Sanctimonious faggots of SRD are mad Eminem called them faggots. Faggots.

81  2018-09-01 by Wololol0w


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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What's with this f-slur shit? Just say faggot you bunch of fucking lily white Americans. I mean for fucks sake what does n-word and f-slur do besides making this shit harder to follow? It's not hard to figure out (if you're a native English speaker) that n-word means nigger and f-slur means faggot. Just use the fucking words like an adult motherfucker!

Also lets go back to that native English speaker bit, do you have any idea how hard it is for forenginers to follow this shit when these fucks start throwing out shit like r-slur f-slut n-word? It's a real fucking pain! But of course none of those srdines fucking care, god forbid they ever try to speak in a way where they'll be clearly understand by non-Americans, they have to protect the feelings of a gaggle of morons who are some offended by the word faggot but not by the phrase f-slur despite knowing that f-slur means faggot

Imagine being so bussy blasted that faggots won’t say faggot. So partisan, smh

Imagine being so bussy blasted that SRDines won’t say faggot

it's not my fault I want a sexu brown girl to slap me around me around a bit and call me faggot, but it is the fault of srdines for stand n the wauy f that. In related news canda has a unbearable lack of slutty brown firls. we need to stat impotying thm from american. along with everclear. that stuff is awesoe

I think we've just solved the NAFTA trade dispute.


We should separate thicc latinas from their husbands 😈

Calling gay people fruits, flowers, fairies, or fudge-packers is one thing, but calling them French is going way over the line. I'd censor myself as well.

Like if you write the n-word out and you get doxxed you're going to get fired

He didn’t just say it, he used it multiple times as a slur himself to insult other gay people before he ever even announced he was gay

These guys are not going to be able to handle after meeting a real black person outside the internet.

meeting people in general must be hard for these guys

They can't handle poor people, period. Poor people are homophobic and sexist as hell for their standards.

I like how r/fatpeoplehate got banned, but r/trashy is thriving and is the same thing but shaming people for being poor

Weeeell shaming people for being poor AND shitting on the sidewalk

I'm not a fan of punching down, unless that person I'm punching down at is white.

Both do a have userbase full of those they make fun of

ITT: I could be better rapper, Eminem isn't even fresh it's so old!

All you have to do for tons of free media attention is say 'faggot'. It's easier than ever to trick retards into marketing your product for free.

Thanks for your input faggot

No problem. Do you have anything I could advertise for you?

My bussy needs some lovin'

Only on reddit will users get upset with the word faggot but are okay with racism

yo I swear only mayos pull this kind of bullshit

This but unironically. Caring about someone faggot is peak white people nonsense.

Getting offended on Tyler the Creators behalf over this is retarded. Here's a word cloud of his Goblin album, which was like his edgiest album (I think he got jealous over his buddy Frank Oceans success and decided to get all artistic and faggoty with Flower Boy, but his early stuff was edgy af).

What a bunch of faggots.

Eat my s@&t n-slur

you filthy maggot

Eminem's lucky that the shittiness of the album is being covered up by this dumb ass outrage

Hip hop has evolved a lot over the years, this sounds like pre-Kanye shit. Eminem should get with the times. It's funny that he's picking on Tyler too, Flower Boy was a masterpiece and definitely better in every way than this. Sure Tyler does not have the legendary status of Eminem, but he is definitely putting out better music these days.

Everyone here thinks it would be better for drama to pretend this albums good, they are fools for this

They're idiots who only know of Eminem because he's white and a rapper

He's the rapper of rural meth addicts everywhere

Eminem should stop recycling garbage from the 90's and innovate. The genre is no longer about just talking really fast.

Now I feel like I'm circlejerking so bye


Rap was unceremonious garbage when Eminem was around, all hip hop pre-Kanye is trash and needs to be banned. WTF were they even doing seriously putting such garbage out. All people found listening to white trash Slim Shady need to be kept safe. Inshallah. Peace be upon you brother.

Lol it's just computer beeps calm down

Did you really just try and tell me Tyler is better than Eminem LOL

Only art hoes listen to Tyler

tfw I only listen to country

Tyler is better than Eminem

Eminem is for trailer trash

Tyler is for 15 year olds that think smoking weed is the coolest thing above shit like shaved pussy.

Damn this shit kind of makes me wonder. Hiphop has come a long way, I remember in Chance The Rapper's acid rap he mentioned faggot slapper and that shit came out in 2013. If he said that today he would get crucified

Even the rappers are getting progressive?

Yea actually. But the push usually comes from people on twitter and these journalists. I have lurked black forums and usually they don’t care that much. Its mayos like the ones from hiphopheads that throws a hissy fit

The circle is finally complete, they've finally become the same as soccer mom. Also how do you get baited by Eminem in 2018.

Imagine being offended by Eminem in 2018.

Styles P - Kill that faggot

Eminem making contraversial music..imagine that!

Again, Bon fucking Iver knew everything about Eminem when they decided to collaborate and take the money, so stop kissing ass, you fake allies.

Also, this album was meh and yes Eminem is old af, this washed up album still better than most Eminem shit in last 10 years. but

To a twat in this thread saying that he's garbage - do you think that Eminem gives a shit about the opinion of some edgy white nerd from reddit, considering that his black peers constantly put him in their lists of anything from top 20 to Top 10 rappers.

Hot take - even washed up Eminem and drugged up DMX, even Ja fucking Rule > soundcloud and mumble rap.