TheBanout2018 activists cock tease reddit again and slap a chastity belt on their sub

155  2018-09-02 by DumbMong10


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I like how gallowboob is acting like he had "no idea" what the sub was about. Like that's just a normal thing to get randomly added to a subreddit and just blindly accept and not even look at the actual sub even one timeπŸ€”

Come on baby. Don't leave us blueballed like this



GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. I wanted to see the shitstorm that would of been spawned from this :c.

/r/drama ruined good future drama.

How is this our fault?

How many autistic threads did we make about /r/thebanout2018?

Not enough

Then don't complain that it ended.

How about don't tell me what to do

No sweaty.

The admins and power users lurk the shit out of this sub.

So what, if we didn't make autistic threads about it the admins wouldn't notice and they'd go through with banning everyone?
They wanted the admins to know. They proudly set their sub public thinking the admins would be forced to ban all the subs they don't like or some shit.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the admins didn't even say anything and they bitched out as soon as they got nasty messages judging by that "pls guys stop being mean to gallowboob" sub close message.

They thought they were like movie villains telling the world their master plan, then cried and gave up as soon as people had something to say about it.

Just like r/drama ruins everything

can we just suicide /r/drama by making every thread a mass gallowboob ping thread on Banout Day

would of


Isn't this guy a convicted pedophile? No wonder he's sticking up for gallowboob lol

I should have reported him TBH. Making deepfakes of children is considered making child pornography in the UK.

Don't they have to already possess child porn to make deepfakes from it?

I will assume they just use youngish looking people

18+ yo people who look like 10 year olds? πŸ˜’

Dude I dunno, I don't watch this shit.

just search for japanese porn they all look 9yo but are probably 18+ since there's so many of them

Normal porn, child faces.

Anything stopping you from reporting him now? I'm only just hearing of this now and its p. fucked.

I'm too lazy.

Also he lives in a meme country.

what country, he has his first name on reddit so theoretically if someone wanted to dox him it wouldnt be hard


wouldnt that make it even easier to get him arrested?

you can be arrested for lolicon in the uk im pretty sure a kids face on actual porn would be illegal there

Yeah, but I don't know how to contact those people.

Making deepfakes of children is considered making child pornography in the UK.

And Canada and America

has it been court-tested in US?

I know lolicon weebs were already illegal in Canada

has it been court-tested in US?

No idea, but it;s been in the America anti-CP and obscenity laws since they were written

I know lolicon weebs were already illegal in Canada

And also largely in America if you get a jury/judge that doesn't like it as the American standard is drawn CP isn't illegal unless it's photo-realist or obscene and of course many yankees consider weeb shit inherently obscene

why do you know so much about cp


why do you know so much about cp

Because how else can I explain to *cons that they are in fact paedophilia's?

Guys are we just accusing people of being pedophiles or is there some wider conspiracy of pedophiles who are powermods for real?

If I'm a racist nazi bigot because they disagree with me they why can't they be pedophiles because I disagree with them? It has just as much basis in reality.

It has just as much basis in reality.

Surething nazi.

Also gallowboob's a pedo.

If they are so anti - pedophilia, why do they harbour known pedophiles like shane and gallowboob? Why do they ban you any time you bring it up?

no i mean thats what im asking. I knew Gallow did some thing but what, Shane too? How many of them are there? what did Shane do?

what did Shane do?

Make and distribute Child Pornograpy

How are these people still allowed to hang about seriously

Made a deepfake video of a child's face with a young-looking-but-18+ porn actor and posted it to /r/deepfakes for the sole reason to get it banned.

(((Ironically))) making and distributing Child Porn. I wonder if that will hold up in court πŸ™„


Think about it; you think deepfakes is immoral & wrong because you're basically creating a sex tape of someone who did not consent. So because you think like this, you start creating porn of literal children to own the deeptards.

What did gallow do though?

Who’s Shane?

u/ ShaneH7646, the most notorious pedo on this website.

No no, by the same logic they use, if you are defending them against baseless accusations of pedophilia then you are also a pedophile yourself, and should be lynched by an internet mob. I mean idiots like the one in the link seem to think anything they disagree with is 'hate speech' and the work of alt right white supremacist 'chuds' as is anybody who doesn't jump on the outrage train immediately.

Elon Musk made it cool

At least one mod(gallowbob) is a confirmed pedophile.


It started when /r/deepfakes was banned for "involuntary pornography". Here's the relevant excerpt from the reddit rules:

Reddit prohibits the dissemination of images or video depicting any person in a state of nudity or engaged in any act of sexual conduct apparently created or posted without their permission, including depictions that have been faked.

Images or video of intimate parts of a person’s body, even if the person is clothed or in public, are also not allowed if apparently created or posted without their permission and contextualized in a salacious manner (e.g., β€œcreepshots” or β€œupskirt” imagery). Additionally, do not post images or video of another person for the specific purpose of faking explicit content or soliciting β€œlookalike” pornography.

People started saying that the sub was banned for CP instead because of this comment made by Shane in the /r/announcements thread:

Hey, r/DeepFakes ex-mod here

I would recommend shutting down r/deepfakesnsfw, r/nsfwdeepfakes, r/facesets and r/fakeapp also

Was this prompted by the message regarding the child pornography I sent you yesterday?

I don't know what he meant by the last line, but people started saying that /r/deepfakes was banned for CP after he made that comment. People needed someone to REE at because their porn sub was gone, and Shane started looking like a good retard to latch on to. Someone doxxed him and started posting a pastebin with his info in a bunch of places, and the "/r/deepfakes was banned for CP" story spread even wider.

Here's another /r/drama thread where the intellectuals of /r/drama discuss this happening.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Get rid of the second sentence and it's a good burn. Right now it just sounds like it's trying too hard

You know they say. Kid touching birds of a feather...

This is the definition of blue balls

Well, this is a dissatisfying conclusion.

Looks like the wannabe activists overestimated how much pull they actually have on the site after admins had a talk with them :)

That's right, back the fuck down and keep on pretending you actually hold power on the site, you fucking glorified internet janitors.

You have to go back...

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That’s right, back the fuck down and keep on pretending you actually hold power on the site, you fucking glorified internet janitors.

Oh, they’re not glorified. Everyone hates them.

Place your bets on how many times we'll see the sub opened and closed again by the time The Banout happens/should've happened.

He... he took a bullet for GB... πŸ˜₯

Imagine being btfo'd by /u/spez lol.

What is thebanout?

The usual censoring authoritarian douchebags trying to ban all speech they disagree with.

On the left or right?

These ones are lefties. According to them Chapo, LSC, Politics, Communism, etc; are all okay. n8theg8 said there is no such thing as hate on the left.

lmao these stupid pussy bitch little twerps.

if you're so upset about being harassed and made fun of for being a shitty internet mod then stop being a fucking internet mod you attention whoring crybaby toddlers.

Gallowboob had nothing to do with it other than being a mod


Okay well he might be one of the people running the showers, but he didn't build the showers

He didn't fart out the gas they're using in the showers so I'd say he's clean.

wtf I love Gallowboob now!!

He only vowed to ban you all from the subs he moderates, come on guys. Using mean words and downvoting him is taking it way too far. Can't you see he's a victim with no agency in all this?

He only vowed to ban you all from the subs he moderates, come on guys.

This but unironically.

Taking a ban like this in any way seriously is hilarious

Taking getting banned off a few hundred subs in any way seriously is only slightly less pathetic than taking downvotes and "harassment" in the form of mean words in any way seriously

Accurate take tbh

Yeah let's just overlook the whole "I sent my nudes to someone I knew was a child" shit he pulled

Nah man he had no idea! I bet he was really stressed out by this whole thing too, the poor little guy πŸ˜₯ I heard his Dog ran away and he forgot to get his reading log signed, and then he comes on Reddit to decompress and chill and suddenly everyone is mad at him!

"help we weren't expecting consequences from our bullshit"

So what is the Banout meant to be?

Like how offmychest and other shitty subs auto ban you for posting in subs their mods don't like, these dumbasses wanted to do the same thing on hundreds of popular/default subs lol

As someone who got wrongly banned from OMC because one of their mods falsely accused me of being part of a Red Pill brigade, they can go fuck themselves. And this was before they decided to use bots to automatically ban people for posting on subreddits they didn't like. /r/trueoffmychest is the vastly superior sub anyway.

I'm really glad the Banout flopped. Imagine how horrible Reddit would have been if it became a dystopia of bots banning people for posting in, subscribing to, or even voting in subs that power mods didn't like.

Then again, I think the admins should have intervened and actually enforced their rules on making robo-bans a site-wide offence. I would be filled with so much glee if subs like OMC and SRS got banned for doing this.

TBH I had never really considered that this might be the most likely result of the ban out. I had always considered a few mods would lose their positions, but not that the hammer would have come down on auto banning.

If the admins cared, they would have already cracked down on moderators abusing their power.

I guess in my eyes they haven't done anything large enough to be noticable by the admins with their power other than the blackout. Even that looked like a protest rather than a straight up abuse of power, which is probably why they've never done anything about it.

Imagine how horrible Reddit would have been if it became a dystopia of bots banning people for posting in, subscribing to, or even voting in subs that power mods didn't like.

you mean hilarious.

Hilarious until you consider the fact that there isn't a viable alternative for redditors to flock to once the site goes to hell.

Snapzu is invite only, Hubski is really niche and Voat is on the niche of shutting down.

implying you can't just make a new reddit account

calm the fuck down loser.

Ban circumvention is a site-wide offence. It states this in literally subreddit ban message now.

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oh no.

a site-wide offense.

no more shitposting on REDDIT? how will we survive?

go the fuck outside kiddo.

I'm really glad the Banout flopped. Imagine how horrible Reddit would have been if it became a dystopia of bots banning people for posting in, subscribing to, or even voting in subs that power mods didn't like.

I think most people understand at this point that you have to have a separate username if you want to post in controversial subs without being harassed elsewhere.

The admins probably like this as it improves the user count / KPI of the site to show off to advertisers.

I got posted from two totally unrelated subs for commenting once in mde

This has gotten out of hand. GB has bullied this catspaw into taking the heat. Who knows what he will do next.

Stand down.

Looks like some good boys used their GBP to visit the Georgia guidestones and then see infinity war on their modcations.

Summer vacation needs to hurry up and end.

Let us provoke people with the threat of a future ban, then cry about it when said people are sufficiently provoked.

Gallowboob made /r/TheBanout2018 confirmed, we all now can rest assured that /r/TheBanout2018 was in fact 100 percent Gallowboobs decision.

can we have 1000000000000000000000 more threads about this