[shitpost] Ancient shitposter enters ancient shitposting roleplay group and pretends to be angry at their roleplaying, fellow shitposters argue with him because they're bored.

37  2018-09-02 by snallygaster


This is why we need mayocide.


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Here's another thread from the group where they roast someone who used a 'ur mum' joke. I guess it really has been overused.

Your mom overuses your mom jokes.

How do you find this stuff, Snally?

Good stuff

ur bad news?

more like bad #JEWS


How tf do you find these threads from the dinosaur ๐Ÿฆ– era




What are you using to make those pictures? I curious because I have extensions that usually block all emojis, the poster below yours is properly blocked, but somehow my extension misses yours. I need to fix that.

i'm not telling!


I'm pretty sure that chrome can't read them, at least not my browser

I use Chrome and Chromium on ChromeOS and Android.

Why? Is it some apple garbage?

I'm pretty sure it's unicode, but it seems that normal google chrome can't read them

It's probably your computer or something. I looked at the page in Chrome and all the emojis in the comment are visible.

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Do you support paving the earth as it would mean the entire earth is covered in dinosaurs?

Good ol' Usenet. Where there were no mods or admins and only the best shitposters survived.

I wonder if the old usenet shitposters taught their kids how to shitpost or if they're keeping their history a secret

Usenet flames are the best, especially when you realize many of them were by bored college professors who made their names public knowledge.

Obama Lin Sadin

Besides, its impossible to pave the earth. Where do you plan on getting all the tar you bastard?

we'll squeeze it from your hair. i'm sure there's enough crude oil content there.

Fucking burn

Back then people on the internet (and especially usenet) were generally older and more tech-savvy, so the discourse was better unless you were on AIM or chatrooms or something. Now that everyone's communicating on the internet the discourse is much shittier. ๐Ÿ˜ข

discourse is much shittier.

You're just a Cuck Soy Boy Snowflake, who isn't woke to our 4d chess internet slang. TBF, you have to have a really high IQ to understand the Bacon Narwhals at Midnight.... Bad Day?


Reminds me of an acquaintance's old bait site: http://antiwhale.org

I always liked looking back at websites from the 90s and early aughts. Them getting the feel for the place is truly a marvelous case study goldmine for human interaction.


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