US Congress member expresses public support for Ethnostate, naturally Twitter is outraged

34  2018-08-31 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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That's apparently what they think.

Imagine being a Member of Congress, someone who creates laws for the most powerful nation on earth, and doing some capeshit shit at a funeral like you're a common neckbeard.

this is why we need omnicide

Dude do it

Twitter is still blowing up about it. It’s kinda like announcing your engagement at a wedding.

It’s kinda like announcing your engagement at a wedding.

Which is perfectly fine if you're doing a polygamy speedrun on hardcore mode.

I do, I do, I do, I do, bury that one .... ahhhh done.

"HAHA yeessshh you slay girl do that thing from a movie made by white old men marketing to teens!!!"

No wonder black people are always oppressed if they are this retarded.

"Crazy Rich Azns' >_<" proves that slopes are even more retarded fampai

Perhaps not the most appropriate context. While overshadowed by Killmonger's plans, I wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of a modern state with a leader determined through trial by combat. (It's one of my least favorite forms of government, shortly behind strange women in lakes distributing swords.)

a modern state with a leader determined through trial by combat.

To the best of my knowledge there is nothing in the United States Constitution or statutes that disqualifies an individual in the Presidential line of succession if they kill the President and anyone above them in the line of succession. They could be impeached, but they would still have obtained the office for a time.

good premise for a film

strange women in lakes distributing swords.)

Are the tits hanging out though? It is a crucial detail.

It's just a comic book movie made to sell toys and cartoons. Why are people so stupid?

black people

"Auntie Maxine"

cool whine aunt

How come when she does it's sooo cool, but when I did the attack on titan salute at prom everyone lost their minds? smdh

We are past the mayocide. We need the omnicide.


You have to go back...

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I've not read the tweet but I want it to be a afrolatinx ethnostate. Pl0x.