Another installment in the never-ending saga of Mike Matei's dick

147  2018-09-01 by shitpost953

First, some background. Last year r/TheCinemassacre had so much drama, they ended up with the top posts on r/Drama (here) and /r/OutOfTheLoop (here). They made the top post not once but twice on SRD.

The drama was over Mike Matei, who made racist cartoons and posted his dick to r/TheCinemassacre + plus a massive modmail leak (choice cuts) giving behind-the-scenes details. Mike then removed all of the mods who said mean things about him, and banned everyone who even brought it up. Mike did DMCA takedowns on all of the imgur albums that had the screenshots of what he did, so if you follow the Drama, OOTL, or SRD links, the best pics are all gone. But former r/TheCinemassacre mod, u/ZadocPaet, posted this YouTube video, which is a summary of what went down, including the juicy pics. It's like 10 mins, but it'll get you up to speed.

A group of fans even made a community called r/TheCinemassacreTruth so they could talk about all of the banned topics and various shenanigans. The mods went back to r/AVGN, which had been closed for a long time after the two subreddits merged.

Fast forward to today. If you visit the subreddit, you'll see that many threads are locked.

Recently, the show took on some new hosts (Kieran, Justin) from a company called Screenwave. It seems nobody likes these guys.

Everyone really liked a guy who got fired from the show called Bootsy. Like the dick pic and the racist comics, even mentioning Bootsy used to earn you a ban from Mike. More on that later.

Two days ago a post was made, titled, "James, for the love of Cinemassacre PLEASE STOP LETTING SCREENWAVE CRONIES TAKE OVER YOUR CHANNEL!!"

This thread is juicy and full of drama all on its own. It's spectacular, really. It was the top post. There's a pretty good comment thread where the one of the moderators, /u/BTNMasherDraco, comes in to white knight for Mike, gets downvoted as the community is really fed up.

This thread also led to one of the new hosts, Kieran, coming out of the woodwork, so to speak, and joining in on the white knight jerk around Mike.

This is where Bootsy comes into play. He was a fan favorite on the YouTube channel. He's the only one of the crew who is really good at video games. Yesterday, he made this tweet, adding fuel to the fire. The tweet shows how even though he's fired, Cinemassacre added seven ads to one of his videos, for which he gets nothing. It also makes pretty much anyone not wanna watch. It's a dick move. The thread was immediately locked, so no one was allowed to comment on it. But it was still the top post on the sub.

The Kieran character leveled up his white knight skills by visiting /r/TheCinemassacreTruth and proceeding to troll its users. Here's a delicious album of his comments. And here's the thread about it. He tells fans things like they don't know shit, to know their role and shut their mouth, that he has an NDA which prevents him from clearing the air, despite his desire to do so (lol, ya right), how the fans are not fans but really trolls, and so on. It's good stuff. It's exactly what you want when you're trying to do fan outreach. Dude got banned (and immediately unbanned). The mod who banned him said, "FYI I banned him for making spammy, personal-attack threads, but quickly lifted the ban after suggestions from other posters."

If that's not good enough, Kieran then went back to /r/TheCinemassacre, made a novel of a non-apology defending himself, calling everyone who was banned by Mike, saw his dick post, or said he made racist comics a liar, and deleted his account. This thread was eventually locked, but not until after some juicy comments like, this top one:

The fact no one knows who this is/was may indicate the current issues with the channel.


I'm assuming this is one of the guys from the Cinemasscre rental reviews, but not sure which.

That's because no one even really knows who they are. It's like they expected this adoration for showing up on reddit, but no one cared. AVGN has been established for over a decade. They guys just showed up and started making a lot of videos with no introduction, causing irritation for the longtime fans.

Says one fan:

They never introduce them, even the rampage review they just start talking. The description says their names but how can we even start to like them if we have no idea who anyone is?

Seriously, when one user asks, "Who the fuck are you?" one of the new hosts identifies himself, and is met with negative comment karma for just saying who he is.

There's a lot of yummy drama in that entire thread, so enjoy.

Going back to Bootsy drama...

The story doesn't end here. Yesterday, one of the mods of r/TheCinemassacre (u/BTNMasherDraco) told users that it wasn't Cinemassacre that put ads on the Bootsy video, it was Nintendo who put the ads up, and gets absolutely rekt in a comments thread today about another Bootsy tweet that confirmed that it was not Nintendo's doing. Also, it's common sense. Nintendo doesn't own the IP to the game in question. The game is Battletoads, it's made by Rare, which is owned by Microsoft.

Even when faced by this verifiable fact of reality, BTNMasherDraco doubled down, claiming that Nintendo somehow owns the rights to Battletoads even though they do not.

If that wasn't enough, BTNMasherDraco went over to /r/AVGN where a thread on the same topic was made an hour earlier, he made the same claim, seemingly eager to collect dozens of downvotes.

As if lying about Nintendo isn't enough, u/BTNMasherDraco seemed eager to revisit last year's racist-dick-drama-fest el spectacular 2017. He claimed that Mike Matei apologized for his dick pic posts.

When u/zadocpaet and /u/thelocobandito called him out on his lie (here and here), he claims that last year's nonapology was really an apology. An obvious lie that spread all over this sub and other parts of reddit last year. But that's not the best part. It's these two bits.

u/Zadocpaet offered him 6 months of reddit gold for merely pointing to any statement where Mike even acknowledges the dick pic.

That's a lie. Show me once where he even acknowledged its existence and you've got a month of reddit gold on me. Edit: I'll up it to six months.

That's not the best part, of course you know I saved that for last. The best part is that /u/ButtonMasherDraco claimed that Mike didn't even post his dick pic on reddit, despite the fact that the dude was white knighting for Mike in the /r/Drama threads last year, which contained the actual screenshots (also shown in Zadocpaet's video).

He didn't post it on reddit and was before my time as mod. Guess you're just bitter.

It gets better when he talks about it being before his time. u/ZadocPoet comes back hard with a screenshot from modmail from Draco first first became a mod where Zadoc being warned about the dick pic situation.

TL;DR the crew of Cinemassacre are lobbying hard to become of the official mascots of this sub.


Wow, that's a lot of links! The snapshots can be found here.

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Look at what you've done to snappy. Zhe's so horrified zhe forgot to post a quote

Click on the link, it's you were put down

There are articles written 'bout abused reddit mods, but no one cares about the hardest working entity in this sub - Snappy.

#pray4Snappy #SnappyKanye2020

This but unironically; Snappy is my god.



pics or it's limp

Lmao what a wild ride and once again Mike is the lolcow that keeps on giving. I wonder how James feels about all of this though.

He's been working on a lot of projects for the past while according to a recent video, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume he doesn't know about most of this stuff. James seems like a good guy, I would hope he'd step in if he did

I think James doesnt really give a damn what happens in regards to the gaming portion of Cinemassacre as long as he can make his videos, make his money, and raise his family and focus on other projects.

As long as he can do what he loves he probably figures may as well let his talentless friends piggyback off his internet celebrity on the channel as any extra content is just extra content on top of the main course of AVGN videos that are still released but in much less frequency.

At this point I would much rather there be a separate AVGN channel. If they think the non-AVGN content is good enough to stand on it's own then let it be it's own channel. If James is okay associating his brand with this new content (Which is heavily movie based anyways so seems to conflict with what a lot of the fans are there for mainly anyways) then he shouldn't be afraid to removes the channels safety net of AVGN.

Honestly the whole thing could tank and I’d be happy so long as James comes out of it ok.

There is an evidence of people forced to sign NDA on Cinemassacre, so we will probably never know what James feels about all of this.

still waitin on snally to accept the mod invite and until then all of /r/subredditdrama can suck my benis xDD

God Mike was always the worst part of the cinemassacre channel. Just a ridiculously unfunny douchebag. What's worse James seems incredibly passive and just lets Mike run everything for some reason, even though he has zero talent, and contributes absolutely nothing of value to AVGN. Mike's constantly shoving himself into the videos, and never improves them.

James and Bootsy were the only people with talent on there, unfortunately due to Mike's giant ass ego I don't think he could stand being upstaged so he fired him. Great for the channel. What a fucking douchebag. James needs to cut this loser free and stop letting him rampage like a little child all over his fanbase.

Mike ruins pretty much every video he's just by interrupting everyone. He even ruins James & Mike Mondays. James even seems annoyed by him most of the time. I can't figure out why Mike is part of Cinemassacre other than some legal reason, and friendship. Also James seems like the nicest person on Earth. Ironically, I can't imagine him being angry lmao. Hopefully James is the sole owner of the company.

Yeah, it's hilarious that he's most known for portraying an angry character.

Also I just looked up some of the Loco Bandito cartoons. These are a crime comedy.

What the fuck is even the joke here?

This is just gross


Even by the standards of mid-00's amateur edgy web comics these are bad. It makes Ctrl+Alt+Del look like Alan Moore.

Hoooooooly shit I don't even know who any of these people are, but those cartoons are some next level retarded. I've seen 11 year olds with ODD who make better jokes than this.

I feel like those comics are just...they’re good for a quick cheap low brow attempt at humor but not much else. It’s like family guy and mr pickles had a three way with brickleberry but it’s uncensored. Honestly I was surprised this was something mike drew and wrote.

I concur.

I mean at first I found some of the jokes...ok like for a quick laugh. Not even a laugh like a small grin. The next day? I forgot about them. At the end of the day what are the comics? A cheap Spencerz edgy joke comic which has a punchline as clever as opening a door. It’s forgettable and honestly nothing to be too offended at. It tries so hard to be offensive it seems mike just wanted to make something that would get attention. Unfortunately you can’t force something to be memorable. Think about the Best of AVGN. When you think of AVGN are there any specific scenes you’d remember every time you think of the nerd?

Yes. From small things like “it’s 2015, it’s time to say scrotes” or big awesome moments like the slasher movie game reviews where he fights Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, and leatherface.

I don’t know what I’m talking about I guess I’m just trying to come up with a reason for why these comics existed and why they aren’t really something to get offended by and just stir over. I think I may have lost whatever point I was trying to make

actual answer: mike does most of the editing, is the source of most of their (usually wrong) vidya knowledge, but most importantly the guy who actually makes money likes him

most importantly the guy who actually makes money likes him bc he knew him as a kid or something

Especially this. Editors can be replaced. Nerds can be hired. But only one kind of person can exploit James being a genuinely good person.

is it exploitation if they’re just both in denial?


Actually the screenwave guys edit everything now. I think mike just streams games on twitch for 8 hours a day and uploads the streams on youtube.

I think Mike still edits the James and Mike videos. But AVGN episodes are now edited by Screenwave guys.

Kieran confirmed that Tony edits all J&MM. I would post the comment but he deleted his reddit account so yeah.

James became famous due to the AVGN character.

I'm gonna take you back to the past. Specifically 2004. James didn't own his own games, and was borrowing them from Mike. James was making tons of random (mostly awful) videos for his personal website, including the original two "Angry Nintendo Nerd" videos. As you'd expect, basically nobody saw them. Mike convinced James to create a youtube channel in 2006, his 5th video (TMNT) went viral, and the rest is history.

Outside of the AVGN persona, James has admitted he's not a huge gamer, and is more interested in old movies, board games, and books. The fact is, without Mike the AVGN character probably wouldn't have taken off, and without AVGN James wouldn't be in the position he's in today. I personally feel Mike's a dick and should've stayed behind the camera (or inside a costume), and I don't understand why James basically handed him the reins to his youtube channel... although chances are it's the result of one of the following:

  • James did it out of gratitude for Mike basically setting him up for life,
  • The two of them signed some sort of contract in the early days that gave Mike a majority control over what's posted to the youtube channel (since setting it up was Mike's idea), or
  • James is sick of constantly creating content for youtube and is happy with Mike loading the channel with garbage as long as the ad dollars keep rolling in.

And don't get me started on Ryan and the rest of the Screenwave vultures.

Mike didn't convinced James to create a youtube channel, he made a channel to show James how popular avgn episode got there.

The contracts are probably started once Ryan entered the play. Not to mention there was a time when James was part of GameTrailers, Screwattack, so he probably had contracts with them

He doesn't run the website, that is ryan's job (unless you're talking about his blog)

all i know is like 8 years ago he was signing off on all the update posts

Mike had a big part in making AVGN what it is, but he needs to stay off camera. And off the internet.

The one time James got back at Mike for interrupting him lol.


What's worse James seems incredibly passive and just lets Mike run everything for some reason

Well, Mike created the channel in 2006. So that has been the case since the beginning.

God what an insufferable faggot

This would almost be alright if someone on 4Chan had made it specifically for the purpose of mocking Mike. As Mike apparently made it himself, I am legitimately concerned.

I feel a lot better about myself after reading about these shit people

Yeah, I always worry that I'm being a retard on the internet and then I see something like this and realize I wouldn't even do it if I was sleepwalking.

After the Ghostbusters (2016) debacle, James is bulletproof afaik. If anyone can ruin Cinemassacre, it's Motherfucker Mike.

Holy shit, Dennis IRL

Poor James. Mike has always been an insufferable bastard: I beat 98% of this retarded choices came directly from him

I honestly cant believe a man child furry who plays vidya all day would show his penis on the internet...

...Fucked up...

He's a furry?

Thought him and James both were furfags

First of all, the PC term is furverts (thank you college humor) and second, James appears to be the innocent party so why don’t you watch who insult.

I got about 3 sentences in before it became too difficult for me to pretend that this was more interesting a u/MasterLawlz Ben 10 essay.

The fuck is a Ben 10.

How big is Mike Matei’s penis?

gotta be an ok size, since according to that one mod:

"I'm drunk and that is a nice penis"

There was a sort of running in joke among the cinemassacre community that Mike had a big dick, due to several photos where there's a giant snake in his pants (probably an accident of lighting). Mike, retard that he is, could not just sit back and laugh at these jokes, he had to be like "No my penis really is giant!" So he took a picture of his erect penis side by side with a tape measure showing it as 10 inches. Only thing is that people quickly realized this was a fake perspective trick, he held the tape measure further back from the camera to make it appear as if his dick was larger than it was. Like demonstrated at 5m17s in this youtube video:

Tl;dr: Mike is a mentally ill autist

this just proves to me that youtube and youtubers were a massive fucking mistake and it all needs to be burned to the ground

I was led to believe there'd be a dick pic here???


I'm drunk and just finding out about this shit. Such a fucking outstanding accusation to have no proof of though. Maybe when I'm not drunk if I still give a shit, it'll make more sense.

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Interesting to see myself featured a few times. Regarding introducting themselves they actually do in the rampage review, just a few mins in and I missed it. It has been a weird journey though to see these guys randomly show up that have apparently been involved for years and cinnemassacre assumes we know them? Ryan, Justin, the hack the movies guy, Kieran (infamously) all interact with people and are pissed no one knows who they are. Just say your names at least! They do not take criticism well. And the sub locks most topics these days. The charming low quality of past AVGN videos lose its charm when it turns out James has been paying a production company to help out. It's too bad an era has ended the last few years for the website

They should have done an intro in at least the first 10 or so new vids they were in. There are plenty of massive content creators that intro themselves in every video.

If all these guys did was a quick intro in a single random video out of the 1000+ videos on the channel then what do they expect.

Well it's not like they've been doing this for years and know what they're doing... O wait...

Mike Matei is one of the most boring youtube personalities I have ever seen. His let's play videos are Dark Syde Phil level unbearable. Actually they're worse beause at least DSP's butthurt squealing and saltiness is good for a laugh every now and then. Matei's uploads are just dismal slogs through obscure games set to dull and unfunny commentary.

sigh first #ChangeTheChannel, now this.

oh thank god

Got to experience all of this as it happened. I’ve been a fan of AVGN and Cinemassacre since the beginning. The ousting of Bootsy, the 2nd most popular guy on the site besides the face of the channel, with little to no explanation really rubbed me the wrong way. Then, these talentless blackholes of charisma show up and expect us to worship them on the reddit, and one of them had a meltdown once he realized no one gave a shit. Content quality is DOWN. Then, Bootsy shows how scummy they are by showing they retroactively threw 7 ads on a 12 MIINUTE video Bootsy had made. Just, ugh.

Sad in life when you're only known for your 10 Inch Cock and being the worst part of a nearly 2 decade series

Hi guys apparently this is a hate sub. Commenting here so I'm involved. Cheers!

I love Bootsy and want justice but cmon guys, just leave Mike alone. He's a bit delusional at times and not perfect but he's still overall a good guy and a human. Just chill on him a bit.

Justin a Kieran got name dropped and I didn't. Damn it...

Do You realize no one likes you? Really you are a dime dozen fat fuck movie reviewer that has no character. You literally suck off cinemassacre you are a nobody.

I'm confused...A lot of people comment on Youtube that they liked me whenever I stream with mike or when I did the Halloween videos with James. I can provide screenshots if you want. Its possible you missed them. I miss details too sometimes. It happens. Sorry about the fat. I set up my home gym in my new apartment and finally got a surgery on my leg for something that was preventing me from doing cardio. I hope to make a change. If you have any tips or helpful weightlifting routines let me know. You probably haven't checked my channel but I actually have a ton of characters! Some are well liked and others not so much. Its 50/50. Thanks for the feedback though. Let me know if there is anything I can do to make my presence on the channel more enjoyable.

To make it more enjoyable: leave. No one wants you on cinemassacre you have damaged James’s brand.

I'm really sorry. Leaving isn't an option at the moment but I'll let you know if anything changes. Again I'm a little confused about the hurting brand thing. I checked social blade and all the stats were pretty good. Do you use a different site that shows analytics for channels? Id love to get your sources and cross reference them. Thank you!

Getting 200k views for a channel with 2 mil subs isn’t really good.

I think getting between over 15-20 millions views per month with only 2 million subs is pretty good. Like I said before pretty much everything is in the green. You can look it up on social blade or whatever alternate site you use for stats. Would still like to know that source. Also do you have a background in SEO or channel managing? If so Id love to get some help with my small channel. I just want to make sure your credentials check out. Appreciate any help I can get.

No background in seo. To be honest I think you’ve missed your chance to make it big with your channel. It’s a niche community to begin with and even the marquee channels don’t get that many views anymore. There is a lot of over saturation for channels that review your type of movies in your style, and frankly not much demand for that style of content. Frankly your channel brings nothing new to the table we haven’t seen before.

Did you watch any of my videos? I don't do too many reviews anymore. Except for my "Just Like the Movie" show which is sporadic. I do parodies of trailer reactions though among other things. Even Vr content. Need to get back into that though.

Why is everyone so harsh? I don't understand why you are all being overly mean. I'm not trying to defend him, I just don't see what he's done wrong. Mike is a massive doucher but what did the other blokes do wrong?

lol hacktivists

"I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura."