Chapotard users invade r/badeconomics

90  2018-09-03 by Ayylmao11023


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Imagine badecon not understanding how a black box works. The input is a button and the output is one person dying and you getting a lot of money, so the expect non-science understanding of econ majors is that it's a direct connection.

Chapotards and imagineposting. Name a more iconic duo.

peanut butter and jelly

Tay and platypuses

Chapotards and the inside of lockers.



Your post history sure is interesting.

imagineposters get the bullet too.


I'm literally a mod here


The only thing worse than libropedophiles & protectionists butchering economics is commies butchering economics.

they dont even get a chance to butcher or even mention economics, theyre too busy denying stuff

You have to go back...

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Why do libtards get so mad when commies rightfully point out economics is clearly a right wing field? Just because the entire West moved to the right on economic issues and you’re now centre left doesn’t mean economics is anything but a right wing field

can’t take down Hayek yet im on a juice cleanse


The last 30 years don't really speak well for the 'field' of economics. It's basically the right-wing equivalent of gender studies--a field of fake science ideologically captured to a degree that renders what little value it once had moot.

I'm a Republican, but economics is 80% bunk, ideology with a very thin veneer of low-level math meant to make it seem a lot harder a science than it really is.

But literally, the moment policy types started listening to economists, most of the people in this country got considerably poorer

Your comment is a good signal that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and people shouldn't take you seriously

Such as when they listened to economists and pulled our country out of the Great Depression?

You don't understand, if we had allowed the people to keep their cash under the floorboards and didn't join a war to bolster the economy, then the cash under the boards would have grown into money trees and the ravages of war would not have made the land barren so as to slow the growth of the money trees. After that you simply give everyone a money tree sapling and implement communism.

Microeconomics is incredibly well understood and by far the most empirical of the 'soft' sciences. Macro is dealing with incredibly complex systems, so of course accurate predictions are a lot harder. Do you believe meteorology is bunk because they often can't make correct predictions even for the next day? Admittedly, a lot of economic policy in recent times has been driven mostly by ideology, but that's not the fault of economics.

low-level math

Yeah, no. I can't imagine you've ever bothered to look closer. Even undergrad micro books use a decent amount of calc, unless that constitutes 'low-level math' for you? But in that case it's more your perception that's skewed.

the moment policy types started listening to economists, most of the people in this country got considerably poorer

Can you point out where the country started getting significantly poorer.

Also, I disagree with you that politicians actually listen to economists. The reason they don't is because idiots like you vote

Can you point out this moment you speak of where the country started getting significantly poorer

Real gdp per capita does absolutely nothing to disprove his initial claim because it does nothing to indicate wealth/income disparity.

Only poors care about disparity lmao

Median gdp per capita showcases average movement. Your point is moot

'median gdp per capita' doesn't exist you fucking retard. Do you even know how gdp is defined?

Ok, do you want to pount out the moment in the median income graph then?

Nah, because you'd have to be pretty retarded to actually think that most people got poorer. Your argument was still garbage and deserved to be called out.

And while Median income is a lot better, quantiles are the way to go for this situation. beware: not adjusted for the increasing number of households.

The situation ain't bad and even the peeps at the bottom didn't have their situation get worse, but the gdp paints a way rosier picture, to the point that it's basically straight up deception.

Isn't lifetime incomes a better metric here, since movement between quintiles is not captured in quintiles stats?

Eg students are poor but they're not poor forever

Income quantiles definitely don't paint the whole picture and lifetime income is a lot more suited for an accurate judgement.

However, if you just want to give someone a quick overview, I'd consider income limits to be the better choice, just because you can basically present it without any words.

AIC has gone up too.

I'm not sure what your point is? Consumption per capita has the exact same problem.

🐎👞 strikes again!

Imagine agreeing with tankies! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Won or just colonized?

economics is clearly a right wing field?

the problem with this is that you assume neocons/republitards are actually right-wing and not just self-interested opportunists

I'm honestly impressed with how retarded your post is. Marxism is ltrly economic theory. It's not a good one, as you pointed out.

there’s actually some good pikkety discussion in that thread is badecon a good sub bc badphilosphy isn’t

It's okay from what I've seen. Not like I know much about economics though so I can't decipher why something is bad or good though they tend to give what I blindly believe to be solid reasoning each time they do.

They spawned r/neoliberal. Take that as you will.

I haven't seen that sub show up in discussion for a while

Centrists > Pedo Liberals (Liberitarians for you Amerifats) > Natzees > Tankies

The first month was great, then it grew too big too fast and got ruined.

It's the best bad sub at this point. Some actual economists post there.

As opposed to BP, which is just commies reeeeeing about how it will work this time.

Is it a good anticommie sub I assume? Hard to find those now a days. Some great subs, shitwehraboossay, have really gone down hill on being a procommie sub

A lot of the users know Economics, but it's not explicitly anti-commie but you wont find any commies there

They did ban louieanderson

It's not bad, signal to noise can be too low and if you are there a lot things can get kind of repetitive.

Is it called badeconomics because everyone makes up shit? the guy lecturing everyone can't even explain pikettys theory in practical terms, R G means that if inflation is 2% interest rates are .5% and the value of your house is growing at 6% you are earning 4% in real terms.

Thank you. It's about time we recognized that the only difference between left and right is their differing attitudes towards cultural and social norms.

It's like people forget that Capital was fundamentally about policing problematic interpersonal behavior and laying out a framework for smashing the gender binary.

Damn, imagine being burned so hard by hardcore commies.