[Court is in session] Can we get the definitive unbiased unprejudiced verdict: Did the known internet sexual predator, /u/GallowBoob, sent a nude selfie to a person who was a minor in whatever jurisdiction the victim lives?

75  2018-09-02 by SandorClegane_AMA

The Harvey Weinstein of Social Media has reached out to the press for sympathy, so now this is news, beyond reddit. His stated agenda is to shut down /r/Drama. You would not last a minute on /r/SubredditDrama, so fall in soldier! 13 years olds are allowed to use reddit. Won't somebody think of the children? I know he is thinking about them. Remember that.

In the interests of fairness, there has been some scuttlebutt, victim-blaming and insinuation that the victim understated their age for dramatic effect. This was based allegedly on public comments by the victim prior about being in college. Is it possible the victim can prove this cyber crime happened?

  • reddit is fill with kids pretending to be in college, married, surgeons, lawyers, psychologists etc.
  • prodigies can go to college very young.
  • Lots of normal people started college at 17 years of age.
  • the age in which it is crime for someone to send you nudes varies

Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. /r/Drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. /r/SubredditDrama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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100% yes. He is a dangerous sexual predator.

And at last the truth comes out. Now that we have all the facts, can we really continue to accept a reality where this kind of thing is allowed to continue?

I had trustworthy sources tell me that he has a history of sexual misconduct all the way back to high school.

Why does this retard even want this sub banned?

I don't know anything about this fag, but he's a leftist so yes he's probably a pedo.

Because he's not a mod who can ban people who call him out on his shit

the so called truth that "he wasn't a minor he posted about college" was i pushed entirely by his lackey powermods in /r/karmacourt. i never saw it posted by an unbiased source.

ultimately, gallowboobs endless lackeys and vote manipulation have made finding the full truth quite difficult. here's a 100% completely confirmed fact: that gallowboob sent his nudes to a random person who didn't like him. ultimately, i think that says all you need to know about gallowboob. the man is not right in the head.

He is upping the stakes. Did you see the list of 25+ mods that are going to start banning people?

Either they:
- drop their plans - (unlikely) - trigger the biggest backfire since GamerGate decided that sniffing around ethics in journalism would be fine and not cause a media retaliation.

This is just a sport for you and I. GB is making a livelihood from it.

As a huge Reddit loser, I have really grown tired of all the power users around this site. Same shit happened at Digg and ruined the site. I mod some subs with a few of these mods. I'll talk to them but I doubt they listen to me.

Reddit has been going the way of Digg since ... 2007.

STFU about it.


This is the guy who claimed he was a minor. No one else did as far as I know.

And if you check out the most upvoted child comment of that reply, you'll find that he's not actually a minor.

He should be banned regardless, but it's not certain if 100% sent nudes to minors.

you'll find that he's not actually a minor

To be more accurate, the person in question is almost certainly a liar; the question is whether he lied about playing college football, lied about being a minor, or both.

On the other hand, I think it's safe to say that he isn't the most reliable of sources, so without proof, there isn't really any reason to take it seriously. On the other, other hand, this is /r/Drama, and it's a lot better for Dramacoin if we take the claim at face value.

You are correct sir

Not to mention that should it matter what age is he?

It's an unsolicited nude to a group of people, the chances of one of them actually being a minor is pretty substantial.

I mean some of us actually has connections to the media instead of pretending we have them.

This'll be delicious.

It was an infant

Arguably, the incident was a form of sexual harassment. Regardless of age. Flashing someone in public is inappropriate (and often illegal) and I cannot fathom how this is different in a meaningful way.

So the question becomes why does Reddit permit a sex offender to remain here? 🤔

The question is in the subject - if it was a minor, Mr. Boob will not escalate again, because in his jurisdiction, actions have consequences.

Well, since the Saville Enquiry.

There's a slight difference in that he probably didn't know whether he was a kid or not, so even if the guy wasn't a kid ( He wasn't, apparently ) it doesn't take away the fact Gallowboob risked it.

True. He showed willingness to do it.

i'm not saying he's a paedophile, but come on. look at him

i'm not saying he's a paedophile, but come on. look at him

Do you think Gallowboob will repost his nudes?

The answer is yes for fucks sake if you Google a bit youll find pictures of the dude's dick.

What to google to find the minor he sent them to?

He's a known, and prolific, sexual predator. Boy or girl, he doesn't care. As long as they are under 16 he can and will expose his shrunken, unwashed penis along with a link to ladbible.com

A terrifying pervert tbh.