r/deadbedrooms basically debates whether it counts as sexual assault when it's your wife....

57  2018-09-02 by Ghdust2


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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What kind of pussy waits three weeks to tell HIS WIFE that he would like to have sex, proceeds to jack off when rejected (by his own wife), and when kicked out of his own marriage bed runs away to mommy?

Be a man, make her want to have sex with you and she will.

this is 10000% correct tbh

9999% correct, 10000% when you figure out its making other people, not her, want to have sex with you that motivates

massive off

nope, definitely correct

would link a dozen studies proving women outsource their attractiveness assessments and men don't but it's too late for srsposting

The kind of guy that marries a broad who gets uncomfortable about masturbation. Where are these people even from?

Reddit. They prob met at a meetup


and when kicked out of his own marriage bed runs away to mommy?

he's probably meeting up with that girl from high school who he started on-and-off hitting up on facebook a few months ago

If my wife ever did this to me I'd be very surprised because I don't have a wife.

Deep inside you know you'll make a great wife someday.

These are some patheticness levels I've encountered before

When's the last time you looked in a mirror? ๐Ÿ˜

I said pathetic, not unbelievably handsome


You're right about that at least


Epic reference fellow gamer! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž That's right le fellow memer! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Blocked ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ก

what did I just watch

Lmao who did this ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚



There was a time when r/deadbedrooms was the most depressing sub on Reddit. Never underestimate the existential despair of people who aren't getting laid enough

lmafo what a frigid cow

I kinda hate both these people. But passive aggressive jacking off is a new one. Props for creativity.

I asked him to stop (he didnโ€™t) and I reached over to try to swat his hand away. He then grabbed my hand and put it over his erection. I snatched my hand back and called him a perv. He got annoyed, and snapped that I had succeeded in making him soft, and stopped.

look if you actually think this is rape you may be a male feminist

Hell yeah brother marriage is consent roll tide obama is stockpiling black helicopters

marriage + reaching for your dick in bed is in fact the reasonable expectation of consent, yes

Lol not when she said no right before. They are both in the wrong here. She shouldn't have tried to swat his hand away from his dick and he shouldn't have forcibly put her hand on his dick.

consent can change.

So yes, even when someone said no earlier in the evening, if you're married and they see your dick and then reach for your dick it is a reasonable expectation of consent.

If she had said no and he had reached over and grabbed her hand and put it on his dick, it would have been different. If she pulled her hand away, said no, and he did it again, it would be different.

The only thing he did wrong here is be an unattractive whiny bitch who jerks off with an angry face at his deadbedroom wife like he's autistic

They were mid-fight about their dead bedroom. There is no way a reasonable person would think that she wanted to give him a handy as he masturbated in front of her out of spite. These people need a divorce or counseling asap.

they are mid-fight

You have no idea what amounts of time took place between the various parts of this conversation and jerkit interaction.

There is no way a reasonable person would think that she wanted to give him a handy as he masturbated in front of her out of spite

Upon realizing her husband is desperate enough to actually wank himself in the same bed a la american beauty, Margaret guiltily decides on some conciliatory gross handywork

Want =/= consent. Choosing to and wanting to are not the same thing.

These people need a divorce or counseling asap.

Lol @ counseling. You can't counsel someone into having a higher sex drive.

These people need a friend that can take him aside for three seconds and tell him to become more attractive if he wants to get laid.

Last night my husband and I were lying in bed when he mentioned that we hadnโ€™t had sex in 3 weeks. I responded that it didnโ€™t seem like itโ€™d been that long but he insisted that he was right. I told him I really wasnโ€™t in the mood but we could try tomorrow.

Apparently that wasnโ€™t satisfactory because he announced heโ€™d just get himself off. Now I want to note that he has never masturbated in front of me before. That just isnโ€™t something we do. Anyway he started just going at it under the blankets. Iโ€™m not really a prude and I donโ€™t mind if he masturbates in general, but I was very put off by this. It almost seemed like he was doing it to spite me.

I asked him to stop (he didnโ€™t) and I reached over to try to swat his hand away. He then grabbed my hand and put it over his erection. I snatched my hand back and called him a perv.ย 

Literally mid-fight

You have no idea what amounts of time took place between the various parts of this conversation and jerkit interaction.

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Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (๏ทบ) said, "If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e. to have sexual relations) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning."


a surprising lack of beating or marriage rape

this Allah guy might be onto something

There is no need, since such a woman would be BTFO by Allah in the afterlife.

You right brother! she did not ask his permission before trying to swat his dick. if he hadn't had forced her hand onto his dick (giving consent) she would now be a rapist. He saved her by giving consent forcibly.

This is why you don't let your wife on Reddit

Nothing kills a relationship quite like getting married.

You forgave him for touching himself without your permission?


The guy hate wanked himself. Hit the divorce button.

wife won't have sex

Doesn't just get a whore

What is wrong with boomayos?

Get some bussy.

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People always joke about how singles have more sex than people in a relationship, especially married ones.

I suppose among redditors this is actually true then.

Married people having no sex has been around forever


When you're so secure about your sexuality that you suck six dicks before breakfast and still aren't gay ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Your actions don't make you gay, your gay makes you gay.

That's it! I'm ready to become a trap

I hope the husband finds someone that gives a shit about fucking him regularly so the wife ends up posting about him on chumplady

You're literally entitled to sex.

You have the title of husband/wife to show it.

Beta uprising when?

This is why I only hook up with passable QT 3.14 traps with cute soft pink little feminine penis.

You have to go back...

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You can hear the pre-redpilled males slithering all over that sub. I bet it's prime recruiting ground for them.

Not that I'm taking the side of the woman but maybe if they weren't such passive manbaby faggots their wives would want to fuck them.

Probably not. That ship already sailed and she hasn't found someone else to fuck worth leaving him for.

woman never fucks her husband, it's the man's fault. women cheats, it's the man's fault.

you'd fit right in at menslib.

unfortunately, all relationships up with barely any sex, studies confirm that women's sex drive is lower the longer the marriage goes on. it's just a pointless thing to stay with one person for 20 years, yet we keep forcing ourselves to do it.

there is literally no secret redpill PUA hack to make your wife want to fuck you, its just biology, it's inevitable.

there is literally no secret redpill PUA hack to make your wife want to fuck you

Have you tried spinning 20 plates and holding frame?

Nah my wife gonna wanna get nasty till she's 95. Her last request will be for me to lube up her ass and go to town in the hospital room.

This is not true. My husband and I have been married for 22 year, we have sex at least 5 times a week. My sex drive is higher now than its ever been.

"the average isn't true, my one person anecdote disproves it".

why is everyone on reddit so stupid?

marriage, not even once.