People in /r/UnixPorn fight about Astolfo's gender, thread gets locked.

21  2018-08-31 by VozyCozyX


This is why we need mayocide.


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Wow, they really hate traps.

They’re afraid to admit they like bussy

These nerds really know a lot about what these anime traps identify as.

What is it with people that use Linux distros and being weebs, anyway? At first I thought it was just a /g/ thing.

Most nerds are weebs

Astolfo is Astolfo. Which is to say 'functionally insane'

You'd have to be to survive fate's storyline.

I dont care how Astolfo identifies because, you know, he isn't real.

He looks feminine though - and deliciously flat, at that - which is why I fap to porn of him.

Absolutely degenerate

They need to learn to love Astolfo's Bussy, he doesn't have Gussy smh

Alstolfo is a boy. In fate he literally says outright he's a boy.

He's canonically male, just really, really feminine.