Karma whore gets bussy blasted when he tries to take advantage of Reddit's love of upvoting racist shit. Sort by contraversial.

83  2018-09-03 by ArlenBilldozer


This has been an attack, it's occult warfare, and her number one goal is Reconciliation, Restoration, and Reunion of their marriage and family.


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Fuck. I never learn.


Would OP really just go on the internet and tell lies like that?

Lmao who the fuck would believe that post is real.


"I'm black"

posts photo of mayo-colored hand

I mean that could be his wife's man hands for all we know. The giveaway was him posting shit on CA and MDE. I mean..

Shaun King 2: Spawn of Shaun King

What did I miss?

Some LARP pretending to be black

smdh Mayos always attempting to appropriate melanin on the internet

Hahaa bitch deleted his account

The picture is gone though

He edited all his comments to "wow just wow" and deleted his account.