Senile Boomers Believe that CIA and NSA are Mo More Because QAnon Wills It

62  2018-08-31 by WistopherWalken


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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I lower my gaze so I can check dat ass out tbh

My fucking toaster broke. Thanks a lot, Q

Thanks Qbama

Fuck! He got my deep state blender, too.

NSA is a spy 🕵️‍♂️ agency. Fact.

Ok lets pretend for a moment you are the 4chan tards who came up with Q.

I'd be scared ever fucking shitless right now because they will be found out eventually, and would need to go into hiding.

So I kinda expect him to say something cryptic about being in danger and be never heard from again to "die".

I mean if I were in the driver's seat - and I'm not saying I am - I'd juice these boomers for their retirement money. Funny enough, I'm pretty sure that's what's happening.

You don't sound very sure...

Parker and Stone need to write a South Park episode where Cartman is the guy behind Q.

Cartman and Butters with Butters starting to panic while Cartman tries to exploit it until he realizes how fucked he is.

It's perfect, I can already picture it in my head.

Butters you black asshole, either we write this on the internet or the russians will. Do you like grizzley bears and vodka?

Who gave boomers internet access anyway

AARP has gone too fucking far

I think NSA NO MORE. Means that the FVEY intelligence Black Hats have lost access to the NSA. This is effing HUGE! They are deaf and blind now. I would like to see Bill Binney and his VIPS Patriots welcomed back home where they belong.


They're showing their age. The only Bill Binney I could find was a Canadian hockey player who died in 1961.

Billy Binney is a real guy. He was an NSA Whistle Bloomer. A great guy.

The QANON people are tarnishing his name by mentioning him.

Gas all boomers tbh

This is the funniest shit I've ever seen

Reading those comments feels like stepping into an alternate reality. Absolutely delusional.