PoorLilMarco is a moderator of r/dickgirls

0  2018-09-02 by vtesterlwg

just wanted to say that. FUCK


Newfag alert

Imagine wanting a girl with a vagina in current year

FUcking transphobic is what it is. Downright HOW DARE YOU OP. HOW ABSOLUTELY DARE YOU.

Literally the best of both worlds. Bussy and femininity.

Jealous? I am

Someone modded me there for a while (no idea why) but the mod discussion was just filled with reddit inside jokes and faggotry, so I left.

As far as I can tell it's just a sub for people who care too much about reddit and the mod messages are like group chat for their gayness.

I used to have an account modded there. Modmail got tedious and boring, tbh.