Petition to get r/Drama to Participate in TheBanout2018

119  2018-09-02 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


This is why we need mayocide.


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Well, the second dog was almost as big an emotional roller coaster as the first. I felt dirty for "cheating" on Max, who is now more of a "husband" in my heart than my ex ever was.


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Ban all subreddits!

Reddit would be a better website if it banned all redditors.


Congratulations on getting pizzashit's crown

ty 😘😘😘

You’re not worthy.

None of us are :'(

Don't listen to that guy, you 100% deserve it. The last thing we saw of pizzashill was him going

"I am undoxable"
"No you're not"
"Well I'll just edit and delete all my comments then. There's no way to look through all my comments now."

And you just go "Yeah you can, here's the link"


It was PK's first REEE

This, but unironically

Ban all users from every sub.

I has signed this petition. It will be bigger than global warming.

Thank you brother! Inshallah!

Ok which one of you did this?

So we ban ourselves?



For the greater good.

We Ban ourselves:

How very much we've tried our best to give ourselves a good life. But in spite of all of our trying a handful of our people, with their lies, have made our lives impossible. There's no way to detach ourselves from what's happened today.

Not only are we in a compound situation, not only are there those who have left and committed the betrayal of the century, some have stolen children from others, and they are in pursuit right now to ban them because they stole their children. And we are sitting here waiting on a powder keg.

I don't think it is what we want to do with our babies--I don't think that's what we had in mind to do with our babies. It is said by the greatest of prophets from time immemorial: "No man may take my life from me; I lay my life down." So to sit here and wait for the catastrophe that's going to happen on that mod team--it's going to be a catastrophe. It almost happened here. Almost happened when the pizzashill was nearly killed here. You can't steal people's children. You can't take off with people's children without expecting a violent reaction. And that's not so unfamiliar to us either--even if we were Judeo-Christian--if we weren't radical centrists. The world (inaudible) suffers violence, and the violent shall take it by force. If we can't live in peace, then let's die in peace. (Applause.)

We've been so betrayed. We have been so terribly betrayed. (Music and singing) But we've tried and as (inaudible) ... if this only works one day it was worthwhile. (Applause.) Thank you.

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