MDE drama over whether autism is real or not

47  2018-09-02 by LordKarmaWhore



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I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Autism is a meme. They used to just be weirdos. Now they are clinically certified weirdos.

It's funny how the existence of black people endlessly enrages them

It's not that you dingus. These posts are often on there because of a somewhat reasonable suspicion that ypipo on r/aww type subreddits instantly up vote submissions of blacks doing regular things (maybe doesn't apply to this one) in order be able to go "wowzers they're just like us!". Hence the title of that submission. In a way it's anti-racism. I think honest racists are better than faggot racists who condescend to groids thinking they're such good people. At least the former is honest.

I fully understand why they are featured on MDE.

MDErs get mad when black people act like stereotypes, and they get even madder when they don't

You're a faggot.

Don't have to get mad just because he's right

80 IQ points response

So twice as much as you ?

60 IQ response

can you please give me some IQ points sir? surely you could spare a few of your 20,000 IQ points for me, a lowly negroid.

Still 50% better than you, famalam.

I know, the truth hurts more than Tyrone's schlong.

Maybe one day you'll be able to take it

Muh dik nigga

Not his dick, Tyrone's dick. Can't you read?


Yeah I'm gonna cry 😢

Indeed. Post bussy

You have to go back...

I actually agree with you. BPT is a minstrel show.

Wow you agree with him?!?! Shocker of the century right there


Here's a list of people to destroy on the day of the rope

MDE kids




Daddy Defense Force





all feminists who aren't terfs


Who am I missing?

Why the Italian?

Why not?

Well that would include myself


How very awful.

We all haveto make sacrifices for the greater good.

You're next baguette

One may hope !

Fuck you, Italians have the most fun racial stereotypes

Jamaicans, dude. And the Irish. Everyone else is bush league by comparison.

Americans are much more religious than italians nowadays.

Ay Papi!

I see you've never met an Italian.

I am Italian you cretin

Oh shit, I'm sorry, I'll try to type slower.

Gesticulates wildly in front of keyboard

How do you even type in Italian?

I use my enormous nut sack for it. Sadly I have to retype entire phrases from me hitting 3/4 of the keyboard at once. It's a bit of a chance game, honestly

Really italian or an american with italian parents who never set foot in Italy?

Real Italian. Chiedi pure

Do you live in Italy?

Si. Non vorrei specificare dove, ma sono al 110% italiano. Non ci credi?

Sisi ti credo. Peccato, volevo insultare un finto italiano.

Non ti preoccupare. Basta cercare un poco in giro e se ne trovano

You have my condolences.

And you have my bow!

Italians are the niggers of white people.

Thanks for the compliment

Italians and furries should fall under the same category.


pet store owners



community organizers

inventor of scented cat litter

/r/drama suscribers

Why are furries only on the list once?

who aren't terfs

Assuming you're male, self-hating much?

IKR, TERFs are much more consistently psychotic than normal feminists are.

all those who insult Tay-Tay

TERFs need to go too, SRDines, CAnarchists... the list is long



Day of the scale when?


They cited this weird faggot as their proof autism doesn't exist. The absolute state of MDEtards

so whos gonna tell them michael savage is jewish

Lol read about his TOTALLY NON-SEXUAL fascination with Tahitian boys some time. I’m not making this up.

Forgot about that, give me a tl;dr.

And his son founded Rockstar Energy drinks.

Dawgshed/saloon. Havent thought about them in ages.

Do you mind posting a link or something?

Full quote : "I choose to override my desires for men when they swell in me, waiting out the passions like a storm, below decks, surrounded by throngs of barrel-chested seamen, pushing up against each other as we fight for standing room in the cramped quarters, strong hands brushing against solid thighs, the thrill of firm buttocks squeezing past, rubbing against my sin stick as I inhale deeply, the heady scent of raw masculinity filling my senses, making me dizzy, compelling me to swoon backwards, to be caught in the arms of those strong sailors behind me, their stubble grazing against the back of my neck, their monosyllabic grunts saying more than any words ever could until the silence is broken by my strangled cry of "NOT IN MY HAIR! I'VE GOT CHURCH TONIGHT."

Is that the new Bond villain?

How can MDE be real if autism isn't real?

2018.... I am forgotten.

Sure it does, just look at /r/MDE.

to be entirely clear autism is a bunch of different things that people unify for nerodiversity points