is "gender" VS "gender identity" VS "gender expression" ?

If english is not the language to be used, I would suggest we switch to Japanese.
Using the language of the legitimate creators and owners of Ruby would seem appropriate and
help filter the discussion from outsiders wanting to impose outside constraints.

This document provides community guidelines for a safe, respectful, productive, and collaborative place for people engaging with and contributing to to the Ruby community. It applies to all collaborative spaces and documents, including mailing lists, IRC, submitted patches, big reports, and pull requests.

Who said providing a "safe, respectful, productive, and collaborative place" was more a priority now than yesterday ?
Who says that those guidelines provide a "safer, respectfuler, productiver, and collaborativer place"
than not having them ?

Participants must ensure that their language and actions are free of personal attacks and disparaging personal remarks.

What about "Audience must ensure that their ears only listen to language and actions which they
deem to be free of personnel attacks" ?

Ruby is a programming language. There is no specific reason to be taking extra care apart from what is
normally taken and to which everyone, in Ruby or not is entitled.
That protection is given by the law. Any action you will take against the law will
be punished by the law. We have no right to craft legislation on our own.

Participants must agree that the use of sexual imagery, sexual language, and sexual advances are not conducive to a professional environment and must be avoided.

Again, those points have nothing to do with Ruby.
In Europe, breast in public at the beach are not considered sexual.
Among the victorian society you represent, it is considered so.
Now Ruby should have an opinion too ?

If that was not enough, the subtle and understandable distinction you
make yourself of "gender" VS "gender expression" VS "gender other",
guarantee byzantine discussion as to what is sexual and what is not.

And honestly, your opinion on those subject are irrelevant to
Ruby the language in the first place. Take them with you, and tell them
to interested people, not to a technical community.

Should you persist on perturbing this technical community with your
political ideas, it will be perfectly warranted to take positive action
unambiguously opposite of the ones you are promoting, in order to
disincentive you to persist on imposing your crazy ideas.

Participants must not publish non-public contact information about other members of the community, including physical addresses or other private information.
Participants who disrupt the collaborative space, or participate in a pattern of behaviour which could reasonably be considered harassment will not be tolerated.

What about animal cruelty and pedophilia ?
What makes those subjects unrelated to Ruby less worthy than the other subject
unrelated to Ruby that you want to introduce here ?

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

I ask you to stop your unacceptable behavior.
Please comply immediately.

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by sending an email to [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Respondents are obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.

Please stop abusing this technical community by polluting it with your political ideas.
Please stop considering you entitled to be able to judge anyone.
Please be respectful of others, and the collective effort they have put in having
such a wonderful language.
Please be humble enough to not think they were waiting for you to start respecting other.

We believe that by thoughtfully abiding by these community guidelines, we help Ruby fulfill its promise to make people happy and to put the needs of the community first.

You believe many things that the rest of the world does not believe

still unemployed then?

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this motherfucker...


Updated by ph (ph ph) over 2 years ago

Motohiro KOSAKI wrote:

ph ph wrote:
Vjatseslav Gedrovits wrote:
OK, let's step back and see the bigger picture.
I will kiss you three times whenever.
Please don't use kiss you or hug you or such kind of expression in an international community like here.

The message is not directed to you. The recipient perfectly understand it.
Although what you want to do good, what you end up with is bad irrelevant personnel opinion and censorship.

These words are ok (e.g. In my understanding, Russian people kiss each other for greeting like handshake) in some country

In many countries it is the case, notably in what constitute "Europe", loosely described
as the joint experience of the Greco-Roman civilisation, Christianity, and the Enlightenment.

It existed for thousands of years, and will exist for thousands of years.
it would be a good idea to get used to the idea that they have distinct custom
which you may not understand or agree with, but which will nonetheless withstand,
at any cost, and whatever you consider legitimate or not, any attempt to shut them.

and not ok in other (In US, there is wide consensus it's not ok).

Please do not enforce your mix of american values onto me.
No one asked what american or afghanis consider sexual or not.

Please keep it for yourself, and let other live the life they want.

I don't ask your gender nor nationality. Instead, I'll ask you just don't do that. I don't recommend any of sexual word even if it is widely used as an idiom.

I don't ask you for your reaction or your opinion.

I understand you have no evil intention and I don't think this message should be deleted, but please choose your word carefully a bit more.

You are so kind to everyone.
Please keep your kindness to you and people around you.


It is me who thank you very respectfully

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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if this guy died tomorrow tech would unquestionably be better off