42 2018-09-03 by le_epic_xd
1 SnapshillBot 2018-09-03
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-09-03
A private email server...in North Korea.
That doesn't even make sense. You could stick the thing in the White House bathroom, Iowa, or Guantanamo Bay and it would serve the same purpose.
1 grungebot5000 2018-09-03
why would the fact that delusional Boomers don’t understand SMTP servers need to be “proven”?
1 imnotagayboy 2018-09-03
SMTP? What is this commie shit? We use gmail to send gmails.
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-09-03
Apparently in Boomer-land it makes more sense to put your private email server in a hostile foreign country rather than in a secret location in the US. Qultists are becoming more retarded by the day.
1 Phantom_Engineer 2018-09-03
I wonder if the person behind Q mistakenly put "gmail" instead of "email" and then just let it go.
1 BasicallyADoctor 2018-09-03
The norks decided to print out thousands of emails on A1 paper 🤔
1 Straightest_Guy_Ever 2018-09-03
> Have a conspiracy theory about Gmail
> Literally create proof of theory by drawing red line on an envelope so it looks like Gmail logo
> Woah... conspiracy theory proven!
> Research completed!
1 DannyLee90 2018-09-03
I can't even imagine having a boomer power level so huge that I would believe this.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-09-03
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-09-03
A private email server...in North Korea.
That doesn't even make sense. You could stick the thing in the White House bathroom, Iowa, or Guantanamo Bay and it would serve the same purpose.
1 grungebot5000 2018-09-03
why would the fact that delusional Boomers don’t understand SMTP servers need to be “proven”?
1 imnotagayboy 2018-09-03
SMTP? What is this commie shit? We use gmail to send gmails.
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-09-03
Apparently in Boomer-land it makes more sense to put your private email server in a hostile foreign country rather than in a secret location in the US. Qultists are becoming more retarded by the day.
1 Phantom_Engineer 2018-09-03
I wonder if the person behind Q mistakenly put "gmail" instead of "email" and then just let it go.
1 BasicallyADoctor 2018-09-03
The norks decided to print out thousands of emails on A1 paper 🤔
1 Straightest_Guy_Ever 2018-09-03
> Have a conspiracy theory about Gmail
> Literally create proof of theory by drawing red line on an envelope so it looks like Gmail logo
> Woah... conspiracy theory proven!
> Research completed!
1 DannyLee90 2018-09-03
I can't even imagine having a boomer power level so huge that I would believe this.