Ch. 2: Male feminist believes it's better for victims to #metoo through twitter than reporting to police or workplace

63  2018-09-03 by taxitaxixo


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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This is also the same guy who apparently turned the blind eye when sexist issues occurred at his workplace. He gloats about how he has seen worked with employers who break rules set out by union to protect workers and how everybody takes those rules as a joke, hence admitting that he has turned the blind eye.


He also disagrees that victims should report this to their union or police and believes that #metoo is a much more effective way of dealing with it.


Just so we are clear, some cases during the #metoo, times up and weinstein effect were not able to be proved due to the lack of evidence and reliability (reporting to police years later after the incident or inconsistent details).


Though I do believe that retaliation is a big issue in cases like hollywood where you are dealing with powerful figures, I'm not too hot about reporting an incident years later.


I definitely think that #metoo was able to connect many victims together to take action, but I don't think it's better than having some kind of evidence.


I believe some of the evidence of Weinstein's behavior was proven or worth suspicion because many women had signed non-disclosure agreements for issues surrounding his sexual harassing of them.



he's right tho tbh. just marry your rapist and have kids.

script teaser for the next Hallmark movie:

W= remember our first night together?

H= yeah, I took you by force

W= ah, good times.

W=wife H=husband

Did they turn into pokemon on the last line?

Yep, firestone to turn W into Wife And water stone to turn H to Husband

I agree with my husband.

Of course he does. That way he won't be arrested

W: how was work?

H: I saw my manager grope a female employee.

W: omg. What did you do?

H: I wrote a few tweets on twitter

W= wife H= husband

They say this because lieing to police or unions gets you caught because they have to investigate.

The woke spin on this is that police/unions/etc conspire to frame the victims and bail out the maaaaaaaaales, so twitter is the obvious safe alternative.

Yes, exactly. People need to investigate. Also, if your friends and family slutshames you after you been raped, they aren't really your bros now are they?

oh gee I sure do wonder why he doesn't want the cops involved

It is better, for "victims" anyway.

Of course he does. That way he won't be arrested when he is inevitably found out as a sex offender.