Riot Games Developer Throws Tantrum When Preppy Reddit Has a Thread About Their PAX Event Being Women and Mentally Ill Only

384  2018-09-03 by Tarrock


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Fuck off and sea lion elsewhere.

I think Dan is not enjoying his whiteknighting being mocked.

sea lion

Confirmed Ghazi-reader. They're literally the only people who use that phrase still.

What even is sea lioning? Is it just pointing out open displays of bigotry? That is all I see the people accused of sea lioning doing.

If you make a claim and someone asks for evidence of that claim they are "sea lioning." In sjw circles they have tried to make sea lioning a logical fallacy (it's not and philosophers do not recognise it as one) to try and get away with not being able to provide evidence for their claims. It is only used when talking about gamergate for some reason (yes, they tried to invent a logical fallacy that pertains only to gamergate). In the context that this guy used it, it makes no sense since she wasn't even "sea lioning." It is as if he is just saying a buzzword he saw on gamerghazi.

Either suck my feminine dick while agreeing to my every word or you are a Nazi lion in short. Asking for evidence or questioning anything is a Nazi construct.

Nazi lions sound pretty cool like they’re some kind of boss in Wolfenstein.

I think that, in theory, it's supposed to mean that the person is asking for evidence, but is doing so in bad faith; in other words, that they won't accept any amount of evidence, so it's pretty much useless to debate them. This has obvious flaws, since if your argument is incredibly dumb, people are obviously not going to be persuaded regardless of your "evidence". But, stupid name aside, the concept does have some value when discussing things with people you legitimately won't be able to convince of anything (flat earthers, for example).

In practice, however, the ghazelles turned it into "questioning anything we ever say, no matter what", which isn't really useful in any sort of meaningful debate.

It is (was) specifically about pestering an unwilling participant to provide evidence and "faking" civility, as in the original comic. Thing is even this, applied to the internet, is basically an excuse to write a bunch of bullshit on an open forum and label anyone who disagrees with a made up word so you feel like you've won. No one's harassing you to your bed, block people if they're annoying you so much.

Yet everyone since seems to manage using this in situations where it's even less and less applicable. The fucking idiot says "let's talk about this", oh but of course he's the only one allowed to talk and trying to have a discussion is now a bad thing under a fancy term.

The comic isn’t even obvious who the problem is. Change sea life one to Jews in the same sentence and it could be used the other way around.

You can change it around and it's still about faking civility and basically trying to discredit someone's stance via concern trolling.

Not saying that it's always a shitty tactic but you can switch the context and it would still be sealioning, you'd just have different people yelling about it.

Fair enough,. It just seems like a way to lazily dismiss having to actually argue and give evidence for statements.

Sea lion comic is stupid anyway. It's basically the same joke for 4 panels.

The author wrote a clarification on the comic:

It has been suggested that the couple in this comic, and the woman in particular, are bigots for making a pejorative statement about a species of animal, and then refusing to justify their statements. It has been further suggested that they be read as overly privileged, because they are dressed fancily, have a house, a motor-car, etc. This is, I suppose, a valid read of the comic, if taken as written.

But often, in satire such as this, elements are employed to stand in for other, different objects or concepts. Using animals for this purpose has the effect of allowing the point (which usually is about behavior) to stand unencumbered by the connotations that might be suggested if a person is portrayed in that role — because all people are members of some social group or other, even if said group identity is not germane to the point being made.

Such is the case with this comic. The sea lion character is not meant to represent actual sea lions, or any actual animal. It is meant as a metaphorical stand-in for human beings that display certain behaviors. Since behaviors are the result of choice, I would assert that the woman’s objection to sea lions — which, if the metaphor is understood, is read as actually an objection to human beings who exhibit certain behaviors — is not analogous to a prejudice based on race, species, or other immutable characteristics.

My apologies if the use of a metaphorical sea lion in this strip, rather than a human being making conscious choices about their own behavior, was in any way confusing.

Essentially the problem isn't a specific demographic or an animal, but people who act that way. And I can't say I disagree with that explanation. I think most who accuse people of sealioning do so not because of who you are, but how you act - be it because you're actually harassing them or they just don't like your wrongthink.

The artist should have just made the animal an appt ape or monkey.

Stop giraffing me and stick to the point.

If that's what the author wanted to portray they should have made it a person in a sea lion suit rather than an actual sea lion. As it stands the sea lion is being vilified for simply being born a sea lion, which is clearly analogous to racial vilification rather than behavioural condemnation.

But then furries would get offended.

Yeah it's a bit flawed in getting its point across clearly. Maybe not a man in a suit specifically, but something along those lines, where's it's clearly a choice. It just gets a pass in my mind because no one took it the wrong way, they're just overusing it to where it loses the little meaning it had like all other buzzwords.

"Sowwy I made a bad comic" basically.

Yeah, the first few times I saw that comic, I didn't know who was meant to the bigger asshole. The annoying sea lion or the sanctimonious bigot woman. Which makes it the perfect metaphor for most internet cultural wars bullshit.

The thing about the original comic is that even as presented this still doesn’t provide anything potentially actionable. You can always accuse anyone of faking civility even if they’re just actually being civil. The best thing that can be said about the comic is that yeah, trying to force your way into someone’s private spaces to continue to pursue a discussion they’re trying to leave is bad, but that doesn’t work as a social media analogy because Twitter (for example) is an open forum — if you want privacy, don’t make the tweet public.

Even taking the comic on its own terms the whole point of this is to use a bad and misleading analogy to manufacture a term so ill-defined and broad in scope that it can be used to shout down any discussion you don’t like. It’s a power play, and a failed one, because only fellow SJ cultists accepted it while everyone else correctly saw it as insane and stupid.

trying to force your way into someone’s private spaces to continue to pursue a discussion they’re trying to leave is bad, but that doesn’t work as a social media

There are people that believe that a notification from Twitter on their phone is an intrusion into their life. Yes, it's a retarded idea, but we're already talking about people who post politics on Twitter and take it seriously.

you cant be an unwilling participant when you use a public platform to say some shit, youre already participating

they literally do not understand this

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Wow, suddenly, Reddit makes a lot more sense after reading that comment.

So to clarify they to created this phrase as a response to anyone who asks them to back up their assertions and claims. Said phrase doesn't actually mean anything nor does it provide proof of their claims.

It's literally just sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending the person questioning your beliefs isn't speaking.

This is the perfect time for the novelty account reason trump won to post.

It's asking people to explain why they're bigoted towards x group.

it's when social justice warriors call for an open conversation but then get annoyed when people disagree with them join the conversation


So basically it's circle jerking only.

Claims asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. must be blindly trusted because finding evidence takes time and who has time for that? Requests for evidence are a theft of my time and actual👏physical👏assault👏. Die in a fire you stupid sea lion!

this, but unironically

It's supposed to mean civilly arguing in bad faith but considering the alternative is everyone angrily yelling past one another in not sure how useful a term it is

Lots of long as expansions, but it's not that complicated.

Sea Lioning is any disagreement/rebuttal/contradicting opinion that's polite, civil or otherwise can't be dismissed as harassment.

It's based on a comic of a sea lion, that implies that this is a new form of harassment, or a new way to victimize woke folks.

What I love is that comment the "victim" was being racist/speciesist the sea lion is the woke one

Basically if someone acts like a giant asshole in public and you politely suggest they shouldn't, you're sea lioning, because gigantic assholes needed to come up with a term for that which let them feel like the aggrieved party.

Asking for supporting evidence for wild claims is sealioning. Fucking ghazis.

He's very much one of the stalwarts in the anti-GG side of the Great Gamergate War. Which really is more pathetic than pretty much anything else about him.

That man is going to be on the right side of Herstory no matter what.

He's beyond white knight. Pale cavalier?

Albino Altruist

Translucent Troubadour

Because come on, this guy doesn't actually fight, he just whinges about other people's duels, and grovels before whoever he thinks he should.

I didn't find him particularly objectionable in the first tweet or two, I mean okay I disagreed on some of that but it's an arguable point... then he went full dumbass not being able to handle anyone opposing or even asking a question, without reeeing and having a little hissy fit.

and i'm supposed to believe that Riot Games has a frat-bro-style atmosphere at their offices?

only if i get to see all these bros giving this whiny dweeb a bunch of swirlies, a wedgie and a rub burn on his arm will i believe it.

The real truth is that the male feminists create the creepy Rapey corporate culture and not the frat bros.

male feminists create the creepy Rapey corporate culture

You mean this guy isn't up to his ears in pussy?

😾Don't bring my people into this 😾😾😾

Ill have you know that he's in a poly relationship with a trans-man, engaged actually. Well, he's only dating the trap, while the trap is seemingly dating other peoples. You're just jealous you can't be part of their orgies.

The trans guy is building a harem wow

I see nothing wrong, let's move along brozers

I guess as long as they all fail to reproduce, it's a net gain to society.

Holy fuck.

It's as much as a trainwreck as I assumed it would be.

Lol he has bigger titties than Xer.

If they were superheroes they'd be Overbite and M E G A M I L K.

I’ve noticed that EVERY poly “couple” I’ve ever seen is but ugly.

Because 99% of time it isn't an poly relationship (you know where everyone in the relationship loves eachother equally) it's usually just one or two guys getting super cucked.

Yeah the normal/hot people doing poly don't usually feel the need to wear it like an identity. So you'll probably only find out about it if you're already mates with them, and/or getting an interesting proposal ;)

Look at those milkers

And more of an hour glass figure.

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Random hot take

I wonder if these programmers/devs get groomed by pedos in irc and shit when they are kids to turn out this way

I think it's more that they have absolutely zero sexual market value and take what they're given. In five years or so when people get bored of this shit and everyone goes back to not giving a fuck about trannies and nerds, there's going to be mass suicides.

And nothing of value will be lost.

Because the trans suicide rate is already low now right?

♫♫ It can always get worse. ♫♫

Not to put too much of a fine point on it, but it's easier to get estradiol than than a cold tablet with pseudoephedrine in it. There's probably going to be a point in the future where we should reflect upon the dangers of politicizing medical treatment, but who are we kidding?

And that "pseudo"-pseudo crap (phenlyephrine or something like that) doesn't work worth a damn!

Brain damage suffered from face-farting induced hypoxia

Thx for my band title

When people ask why aliens haven't made contact with us yet, they need to be shown the above spectacle.

Do you think God stays in heaven because he too, lives in fear of what he's created?

I fully support them wiping us all out tbh.


Holy fucking shit is this guy a real person or a parody created by mde?

people didnt randomly imagine the stereotypes man

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Lmao why is the bot losing its shit over this comment?? xD

Degenerates are marked as such.

Oh, does this guy have a sordid history here or something? I'm still kind of a newbie. Just funny to see a single bot spaz out with four posts on one guy, and on such a mundane comment that's not introducing anything particularly earth-shattering (and not edited either)

We're trying to bully the MDEgenerates and CAtards until they leave.

fag jew mods hate me but im an approved submitter

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I'm reminded of the episode where Peter Griffin had his own theme music that played whenever he walked.

How in the fuck can you be engaged and be married and have a gf?

Anything is possible through the power of mental illness!

It's 2018.. wait until 2019

I’m going to rewatch Independence Day and root for the aliens now, thanks.

1945 was a mistake


Lol @ the star of david in their username

I used to defend Israels right to shoot kids in the face with rubber bullets, after this I'm an MDE anti Semite. Sorry Grandma, I didn't envision such levels of faggotry were possible :(

rubber bullets

You think the IDF messes around with that pussy shit? Blowing up kids all day every day, baby.

What a disgusting “person”

LMAO what you say is essentially “he is a cuck”.

No kinkshaming, you wish you could join their poly

This is one of the worst things I've ever seen. And I've seen some shit.

This is worse than I could ever imagine.

Polyam Panrom Bi Transgender Transhuman Autistic Nonbinary Autodidactic Polymath Gamer Woman.

Does this even makes sense?

Transgender Transhuman...Woman

I have no fucking clue what a transhuman is, but I'm pretty sure women only comes in the human variety, so I would say no.


This is a euphemism for being uneducated. I can believe that much.


"Autodidactic" means "kicked out from school"?

auto (self) + didaskein (teach) = autodidaktos (self taught)

So yeah, "kicked out from school"

Since I’m currently being yelled at by League fans, hi! @danielzklein is not my boyfriend. He’s my fiancé. @GamingLawyerJ is my husband. @krislyssara is my girlfriend. Please do keep everyone straight in your yelling. Much obliged.

every day we stray further from God

What the fuck

Thanks for digging this up. Just when I thought this couldn't get even funnier.

Polyam Panrom Bi Transgender Transhuman Autistic Nonbinary Autodidactic Polymath Gamer Woman. Mod for @cherryrae. She/They Replies

Social media wasn't intended to give the mentally ill a voice but I'll allow it because this is too absurd and funny not to.

Holy shit, you literally cannot make this stuff up.

Film archivist & metadata, formerly gaming. Disney-obsessed. Fluent in showtunes. Jewish Latinx. Spoonie. Genderfluid. Polyam. They/he. “Notorious SJeW”

Proof we need holocaust 2.0


What a faggot

whomp there it is

Guess why it was female/nonbinary only? It obviously is a couchcasting rape scheme.

you are blocked

Good to know I made at least one blocklist somewhere

Does posting like this actually help him attract women?

It's because they expect sex for their white knighting. They are the original "niceguys".

Everyone knows this. It's sort of weird how infrequently it's brought up. I guess feminists are just that hard up for "male allies".

In a frat bro company they'd just have dudes hitting on them. At Riot you have dudes farting on chicks and trying to m'lady them and shit.

This but unironically

It was already unironic you illiterate.

You're not familiar with those frats where the douchebag bros live in perfect harmony with the neckbeard male-feminists who are literally in cuckolding relationships?

They managed to go from "evul gamerbros" to turbo-SJWs in a week in the gaming (( media )). Pretty sure this was cynical PR to make themselves look like the heroes.

DZK was always a mega-SJW though.

The more a company placates to intersectional feminists, the more that company will be criticized from within for not being feminist enough.

If a woman gets sexually harassed at an oil rig, no one gives a shit.

If a woman gets sexually harassed at a progressive Silicon Valley tech company, she's handed a career as a columnist at Jezebel because she's now an expert on sexism in the workplace.

You three days late.

He has a 400 post freakout on shitter every other day. Just stalk his page and get karma for the next one.

Lol Riot games is notorious for encouraging the heinous practice of pedophilia,

You know, I bet these individuals could probably report the pedos to the FBI, if riot wont do anything, id bet they will

Did this occur during the weekend when most game forums have an almost non-presence of moderation?

You have to be next level retarded to sit on official forums. Nothing that happens there will ever surprise me.

He could simply say he want just women so he can try to fuck them rather than have to respond to sweaty 300kg hamplanet greasy neckbeards.

He's banging a MTF tranny, I doubt that is a concern

His fiance is actually FTM (well...sorta; they wear women's clothes, didn't change their name and apparently do nothing at all to pass as male), though the harem he's involved in does include an MTF person.

Can't believe we've got nerd tranny harems now. Daddy Kim plz finish us.

Cleansing nuclear fire when?

Can't wait for a canticle for liebowitz to become reality tbh

Also trans-racial and trans-religious with a nice spectrum of self-diagnosed illnesses and disorders on the side.

I've never seen a person so committed to finding as many ways to gain oppression points as possible. It's almost impressive, in a vaguely sad sort of way.

Wait, hold up. That chick is supposed to be ftm? We can just be any gender without having to change anything? What even is happening?!

Their twitter profile lists as "genderfluid" and their preferred pronouns as "he/they". On top of that, the person claims to be mixed race because their adopted father is Hispanic, is autistic (but never diagnosed), and describes themself as a "spoonie" (I assume from some undiagnosed disability). All in all, a real piece of work.

Yeah apparently you don't even have to change your appearance. A bunch of men should've gone to the PAX panel and said they were non-binary

I would. That's nonsense.

One thing I've noticed is that female trannies are almost always "genderqueer" and pretty much noncommittal to their transition. They'll cut their hair short and dye it some stupid neon color, they'll start wearing stupid looking clothing, and they'll demand that you refer to them by certain pronouns... But otherwise, they don't seem to do anything as part of their "transition" that actually requires any effort.

Male trannies are almost exclusively the ones who go whole hog. HRT, SRS, lifestyle changes, changing the tone of their voice, etc.

I don't have any conclusions to draw from this, it's just something I've noticed.

What? If anything it's way more common for FTMs to fully transition since it's generally more effective, it's more likely that you don't even know they're trans since testosterone is a lot more powerful than estrogen.

If you go on subreddits like /r/traa there are tons of MTFs who don't even want SRS, I'd even say those who do are in the minority nowadays with all the ones who think you don't even need physical dysphoria.

I'm lumping FTMs and genderqueers together when I say "female trannies." One thing you'll notice is that the noncommittal queers are way more common.

the dude in the video totally passes as a man, wow

Testosterone is the source of all mental stability I guess.

The best thing they did was convince these retards to chop off their willies and hopefully never procreate again at least on accident.
This is a friendly reminder that it's "by accident" and not "on accident".

Downvote to 0 to delete this comment.

well...sorta; they wear women's clothes, didn't change their name and apparently do nothing at all to pass as male

Oddly not the first time his SO was mistaken for a male trying to pass as a woman.

Dont know if thst means you succeed or fail at passing

This sub isn't interested in genuine drama anymore, it's just shilling for neoliberalism and SRD values these days.

Feel free to post drama yourself, friendo. And this place is shilling SRD values? Lmao.

The majority of SRD agreed with the dev lol how is that for SRD values

shut the fuck up retard

This is the content I subbed for


new snappy quote

I'll add it

This subreddit exists only so lonely losers that live on the internet can whine about liberals and pretend their lives are interesting they include of manufactured internet drama.


Snappy?! Is that you?


You're gonna dedicate your childhood to edgy memes and internet drama, distance yourself from everyone in your real life because you can't connect with normal people in your young adulthood, and then spend your actual adulthood completely isolated and alone once you get bored of being a 4chan kiddie loser to impress racists on the internet. Enjoy it, it's the life you chose for yourself by being too afraid or uninteresting to join the real world and interact with real people.

Youre right I made this account when I was 9

The best years of your life are already over and you still spend every day doing this racist dipshi act on the internet and pretend it's a life worth living.

You've dedicated so much of your boring personality to never maturing that you can't connect with real people any more.

You're going to die alone.

You have no one to blame but yourself for being a boring and childish person.

Niggers tongue my anus

I can't imagine being so boring and lonely that I spent my free time the way you do.

you're having a spazzout on a meme sub, idk if you do this for fun or profit but either way i think i'm doing better

You can't connect with your peers so you dedicated your personality to being a racist loser on the internet so other lonely children will clap along with your show, and now you'll never break the cycle and you'll miss out on having a real life.

I'm not pretending. Niggers tounge my anus

You're going to die alone.

No need to project lil faggot. Niggers tongue my anus

Whens the last time someone in your real life wanted to spend time with you? Know that this is directly connected to the fact you still throw teenage temper tantrums for negative attention on the internet instead of doing real things that make you an interesting person.

Srd is not neoliberal in the slightest. They elevate gender studies as the most scientific soft science for gods sake

who even are you

neoliberalism and SRD values


it's just shilling for neoliberalism

This but unironically.

Look at this fucking gem

You can't make this shit up. This guy is literally mentally challenged. How does Riot hire these people. Wtf is this?

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Dozens or hundreds of words to justify segregation 😂😂😂 soy toxicity is real

Place with shit business practices hires shit people 😃

His twitter description says this:

Systems Designer at Riot Games, also virtue-signalling door mat. Life is good. Tweets are my own. He/him.

How does Riot hire these people. Wtf is this?

at this point I'm convinced the video games industry exclusively hires autistics and mentally retarded people

The only people who’d willing work in that industry are those exact people fwiw.

dafaq is fwiw

For what it’s worth.

Mate people have used FWIW since the 90's. It's as old as ROFL.

Your edit makes you look retarded bro.

I used to think smdh was short for "stroking my dick hard".

How is the sundowning my friend

Star Wars Themed Make Up Addiction

The only guy I know who got into the industry (despite many of my friends being into video gaming) was just a total fucking mong with that personality. You know the one, seems like they start every sentence with 'Erm, excuse me but I just overheard what you said and lol you normie' then Zoidberg running away whilst tipping his fedora.

A proper dick in other words.

I think it could be a decent gig if your co-workers weren't all nutjobs.

Games programming doesn't pay super well relative to other programming gigs. If these people were sane they'd work in a startup or for a mega corp and be paid twice as well.

you can definitely work your way up to good paying positions big companies like riot.

plus if I'm getting paid junior/senior programmer pay i'd rather make games than Super Business InvoiceMaker™: Edition 12

some companies like EA are still absolute dogshit to work for tho. Riot is starting to sound like it too

Super Business InvoiceMaker™: Edition 12

Sounds better than league tbh

Sounds like an EVE expansion pack.

Riot poached a TON of talent from the EVE developers, ironically enough


Lmao this person's experience is from years ago

ya tbf I dont keep up on leagueshit I just hear about the maynstreem stuff that leaks through

WTF I love Riot now???

plus if I'm getting paid junior/senior programmer pay i'd rather make games than Super Business InvoiceMaker™: Edition 12

No you wouldn't.

The reason why is simple - that corporate or bank job doesn't have regularly compulsory "overtime" with no pay. They also don't fire half the staff regularly whenever a project is completed or gets canceled.

Look, when I was young and retarded (well, more than I am now) I had a similar sentiment. After doing it however, you wise up and realize your life outside of work is far more valuable than you're giving yourself credit for. Why add insult to injury by giving it away for practically free?

The reason why is simple - that corporate or bank job doesn't have regularly compulsory "overtime" with no pay.

Uh yeah, they actually do. damn near every single software firm, in-house software dev teams, indie teams etc. all have salaried developers with crunch times.

They also don't fire half the staff regularly whenever a project is completed or gets canceled.

Look, when I was young and retarded (well, more than I am now) I had a similar sentiment. After doing it however, you wise up and realize your life outside of work is far more valuable than you're giving yourself credit for. Why add insult to injury by giving it away for practically free?

lol it sounds like you were just too retarded to know how to advocate on your own behalf as an employee. not everyone is. "I signed up as a ubisoft code monkey why does my job suck :( making games blows"

working for smaller dev houses will always be preferable, getting more pay and more creative input with potentially a stake in the company even

It's cute how you think you know what you're talking about.

> middle aged devtard didn't research his career path, gets buttfucked by the industry and is still sore about it

I've been working for over a decade and I don't think I've ever done more than 5-8 days of overtime in a year...

my point was you're no more likely to get stuck doing lots of shitty unpaid OT at a game dev corp than a software solution corp

The thing that sucks is that this guy is unironically really good at (part) of his job. Or he was, anyways. He changed his position recently, but back when he was in champion design, he created some of the most popular, unique characters in the game.

It's been known for a while that he's a turbo-SJW that likes to get into shit-flinging contests with the community, but this is the most attention its ever gotten.

May I ask which champions he has created though?

Kayn, Taliyah, Lucian, Azir and Tahm Kench. He helped redo all of Xerath's abilities, too, but that was minor stuff, he was the lead designer for all the other ones.

cancer, ok, ok, cancer, cancer.

May I ask which champions he has created though?

Fagzilla Transicon Autismo Moobilator

and many more

If I ran a company Id have an interview question that asks if they have twitter, if they did Id make them sign the most airtight, packed to the gills with legalese contract that would give me the right to fire them for anything they ever posted on twitter.

Its cancer.

What you need to understand is that it's Riot we're talking about. They hire exclusively sperglords

it's even better as he goes on to explain that it's not sexism because it's only sexism when those in power does it...


completly forgetting that in this instance that IS them by haveing the panel and being able to ban people from it. they are the system and the system is being sexist. systemic sexism against men. and they are championing whille denying it even exists.


and the irony is comically lost on him.

If you want to work in game development, you either haven't researched the industry or are crazy enough. You could be padding your pockets working in fintech instead of pleasing gamers.

So this guy believes the only way to fix the Holocaust is to put 12 million Germans into the ovens, then?

how long do you guys think it'll be until it comes out he likes 13-year-old gussy? i'm putting my money on 3 months

The only klein thing is what's in his pants

Ich sehe, was du dort getan hast


What games has riot games produced again?

The Crying Game.


What the fuck is this? Men are banned but with a massive loophole of if you pretend to be a made up hipster gender you're a-ok?

God damn, we used to have big boy world wars to send these bitches off to die in. Make America kill its weaklings again.

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

Shit I totally forgot about that subreddit

Wut? I missed a meme somewhere

It's an ancient meme. /R/ateeist

God damn, we used to have big boy world wars to send these bitches off to die in. Make America kill its weaklings again.

Unfortunately, I think most of them have mental illnesses that would disqualify them from serving in the Military.

ehhh theirs a waiver for that!

Easy. Tell your recruiters everything, tell MEPS nothing.

Speaking of loopholes, the mentally ill are the best and brightest and they need to be on the front lines ffs. Berserkers, anyone??

The World Wars created them. They were the first chink in the chain of Western Fatherhood. Two generations without dads. This is what happens, eventually. I wonder where it actually plateaus.

Imagine being autistic enough to give this much of a shit about "w-w-western society is crumbling!!!!"

Daw little dragon boy is calling names again. He must be upset about something. I bet someone mean on the internet wrote a post he could find a counterargument for.

Poor dumb little bastard. I hope at least his parents had a few decent children. Imagine them with nothing in the world to look forward to but petty sjw name calling.

Poor old coots.

Reeeee he doesn't agree with me so that means he's an SJW

I bet you don't even have a bussy to get fucked.

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Someone who is a grill should comment about how it is hurtful to mansplain that issue to them.

Probably blocked, there is a tweet saying he would block messages in the forum saying stuff he dislike

tbh I've been thinking about posing as a black woman and asking this guy why none of the events excluded whites. does he believe that PoC don't deserve their own safe space? does he believe that racism in no longer a problem? in any case his implicit white supremacy is highly problematic and he's gonna need to donate a large part of his salary to black women (i.e., me) in order to make up for it.

Art + Champions/Skins Design For The Modern Non Binary Woman

How to be a Producer As A Non Binary Curmudgeon

Narrative Writing To Push The Narrative

Production Careers, Straight White Men Need Not Apply

Game Design - Are Platform Games The Tool of the Patriarchy?


i had to scroll down way too far to find this, but im glad i found it

Go home 'fugee

Leave me alone rabbi

Mentally ill and women only

Redundancy detected.

Did anyone do that joke yet? Did I win? Where do I pick up my free t-shirt and gift card

I still haven't bothered to find out wtf a "non-binary" person is.

It’s the logical end point of “I’m not like other girls/guys” where you claim not to be either gender.

Person an-a-log Cuz if you're binary, you don't have anything for the camp fire.

Someone who doesnt associate with any one gender or someone who doesn't identify with the same one all the time.

Someone who doesnt associate with any one gender

How do you not have a gender?

I dunno, ask them.

A non-binary person is a fat person who wants to be hip and cool, and who hangs around in circles where exotic new gender statuses are considered cool.


They have their own definition, but that is what the word actually signifies.

Someone so fat that you can't tell what sex they are.

And they haven't seen their genitals in so long they don't know either.

Women and Mentally Ill Only#

But you repeat yourself

It would be nice if people start pressuring Tencent now.All that supposed moral high ground these people think they have will be pegged back a notch when daddy Tencent starts screwing the Riot bunghole.


lmao imagine being this much of a faggot

Men always have the power, really makes you wonder...

I'm blocked by this person. I don't know who he is or what riot games is, but it says he's blocked me. Mental!

Sound like you ended up on a block list for following the wrong people.

Report to the reeducation camp at once.

2,000 followers + 250,000 blocked

what the fuck...

I probably wouldn't attend an event by riot simply because I'm not interested in the game, but if you had a conference specifically targeted for women and non-binary people in gaming but allowed men to show up, I'm sure you'd still get a lot of your target audience AND maybe educate men on the experiences women have in gaming.

women and mentally ill only You mean mentally ill only

There was an article, from Kotaku for what it's worth corroborated by several current and former employees, talking about there being a sub-culture of sexism towards women in at least some parts of Riot Games. Honestly seemed to be actually true, at least in part (I don't think THAT many people would've said "Yeah no this is true" if it weren't), so they went "Okay, yeah. We'll try to make this less of an issue now" with that... And then went and did the no men allowed thing.

"Brother, this is the wrong approach to losing your virginity."

What the fuck actually happened at riot that got them accused of harboring toxic bro-culture?

There's a Kotaku article (yeah, yeah, they're not ENTIRELY garbage) talking about how there's at least some sub-culture of sexism towards women going on in some parts of Riot, like people actively not listening to women presenting ideas but listening to a man presenting the exact same idea, etc, corroborated by actual former and current employees.

I wish they named names so my theories could be villified or destroyed in who exactly was doing this.

like people actively not listening to women presenting ideas but listening to a man presenting the exact same idea

This doesnt happen. It should though because women havent had a good idea collectively since ever.

"Eat the fruit, what's the worse that could happen?"

Systems Designer at Riot Games, also virtue-signalling door mat.

Well at least he's self aware

You deserve this guy if you're still playing League in 2018.

I don’t think this dev gets the point. You don’t encourage diversity by excluding white males and shaming them because they were born with paler skin and with a penis. This kind of attitude just further encourages division, because as it turns out, two wrongs don’t make a right, even if the wrongs are directed at the most ‘privileged’ group that hasn’t experienced these struggles.

The benchmark should be “If you excluded a woman, a transgender person, or someone from a religious or ethnic minority from doing the same thing, would it result in a shitstorm?”

Sorry sweaty, the UK has officially taken an anti-mayo stance

The part where he says men can't face sexism pisses me off so hard IRL.

... and Mentally Ill Only

Nice one.


Daniel complains about Louis C.K being allowed to perform again as evidence for the world being fucked, but I think he glossed over the lady spearheading the metoo movement who actually raped an underage guy?

This guy is so I'll informed on so many levels, this is what staying in an echo chamber for too long will do to you.

This just proves someone can be a decent game dev, but also be really stupid when it comes to social issues. He should learn from that Guild Wars chick and just be quiet. I wonder what he was planning to get out of policing reddit like that. What a moron.

I don't like the implications of women being in the same group as the mentally ill like this.I get their idea but the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

This is stupid. It's a bad business model to exclude any group from anything.

I remember when hating yourself was a basis to write a song instead of being a twitter celebrity

What a typical bullshit response. It went exactly the stupid way I thought t would go.

The mentally ill and the self-hating are often driven by destructive attention-seeking. This type of "event" has no agenda other than a lame attempt to stir up division and tired, boring controversy.

But what about marginalized men of color or gay men? Wouldn't this create a double whammy situation for them? 🤔

LOL (literally, when you name you product like that you deserve anything that happens to you)