Stronk, independent woman literally shaking because weirdo jerked it on a plane, but she didn't bother speaking up to try to stop it; toxic masculine person questions this choice, is immediately called out by woke denizens of/r/news for rape culture and victim-blaming

90  2018-09-03 by GuillotinesNOW


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Women are told their entire lives to not make a fuss

Does anyone actually believe this bullshit?

Its like telling black people

DAE think being a white woman is literally like being black in America?????

This is (white) America!

As everyone knows, middle aged mayo women are renowned for their reserved and mild mannered behavior, especially in retail environments.

Women are told their entire lives to not make a fuss

Does anyone actually believe this bullshit?

man who frequents /r/drama knows nothing about female socialization, more news at 11

Why is so hard for males to understand that most women would rather not confront someone who is bigger, stronger, crazier, and more perverted than them? Most men won't do it either, and they don't even have the excuse of being physically weak and having a vagina.

yet willing to call the police on random BBQs.


that's a white people thing, not a female thing. Pussy ass pasty ass white men call the cops on people all the damn time.


Appreciate the deflection but spending two hours on call with dispatchers to complain about a BBQ is the quintessential Becky move. See: all the examples in which it is a Becky doing so.

the DoJ should put out racial and age demographics on "people that called the police on a black person where it turned out they were just sitting there being black"

the amount of ensuing twitter rage would be frothy

I saw a thing that said black suspects are actually more likely to be killed if the officer is a woman.

Theres a lot of desperate, desperate defelction and covering up of the awful behaviour of women.

Literally all women are the same person

Just all white women

omg I can't stand up to the mens it's scary what if they start raping me in a public space surrounded by other men who will beat the shit out of him if I tell them to

the fucking retardation of people. if you're so scared shitless of the world that you cant speak up about someone jerking it on a public plane for hours you need to highly consider a personal safety dance. Darwinism should've offed you long ago anyway

go back to GC

You don't have to confront the guy at all in this scenario though. Just fucking tell someone else.


They are, that’s why if you’re polite on GC then they’ll call you out for your female sociaization


What did you mean by this?


If I'm at a bar and some meathead fuckstick starts saying gross shit, I'm gonna avoid a confrontation because I don't wanna get assaulted.

On the other hand, if I'm on a plane and the motherfukker next to me has his cock out I'm gonna have a tantrum. It's not like Jacko can do anything about it, if he tries to fight me or something he'll get wasted by an air marshall.

If most men, like most women, wouldn't do it either, then what does it have to do with female socialization?

Woman claims women are infants who can't handle free will, more at 11.

Basically, you're claiming that Sharia is right and that women can't handle making decisions or leaving the house without a male family member supervising them. Ridiculous.


I've never wanted to ping someone so much in my life.

Only idiots.

Feminism be

all waman must b st0ng

Feminism also be

waman cannot stahp this harassmant

Rlry pndr roght now! 🤔🤔✔🎉

Petition to only post like this

prtrtion drnied

Unable to understand response. Petition acceprt.

Pckls th ol' pstachios

The Twitter profile of the bint in the news story, oh my.

queer bpd bb, aries/taurus/scorpio✨, some kinda communist

how the fuck can you have multiple astrological signs


and then we can kill them, inshallah

i don't believe you.

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Sun's retarded, moon's retarded and makes the sun even more retarded, and rising ascendant is even more retarded and somehow even more vague.

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People that are into astrology should be burnt at the stake.

You sound like a Libra

We have to build a defensive grid and make Picon pay for it.

Did you not see


able-body privilegeist.

bpd is bipolar disorder.

bipolar disorder does not mean multiple personalities. shut up idiot.

J'accuse privileged able-body racistphobe.

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But your star sign is based on the position of the stars at your time of birth. Being bipolar means they have two poles. These two poles have to be in different hemispheres, which would have different star skies at the time this person was born. That accounts for two of the three star signs. I wonder what the last one is. Maybe they're actually tripolar?

Something tell me she meant borderline personality disorder.

still doesn't mean multiple personalities and still doesn't make multiple astrological signs make sense.

I'm pretty sure BPD means Borderline Personality Disorder

bpd is bipolar disorder.

No. BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder. Get DSM'd bitch.

People used to be really into astrology before they started adding on invented genders too.

Factor in that men have known to go ape when you tell them no, its pretty hard.

As much as we'd love to think it's that easy, speaking up is terrifying because there could be possibly be retaliation

the infantilization of modern women continues.

Women are just as strong and smart and capable as men.

Until there are consequences.

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anyone who says 'victim blaming' or 'rape culture' should unironically kill themselves and all of their friends

Or - woman describes her actual lived experience. Men tell her she is wrong based on their experience.

Yeah that all seems fine, you probably know better than her anyway what it’s like to be a woman so she’s actually lucky you took the time to explain to her why she’s wrong about her own experience.

Give yourselves a pat on the back! True heroes.

Found the mayo gussy.

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You know what, fuck this sub honey. This dumpster fire of toxic masculinity will never understand what it's like to go through life where other people dont telepathically perceive your problems and solve them for you immediately. They expect you to sniffs communicate it explicitly.

you probably know better than her anyway what it’s like to be a woman

No, but I clearly know better than her what's it's like to have a modicum of common sense.

Why is it that people who talk about "lived experiences" the most are the least reliable people on Earth to tell you what actually, objectively happened to them? It has to have struck you by now that people who use this buzzword phrase interpret every minor negative thing that happens to them through the distorted lens of whatever retarded ideology they subscribe to

you seem very fragile and afraid, what's the matter?

So did he get to finish?

Jesus CHRIST man, there are just done things you don't talk about in public.

show, dont tell