Can we give a THANK YOU 😊 to our strong reddit power mods, they do so much hard work for free 😧 Yeah, they may drown in all the bussy they get πŸ’¦, but they deserve it for being the selfless bottoms of the community 😩

89  2018-09-02 by Llamayoda


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Internet moderator Union now

Yes you can call yourselves the Association of White Power Mods

He does it for free

That asshole banned me from r/europe. Where else am I supposed to shriek about Muslims?

Someone get that big boy a hot pocket stat!

Do you even know how bottoms work? A selfless one isn't getting any bussy

Janitor from Arthur

Even he wouldn't touch the shit that crops up on reddit

Imagine someone jerking off in front of you, exploding a big thick juicy load tht you didnt want all over your face and j.crew shirt. Then saying "thank you please more". That's power moding.

It's like a never ending bukkake

Man, I sure feel bad for those powermods and all the abuse they receive. It's not like they could just quit and do something else.

He does it for free.

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