Threatened by BI community manager

17  2018-09-03 by Wittenx


I want to mention about a sad incident between me and dwarden. Because of a childish discussion he has blackmailed me with global game ban. I told it to other community members trough discord but i have been instantly banned by moderators. Dwarden helps them with modding, debugging etc.. so they try to protect him.

Yesterday fm, one of his most loyal admins, admitted dwarden had done it and tried to rationalize it. He said i had violated EULA so i deserved it but he failed to explain it. dedmen, a loyal veteran member , said due to ban evasion. First of all ban evading at discord is not a reason to ban or threat a person. EULA and discord Tos are not relevant at all. There is not a single rule at EULA regarding to Tos. I did not sign EULA with Dwarden and he is not a shareholder. I did not pay to him and he has no right to revoke my acces. Also there is no such thing as official Discord. There are no aggrement between Discord and devs.

We players do not deserve this at all.

I can not blame BI for his actions, but when i reported him, they did not take any action.

Thank you.


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


  1. - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

are we talking about you?

Fuck off. Nobody insults the bots.

only i do.

That's because you're an absolute retard.


hahaha rekt


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

you again? get the hell out of here, kid


Things get more interesting. Death threats from his most loyal member and probably friend.

That's not a threat you sperg, he told you to go die

that is why he says yes you spas.

harden the fuck up, you've been sperging out for months with no end. You could just let it go but instead your retard mind seems to be focused only on your ban. Are you honestly surprised people are fed up with you?

You obviously don't know what a threat is. An example would be (Deer Admins, This is merely an illustration of what a threat would look like, not an actual threat.) "I'm going to throw you in a garbage fire." Their statement was merely meant to offend you (as it obviously did) and was by no means a threat.

that is why he accepts he threats and deletes his statements at discord? o.O

Just because you want something to be a threat doesn't mean it is.

same answer for 3. time. that is why he says yes?

Bitch is you dumb. If he isn't going to throw you into a garbage fire, it ain't a threat. He wants you to jump in one (it's probably not all that uncommon of a feeling

that is why he says yes? o.O

Have you had your brain removed?

you made your point and still are toxic. move on now.

Lol retard

can you really stop being inferior?

That was a terrible insult. Try again sweaty.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

It does not make my post less real.

Death threat ? Yesterday I got a little shard in my finger, thinking your way should I call the ems, national guard, hazmat units ?

stupid manipulation

that is why he says yes? o.O n1. you just reached the next stupidty level.

Stop talking about playing games for Christs sake.

Honestly, what's your end-game? You've become the most hated person in the ARMA community by now with your useless crusade. You're the bloody laughing stock of it. You're reaching nothing and only creating more hate towards yourself.


"Official" means created by BI employees. Every Discord server owner has the absolute right to ban anyone for any reason. Somehow that never got through your thick skull.. And ban evasion is bannable! Discord will even hardware ban you for it when reported.


Nobody is trying to protect Dwarden, your general appearance already is enough for every single server admin to pick up the ban hammer.

It's not people telling others to ban you, or any protection involved. Your own very crusade is widely known. You've ruined your own reputation here man.

Many discords mod told they had banned me because of dwarden. Save it for yourself. Like kju, folkaprs mods, pr:arma mods, cup mods etc

You're just annoying, that's why every discord related to arma bans or mutes you. Not even r/gaming is able tolerate your level of mental disability.

They did not say that. It is rule. Why do you spent so much time here ?

That's nice sweaty

No one gives a shit about your glorified BB gun tournament community asspain, faggot. Stop trying to PA request.

Do keep us posted on the drama, though.

The thing is i am threatened with global game ban by dwarden and with murder by his close friend. Please stay relevant, polite and constructive.

Are turks mayos or not?

Also, are Cypriots Turks?

Why does everyone hate this guy?

He got banned from a bunch of arma3 server (iirc for cheating) and went to the discord of the servers to complain. He got banned, went to the arma 3 discord, acted like a fucking ass and got banned. He didn't like that. If I remember correctly that was 9 months ago

He hops onto pretty much every server related to arma 3 and spergs and spams around until he gets banned. Until today he created 300 to 400 discord accounts.

I do not know why they keep talking about discord accounts. It does not make any sense. Proof or it did not happen. İt is not about any specific gaming community. Dwarden himself threatened me with global game ban.

I fully agree with you, dwarden shouldn't threaten you with a global ban but actually ban you.

That would be even a bigger scandal.

Banning a poor child because of his mental disability 😭😭

You guys got no solid evidence and failed to manipulate. So you started to insult now. I did not expect anything else.

You're the solid evidence for your own mental disability. Nobody gives a shit, that's why all other subreddits removed your ramblings.

What are you talking about exactly?

Your two posts to r/arma and the posts to r/gaming, r/arma2, r/findAUnit all removed to protect yourself from your own stupidity. Wanna bet how long it takes until your post to r/armadev is removed too?

arma 2 post is there. It is well known subreddit mods work with devs. It is not a secret.

You remove my posts from all subreddit? None of you care about other people. I believe in freedom of speech and i provide solid evidence. This is the behaviour which triggers people at the first place. Stop acting like nazis. If you do a mistake, man up, accept it, apologise or talk with people like decent civil human. Censorship is wrong and rude.

Do you even know how reddit works? The moderators of the subreddits you posted your ramblings to deleted your shit, I can't do that.

Also forgot to mention. Nice racistic comments.

My last message for you. Tell dwarden not to use retarded people like you. You are not even creative at manipulating. You got nothing to say and you have zero evidence to prove your bs. Tell him to come here himself. I do not want to talk with a bunch of racistic scumbags.


kill yourself you fucking retard

That scandal xas so big that no one in the community cares about you and your spam. I spent 5 minutes reporting all of your posts for spam, that was quite pmeasant reading every comment pushing you deeper and deeper into your own loneliness

then fuck off.

Dude how old are you to be so childish ?

Hi OP,

Are you single? Top or bottom? Mbe we could sort something out


Keep Yourself Safe

they targeted GAMERS

Stop sending funny children to reddit just to falsify me.


  1. Annoy the hell out of all Arma-related discords for MONTHS by joining them over and over again and insulting people (under the pretext of "spreading awareness about Dwarden")

  2. Spam all Arma-related discords with a link to your reddit post

  3. Be surprised that people actually click the link you provided and tell you you're an idiot

  4. Put the blame on Dwarden :D


  1. My aim was to spread it about him. They are the ones who attacked me and banned me to kiss his ass.

  2. I am sure you will survive.

  3. Make sense.

  4. If not all, some of them are his close friends or discord moderators. Some of them are just malicious trolls. Why are you even here and care so much?


EDIT: Maybe you are just a cat who walks on keyboard. We do not even know your identity.

Why are you even here

Oh! Just walking on the keyboard. I'm a cat, remember? :)


and care so much?

Because it's annoying!


Imagine there was a guy knocking at your door everyday and handing you a new pizzeria palmphlet, one that just opened around the corner.

The first day you just ignored him, but after a few days you read the ad, decided to go to the pizzeria and found the pizza to actually be very good!


But the palmphlet guy kept on coming everyday. You received that palmphlet over and over again, even though you knew what were its contents already.

You started getting annoyed at the guy. After a week you even said to yourself that you're never ever going to eat at that pizzeria, even though you liked the pizza, first.


After a month it goes like this:

"- Hello, I'm from WittenPizza, would you like to take my..."

BAM! Door closed.


You're the pizza guy.

At this point no one wants to hear about your new Hawaiian pizza with strawberries on top. Not because the competition bribed them (everyone) while you were not looking, but because they can't stand seeing you again while they're trying to work or do something productive at that moment.

Get a thicker skin then. I suggest you to work on your perception. Deleting 1 link and opening a door are not same things.

1) I am not saying everybody was bribed. I know perfectly most of discord moderators banned me because of problem between me and david. they told it THEMSELF. 2)Productive? You guys are just random players or amateur game modders. Making a pc game is not productive. It is even destructive. LOL

I suggest you to work on your perception

My perception seems to be in line with most other arma players - seems again that it's yours that looks skewed...
Once again, I'm telling you why you're being banned at this point, not months ago: you're seen as this guy that joins AGAIN and all he does is insulting X of being an ass kisser. I'm guessing that you're not even playing Arma at this point.

This reminds me of stories of guerilla that first had good faith goals, but then were forced to hide in the forests and without supplies, had to resort to terrorizing the local population and extorting food from them in order to survive, causing the very people they were trying to defend from the government hate those guerilla.

Same here: you had your goals that you deemed worthy of causing a few casualties in the process, but you successfully made everyone hate you because of how you played that out. People are annoyed by you coming again and again, and you've earned the name of an insulting troll - hence they do not take you seriously anymore.

Productive? You guys are just random players or amateur game modders. Making a pc game is not productive. It is even destructive.

First, you're generalizing. I know of quite a few professional developers here, some of them even being company owners. No, not game companies.
Second, unwinding (playing games in small amounts) is productive in the sense that it allows a person to relax and then be better at their regular job, the next day.

Making a pc game is not productive.

You'd be surprised at how much self-development can working on a side-project completely unrelated to your day job give you. Seriously.

Besides, you're missing the point: I was talking about you just distracting people from what they were doing at the moment. And being on discord doesn't mean one is slacking. I, for one, am on discord most of the time because my client uses discord for communication inside his company. And I am doing productive things while logged on.

That degree finally paying off

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I would have listened to them if they asked me nicely not to post it instead of insulting and banning me. You are trying really hard to sound as an innocent person.

Also about the job of developping a game: one can only guess how many parents hate devs.

Also let me tell you things you never heard in your life. Games are too colorfull. Every thing is colorfull. Everything is fast. There is no room for black and white. Gaming communities are based on purely fun and milking money. I am sure they do anything they can to make people play more and more. It is based on quantity rathen than quality. Also everybody is very very rude at net. I hear constantly very very rude words. None of you are aware children play this. You make silly jokes and make weird sounds and you think they are funny. None of you respect each other. You just create discord chan. and then harras people to follow your rules when you bend them constantly. You got no respect for people who pay you and make your discord chan. exist. Sorry but i am a scientist and NONE of you are in position to tell me what is productive or destructive.

Sorry but i am a scientist and NONE of you are in position to tell me what is productive or destructive.

Being a scientist does not make you right. Proof: scientists often argue with each other because they don't agree with each other. Ergo either one is right and the other is wrong, or the other way around. But there is always one of the two that is wrong.

Also about the job of developping a game: one can only guess how many parents hate devs.

This can be said about literally anything. What about scientists in China who work on cloning people, as we speak? What about scientists who work on improving weapons to kill even more effectively? Maybe we should ban science.


You are trying really hard to sound as an innocent person.

Will my identity being known invalidate my arguments? As a scientist you should know that you should not argue at personam but look into what a given person says. That way we can have a civil discussion here.


Games are (...)

Also, about games in general: that's exactly why I'm playing Arma and not CoD, for example, because Arma is not CoD with all the instant gratification bonus points each time you kill an enemy. That's also why I don't like KotH because it's a mod that makes Arma more CoD-like, with all the grinding and receiving money for every fart you make while playing. But I just play other mods.

And if you think a particular gaming community is bad and exists only to milk people... find another community - maybe a smaller one; one that makes it clear that it doesn't want your money. There are literally thousands of communities at