They set their safe-space to private. Tushies have truly been smacked

380  2018-09-01 by smrt109




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you tell eem snappy 😤😤😤

My favorite Trump tweet

Every weekday ends in Y, and every Trump tweet ends with an exclamation point.

Somebody put this here, there's no way this was luck.

For reference, there's this message on the lock-out page now.

"After discussing it further, a ban of this size is infeasible and not many people would be interested in being involved with it. We are considering other options to get the admins to take action or respond.


Lmao so reality finally caught up to those retards

As it turns out, something entirely against the site rules is not a way to deal with a perceived slight against the site rules. One could argue some of the listed subs were breaking the "no harassment" rule, but that's an issue to be dealt with more on its own. I've not seen any unironic calls for brigading, though there does tend to be a sense of brigading going on in some bigger threads, so who knows/

Honestly if they had just targeted the real dipshits (TD, chapo, etc), it could have worked. Putting us and yiffinhell on the list is what made it a total joke.

Yeah. Like, if you're gonna call for Reddit to sort its shit out, look at the actual issues like T_D and Chapo. For example, KIA is kind of a shithole at times, but it's not a hate sub. They hate SJW ideology, and definitely some SJWs, but I don't think they hate people for what they are, rather for what they say. They do tend to go too far and have become somewhat too ideological in their own right but that's neither here nor there.

LOL Chapo is the not the left wing equivalent of T_D, sorry. I think you'd have to go with something like /r/fullcommunism at least.

Well, whatever. If you set a bar for what's not allowed, and T_D is over that bar, then you have to look at some things on the other side that are just as bad.

Like r/politics?

The whole of reddit should be banned

Lmao they sperg out and can't spell worth shit but they don't violate any of the site rules afaik

but they don't violate any of the site rules afaik

Suprisingly telling people they are Russian bots who should kill themselves are that all Republicans should kill themselves, or you a republican should kill yourself because you are and I quote "doing irreparable harm to both culture and the world" is against the Reddit rules

Okay but you literally get your comments removed within a few hours of you insult anyone. I can call you a shill and a cum guzzling retard and the most I would get here is maybe a ban of the mods decided to fuck with me

Okay but you literally get your comments removed within a few hours if you insult anyone.

Naw you don't, calling someone a Russian bot is "the same as accusing someone of being a CTR shill" according to Qu1nlan in the meta thread about how shitty Politics was quite a few months ago but you can be sure those reports if the offender who triggered politics is rightwing never have anything happen.

I can call you a shill and a retard


Amazingly most people hold /r/Politics to a higher standard than here.

republicans probably do wanna kill themselves these days

steve schmidt seemed like he wanted to

steve schmid


29 years and nine months ago I registered to vote and became a member of The Republican Party which was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and stand for the dignity of human life. Today I renounce my membership in the Republican Party. It is fully the party of Trump.


that's what i was talking about

that's specifically what i was talking about

You expected me to understand by republicans you meant the non-republican guy?

I mean I understand Schmidt has been melting down over time but he wasn't even invited to McCain's funeral oof

I mean, he was republican until like 3 months ago or whatever

and I didn't know he wasn't invited. Haha wasn't he the strategist? That's heavy fucking shade

Everyone knows if you go on MSNBC and agree with Racheal Maddow or Lawrence you lose your republican card, it's just like American Dad

God I love American Dad

That's my favorite lolcow ranch.

Sometimes it's nice to take a few days off the busy city life to quietly reflect God's intentions while patting the big beautiful lolcows bursting with lolmilk.

Holy fuck I love your comment

I love you ❤️

for real. Chapo is the left wing equivalent of /r/neoliberal. Rich, white milquetoast adolescents whose ambitions end at shitposting basic political talking points.

fullcommunism, fullanarchy, and LSC advocate for mass murder on a daily basis lmfao

Honestly I just love the word milquetoast

It ended up being more of a political statement of the views of the mods in charge of it, at least partially. While the message is obviously inaccessible now (and this screenshot could conceivably be fake), /u/n8thegr8 - one of the moderators of /r/TheBanout2018, but again I can't prove that anymore - said there are no left-leaning hate subs.

In other words, all the hate subs are centre or right-wing. The left is innocent.

That screenshot isn't fake. I saw the comment live.

I could ping the users in said screenshot to vouch for it being real, but it probably isn't worth the hassle, and even then, I could conceivably be plotting with them to some nefarious end.

Thanks for the vote of legitimacy, though.

I took my own screenshot of that.

So there you go.

N8 will just say, "Haha... I was trolling. I totally TRIGGERED the right-wingers... then we'll get a subreddit called 'right-wing fragility' out of it so the same group of power mods can harass redditors."

I need to bookmark this post for myself... because there's heavy odds that this is precisely what will happen.

n8's hypothetical future statement, but unironically

I love N8's faux-ironic seriousposting. The guy is an unintentional master of shit stirring.

sorry sweaty

You people really like to take the bait, don't ya

Same here.

I saw it too

Same. I cant vouch for the replies, but the actual comment is real.

I posted the screenshot that I took of the comment here.


Is pinging disallowed under this sub's rules? I'll edit my post if that's the case.

You’re allowed to ping former drama mods.

that user approved themselves to be pinged.

That was obviously bait, and all the rightoids munched on it hard af.

You ought to see what happened over at /r/darkjokes...

I saw that, what was it about? Was the sub super racist before hand or something?

Not really. I mean, it's dark humor.... it's gonna be crass as hell, rough as can be expected, and if someone doesn't particularly like dark humor they're going to be offended.

Yeah, that's bullshit. r/fullcommunism and r/completeanarchy call for the death of the bourgeoisie on a regular basis. They want to destroy the middle class by any means necessary and they're extremely hateful about it

I used to like them a couple years ago but they gradually got filled with more and more trumptards until browsing it was unbearable.

I mean r/fullcommunism and r/socialism are both worse than the chapotards.

Exactly, they basically want to destroy the middle class by any means necessary. "Death to the bourgeoisie" is a meme to them but it's still calling for the destruction of a large group of people

How tf is T_D even an issue? It’s as milquetoast as can be. The edgiest thing they do might be slightly mocking radical Islam.

The fact people act like it’s a problem shows that most people are retards.

The admins have done so much at this point to isolate them too that I don't get the focus on them. I think the place is a shit hole but I have to go out of my way to number into them so who gives a shit.

Did you intentionally tried to write this like Lobster daddy?

I'm sorry did I try to redefine every word I used every five seconds?


I put yiffinhell on it myself lol

I figured it'd be good publicity

LOL that’s beautiful

you aren't fooling anyone with the act furfag

did you take down my post on r/yiffinhell?

Brilliant. We have the breast mods, don't we folks?

mmm... breasts...


you'll still be up against the wall when they come for the furries

but cute

I'm not a furry

Dont worry, we'll sub Frenchie here in for you when it happens. You're the only furry for us! UwU

Copypastas notwithstanding, SRD, CB2, SRS, and every major sub we pissed off royally have pretty much convinced reddit we're a major hub for organized cyberharassment.

Which is fucking hilarious

What's wrong with yiffinhell being on that list?

It's the damnedest thing.

What were they planning to do?

A group of people who mod a ton of the default/major subs got butthurt and decided to make a list of “hate” subs with the intention of banning from their subs all of the users who participate in these hate subs. They just realized quite recently that this was a retarded idea

In the one sub I'm over Shane I set his perms to mail only just in case...smh I hate retaliatory moves like that but I hate the blanket band more.

Like againsthatesubs if it wasn't run by toothless retards?

But they already do that. I have been banned from like 7 subs for posting on MDE once.

lmao @ that sub list.

That's just the ones that was caught in the shot. Each one of the mods there have a shitton of subs they mod in, like it's some kind of dick measuring contest to see who can have more, and they want to ban anyone from all the subs they can if you post in their 'offensive' subs...hell, they got two of em in darkjokes and pretty much shut that place down.

Got triggered by CringeAnarchy


Reality is the original lolcow downvoter

I would have adored to see the shitstorm if they actually tried this and broke sitewide rules, and the admins being caught between "incite another TheFattening or ban all our power mods who do this shit for free".

I say.


Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar

Shooting at Reddit HQ Nov 21


Man, that's sad. I kinda wanted to see the banout actually happening. It would have been kinda like the banos snap except it made people mad instead of happy and would have ended with gallowboob getting his account suspended.

Same tbh


There's a slight difference in scale and criteria.

For the good old snap, the criteria was to have posted or commented in /r/thanosdidnothingwrong. Users were then presumably banned at random until half of the pool at the start were banned. Prior to the ban, that sub had at least 644,627 subscribers, and given that it has 563,669 now, there probably weren't too many more after that image, so approximately 320k to 330k were banned, from a very select pool. Even that took hours to complete, and required Reddit Admin approval.

What /r/TheBanout2018 was suggesting was all participating subreddits would ban any user who had been active in any 'hate sub'. Firstly, /r/The_Donald alone has 646,428 subscribers - more than the total that were in the snapping pool. Then add on more for all the other 'hate sub' users who aren't subbed to T_D. I'd estimate that would reach 1 million users. Also, what about users who aren't subscribed to a 'hate sub', but are active in them? Do they get banned? That would increase the total further.

Now all of those have to be banned from all participating subreddits.

The botting would be so incredibly obvious that the Reddit Admins would have to give permission, since there's no way they could turn a blind eye to a mass ban two to three times the size of what Thanos did, on multiple subs. At that point, wouldn't it be simpler to just ban the 'hate sub' in question if they agreed with what they were doing?

Thanks. I didn't wanna actually do the math, so I figured someone would do it for me if I was wrong.

would you have done the math if we were talking about money?

Only if I had a stake in it

I’d do the math if we were talking about money.... for money.

Also, what about users who aren't subscribed to a 'hate sub', but are active in them?

There's actually no way to get a list of subreddit subscribers. (Well the admins can do it but these people couldn't). They could only ban people based on comments in the other subs. Which would probably still be a lot, but I'm guessing 10%-50% of the subscriber total.

Either way, it's considerably more than Thanos did, and on many more subs.

And that means anyone who has ever been dragged here by mean pings would get banned off a bunch of default subs, LOL

Holy shit, if they do decide to do it we need to start mass pinging everyone we can to reply here. And even Gallowboob would get banned from his own subs for posting here

Let's say, by estimate, two million users go to their perceived hatesubs.

There are current 47 default subreddits, let's say the mods mod at least one of each.

That amounts to 94 million bans.

The /r/ThanosDidNothingWrong ban-spree took 2 hours, 43 minutes and 43 seconds to ban 350000 users.

Stretching this out to 94 million bans increases this to 30 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes and 37 seconds.

And that's not taking into account the hundreds of other big subreddits they moderate too.

tl;dr: Powermods have a BMI higher than their IQ.

It wouldn't take as long as that. There's a limit to how many users you can ban from a particular subreddit in a given timeframe, although I can't remember it off the top of my head. This doesn't effect other subreddits' ban limits, since that would be silly.

The ban time for 2 million users to be banned from a particular subreddit (it could be concurrent with other subreddits' bannings) is 56131 seconds, or 15 hours 35 minutes 31 seconds.

That said, it would be so obvious that an automated ban was occurring in blatant violation of the rules that they would simply have to get the permission of the admins. Also, it would possibly kill the servers, depending on the number of subs banning at once.

nice write-up nerd

Why are they trying to put us into the ban showers and ovens?


I am Jewish, and I survived 7 different death camps by hiding underneath the lampshade machines.

It was real in my mind.


You have to go back...

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Shane is a silly bitch



I posted in there about Gallowboob sending unsolicited semi-nudes to minors but now I can't find it in my history!

You mean that time Reddit swept documented sexual harassment by a power mod under the rug?

Meh, let them. Will just hurt them more when Gallowboob is inevitably outted as a pedophile and everyone throws SS's and archive links showing reddit admins were repeatedly warned

I hate that fucking dude.

And those photos? Straight into Spez's collection.

Is it possible to be a power mod and power bottom at the same time?

Never forget it took Something Awful and 4chan teaming up to get a subreddit about underage creepshots banned, right when reddit got super popular and mainstream.

/u/spez pls save us


/u/spez please encourage them

I guarantee you they're 100% still planning on doing it, they just say not going to get the heat off them.

If they do it, that will be an amazing fucking day for drama. We are gonna have so much fall out to pick through

IDK, man, GallowBoob and the other powermods that signed up for this treat their Reddit accounts as as precious of a possession as their two kidneys. If they were to actually try to carry out the banout2018, not only it would get reverted before it could even be finished, but also their accounts would get suspended, which would probably cause a few of them to an hero.

we can only hope

Are these the same mods that were part of that article of them whining about feeling traumatized for being unpaid janitors?

Yup, they even stickied an article about their whining 😂

This has to be an elaborate joke, it has to be. I know people get pathetic over their mod powers but there’s no way they can exceed that with this.

It’s more fun to take the /r/4chan or /r/drama route and mess with users, but if they’re serious that’s actually really sad.

Has to be a joke, I mean it's like 2 letters from bernout, a common insult about the people behind it,

If there’s anything we’ve learned from greatawakening it’s that there is no limit to how retarded people can be


>he's a moderator

>on the internet

>on an Egyptian hieroglyphics shitposting forum

>he does it for free

>he takes his "job" very seriously

>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life

>he complains about being "harassed" because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack

>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of unsolicited nudes he has to send to underage children

>he will never have a real job

>he will never move out of his parent's house

>he will never be at a healthy weight

>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket

>he will never have a girlfriend

>he will never have any friends

Why would you need to be able to cook something other than hot pockets?

Found the moderator

They’re made by nestle, so only really if you prefer not to eat products bathed in child blood.

Q predicted this

Can someone kindly ELI5 or point me in the right direction to understand the Banout thing?

A group of people who mod a ton of the default/major subs got butthurt and decided to make a list of “hate” subs with the intention of banning from their subs all of the users who participate in these hate subs. They just realized quite recently that this was a retarded idea

whoa, thought that was gonna be my dick for a sec 😬


Kind of disappointed I didnt see a throbbing cock at the end of that gif.


I was hoping for one. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

uh, Jason, have you been fibbing about your ethnicity?

aww :)

lol, the funny thing is that a decent amount of powermods are behind the scenes stirring up shit for fun under alts. I know, because I was modded to a few large porn subreddits by some of them(to do css) a few years ago around the time all that /u/violentacrez/SRS business was going down. It was all a lot more coordinated and retarded than I realized.

The world is not what it seems. Neither the real one, nor this retarded one.

Say more

There is a world beneath this world of shit that the shit above masks the stench from. It's a world of Shit10

Yeah but like details

They... Took our jobs?

You would think powermods of all people would understand that if they rock the boat too much their admin lords will hand all the cyber fiefs they hold to the next guy in line without a second thought. The admins made this clear after david-me's failed coup of KIA, a community they don't even like.

Imagine getting owned by 'right to work' policy when you're not even being paid for your work.

So that's why I've been banned on literally everything without ever posting to them. Nice.

Is this not a violation of the rules of Reddit?

It is. But it's been going on for a long while, and apparently none of the admins care enough to do anything.

Also set to private today: the sub the high commander of the self-elected reddit PC police, Shane, created to post screenshots of the messages he got after getting deepfakes and other subs closed.

Phew, I was worried that I was gonna be banned from all of the default subreddits. Oh no, please don't ban me from r/funny, guys. 😂😂😂

Oiy vey! Dis is like a second shoah!


Anoddah 600 quintillion lampshades and soap goy!


Mr. Goldsteinburg? I dont feel so good

You have to go back...

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man mde was bad, but never THIS bad. They should've stopped CA posters sooner

lmao, triggered the automod 4 times

What they dont get is that r/drama actively harries degenerate subs that deserve it like r/greatawakening, r/milliondollarextreme and r/cringeanarchy while subs like r/topmindsofreddit and r/againsthatesubreddits smugly circle jerk about how much better they are than those subs, creating no impact. We keep the barbarians from the gate and it's worth it if a few harmless lolcows get caught in the crossfire.

I did a study, in the time that pinging has been banned the brash retardedness in those degenerate subs has grown 1000%....r/greatawakening alone has grown 15000 members which is almost double the number it had grown in the 3 months prior. We've seen a 70% reduction in the use of the N word from r/milliondollarextreme members who frequently post on r/drama. WE ARE WINNING LIKE THE CANCER THAT WAS KILLING JOHN MCCAIN!!

Inaction and milque·toast mods are what is destroying reddit, not the crass culture warriors of r/drama. /u/spez, I demand that give us the green light to ping again and that you order these weak willed mods of the default subs to stand down and let us do what needs to be done!

I wouldn't be surprised if out of all the communities on this site r/drama has been the most successful in combating extremism. I've seen SJWs and rightoids alike get pinged here and actually assimilate into our radically centrist borg cube after getting hit over the head with mockery outside of their safe space.

Exactly. When normies come here they're confused while the extremists claim we're a hot bed for which ever side they're against

John McCain said it best:

He who fights with retards should be careful lest he thereby become a retard. And if thou gays long into an abussy, the abussy will also gays into thee"

I've seen SJWs and rightoids alike get pinged here and actually assimilate into our radically centrist borg cube

Recently? I remember the strategy used to be, bait a lolcow into the sub by pinging them, goad them into ridiculous argument until there's enough material to make fun of them with all while upvoting them the so they don't get discouraged and leave. Now all I see is people get whiny and spam some shitty meme "mdefugee out out out" when they used to get mean and dig up some personal shit. I dont think I've seen any extremists assimilating to /r/drama since the 20k sub mark.

I didn't say it was common, I just said I've seen it happen.

This was obviously a way to attract attention to /r/drama so more retards can flock here until it reaches 80K, marking the nth death of the subreddit.


Out of the loop here

Lol, pussies



Merari01 stickied that article on how hard done to reddit janitors are, lol. Guess he changed his mind and deleted it.


It was until they realized its retarded

It is time for /r/thebannedout2018