Turns out one of the "Russian bots" was a big fan of AntiTrumpAlliance and FuckTheAltRight. Damn Russian bots!

141  2018-09-01 by Automatic_Meaning


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Yes. And?

OP is a NEET so this is a very exciting "got em" moment for him

mueller btfo thank you for your investigation

Where have you been?

it is hilarious that they think that "russian bots" only shill for the right-wing

I don't know if "hilarious" is the word I'd use... sad maybe? I'd actually bet that most of the shilling that goes on is in left-wing subs by people pretending to be left-wing.

It's way easier to infiltrate a popular group and push them into extremism by riling them up than it is to source a counter group to oppose them. All you have to literally do is join every discussion and make comments just a little more extreme than the nuttiest voice in the room. Keep doing that enough and then the most insane opinions become normalized.

Who in their right mind would pretend to be left-wing?

Russians wanting to sow more dissent and push Antifa to be more violent?

Holy shit, the real (retard) recallrethuglicans posting on /r/drama?!

Russians/Iranians/whatever trying to generate turmoil on each side of the political spectrum to weaken their targeted enemies? It isn't that hard

He literally just told you who would do that, you paste-eating retard.

Everyone missed your joke :'(

He's clearly the joke here

It's almost like you want to spell it out for them, but it's not funny if you do that.

At least we know, pretty definitively, who some of the biggest retards here are.

FWIW, I laughed.

This isn't anything new, and they probably know by now, but they are either in denial, or they just ignore it because it really goes against their agenda.

Because a leftist bot and a leftist have about the same attention span and argument ability.

Is this ironic or are you literally this retarded?


You mean this isn’t world-shaking new evidence that anybody that’s been paying the slightest attention didn’t know already?

That's an Iranian bot you retard.

Obviously it's just a well educated red blooded american who strangely gives too much of a shit about yemen and saudi arabia

Not too unusual in of itself. People have interests. I find the post-Soviet space fascinating, for example. Largely because they’re all such a bunch of shits.

Iran and Russia both pushing for that Syria pipeline

That post on their user page by /u/reddit is interesting

Russia takes a kitchen-sink approach to it's propaganda.

Yup. They want to create chaos, so they egg on opposing sides.

Reminder that Russia would profit from electing Clinton much more and if Kremlin knew that Americans are retarded enough to vote for Trump they wouldn't be stirring shit.

I'll have whatever drugs you're on, but double the dose, thanks

What if this is just a Iranian interested in the preservation of their country? They are in liberal subs bc the left is willing to say or do anything if it means opposing druntf.