The Tiki torches of League of Legends are lit, the white men call for aid!....and Hitler will answer

34  2018-09-01 by TenDeez


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Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Race war brews as the CIA asbergers containment project known as MOBA League of Legends convention bans white males from the conference room to kiss the asses of the hatchet wounds and Treyvon Martins who's shekels Yuan they want dumped into their autism awareness festival. Entire thread unleashes the might of the Wehrmacht SS.






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Let me see, here...oh yes, I think we have a 2:30 slot here for imperialist crackers, followed by a 3:00 for the spix (don't ask me, it's a "taking it back" thing.) But don't fret! Gay disabled queerfolx like OP are allowed to clean tables starting at 4 on the dot.

Oh sweety, Naxx was a Wrath of the Lich King raid, SORRY!

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<:::::[]=¤ (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)

It was a vanilla raid you casual fuck.


Lol it's not even closed for some feminist howl at the moon empowerment session, apparently shit like game design and careers is apparently only to be discussed only in the presence of pussy and feminine penis.

Institutional racism, a policy of segregation.

This isn't your edgy single uncle making douche remarks on Thanksgiving or anonymous Twitter accounts lul.

This is the hill I must die on

Imagine unironically playing LoL.

Headset on, knuckles cracked, tiki torches lit, yup. It's gamer time.

but literally, anyone can claim to be non-binary, problem solved. They literally can't doubt you because that would go against everything these people stand for


When your Chinese Dota ripoff gets too woke

LOL (literally, when you name you product like that you deserve anything that happens to you)