Amerifat goes to /r/spain to complain about the lack of variety in ready meals in supermarkets. Goes as well as you expect.

79  2018-09-03 by rustrust




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Salad is not a meal, bitch depends what you put in it...also - found the fatty.

Also - tv dinners? He needs to find a woman with a golden hearth (other than his mom) to prepare food for him, he gonna die when he finally has to live alone.

He said it doesn’t have everything the body needs, but you can throw some green leaves on basically anything and call it a salad. Which means you have at least a better chance of getting the nutrients your body needs than your average American dish.

A salad alone is a pussy meal.

Death to America.

This has to be bait

most certainly is, Yanks are if anything complete pushovers to the locals on holiday. It's the English who love nothing more than to go abroad to look for things to pick and bitch at about in another country.


Yeah. From what I saw in Europe, Brits spend their vacations looking for the exact same shit they have at home.


Forgive them. It's the only way to feel good about being British.

When I went to florida with the family a few years ago there was this other chavvy as fuck family in the villa across the road and it was a constant source of embarrassment. My people should have to get tests to apply for passports

Daily reminder that cultures that “worship food” do so because they have literally nothing else going for them. They’re the white women of international cuisine.

They’re the white women of international cuisine.

No, donuts are. Often bland and high in fat contents but people think they're special because of a hole.

Says the North American, who probably has never tasted anything that isn’t high sugar crap.

Come at me bro, I’ll have my Nonna cook for you until you literally explode from the orgasms and the amount of home cooked food we can produce in one single meal.

You could have just said "Yup".

No u

being this butt mad about America

and I’m not even American 😂👌🏿

Tell me where you are from so I can punch you in the mouth with my dick

Australia. We couldn't develop a culture if they turned the entire country into a petri dish. So who better to judge other weak ass cultures?

Idk that hand looks pretty American

thinking every American is the "average American" is fucking retarded. keep comparing yourself to the dregs in order to feel superior.

Imagine be so sheltered from life thinking that the entire food industry and every food culture of every country on this gay Earth aren’t based on bacterial excretion, bovine bodily fluids and processed grass seeds.

aww, you're mad I insulted your Nonna's pesto pasta?

Those who would give up good food to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Good Food nor Safety.

  • Benjamin Franklin, on Italian food

Italian food anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Could you try any harder to be the "ethnic white bread" American?

You talkin to me boy? Call me cracker again and I’ll tell my trusted gipsy from Rome to curse you.

Found the BritBong whose idea of food is bean on a toast.

As a foodie britbong, a lot of us joke that we created an empire just to get better food.

As a foodie

Remove your life

Goes to war with China to get more tea, starts plantations in America to get more sugar for tea, takes over India to force them to make more tea.

While you had all that shit you only let us grow potatoes and our population still hasn't recovered from the famine. Fucking Bongs.

Yeah but your island is smaller so really whos in the wrong

Well... Fair point. As long as we get to bully Isle of Mann.

If you choose to live there you deserve to bullied

Lol, this centipedo ain't no brit

Do other races of women have shit going for them? Serious question.

European food is legitimately excellent, though. Just on average.

It's a poor excuse, though: the reality is that Spain doesn't have the sort of booming economy that creates an "every second I pay you counts" work culture. Everyone is more relaxed. That's probably a good thing; the appeal of going to a place like Spain is that everything is cheap, the food is good, and the booze is plentiful. Also, not everyone is a hog like in America.

European food is trash unless it is from one of the swarthier nations. Comparing Swedish or Danish lutefisk to anything Singapore or Southeast Asia can cook is just pathetic. There's a reason Europeans steal the cuisines of its immigrants. Germans make kebobs now because no one wanted to eat schnitzel and boiled potatoes anymore.

Germans make kebobs

What's messed up is that I had better Doner in Germany at a restaurant named "New York" than anything I could find in Adana.

Germans are better at being Turkish than the Turks are.



Food culture


I mean they can do some things, but I hope you’re not serious when you use them as examples of EUROPEAN FOOD.

South east Asia has a great tradition and I respect them a lot for it, that’s true tho.

That was my point you dumb fuck. Only swarthy nations in Europe can cook. Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Turkey, etc. All the mayos can't cook for shit.

Your comment was worded weirdly.

You have to include the French and the Germans in your list, and that’s most of Europe.

Your comment made it sound like the image an American has of Sweden is the average. It isn’t. Even the mayos can cook in Europe if you know where to look.

I concede the last point though: the most mayo place in the world (the Netherlands) has the worst cuisine. They can fry a chip and have some things going with the pastries, but even Britain has more food culture than them and they are basically a meme at this point.

Most of europe lol. There's 44 and we mentioned less than 10.

I stand by my point. Only the swarthy nations have respectable cuisine. France is the exception. German cuisine is shit mate. Perhaps Germans can cook but only if they borrow heavily from other countries.

I wasn't exactly thinking of the Danes when I said that, although the Germans know how to make some pretty good sausages and cookies. And, of course, I don't think the English have actually discovered edible food, outside of curry, which is incredible considering all the places they've visited.

But if you want the good stuff you need to hit Spain, France, Italy, etc. It may be more accurate to say the Mediterraneans know how to make great food; it just so happens that the rest of Europe does an excellent job taking their best stuff and combining it with their own best foods.

That explains why Americans worship McDonald's.

Daily reminder that cultures that “worship food” do so because they have literally nothing else going for them.

>Implying there is anything of value beyond food.

The absolute state of britbongs.

I love that if I feel like it, I only have to stop playing Breath of the Wild for 30 seconds to put in my microwaveable Tikka Masala in, then 3 minutes later I have delicious food. Apparently this makes me fat🙄

Because we are not fucking barbarians.

jowly voice “No microwaveable shit? This is worse than 9/11!”

Listen, Spain has had a rough time lately. I wouldn’t exactly go to them for any advice about how to spend their money/time.

I just got back from a month in Spain, and I was curious about this, too. Everyone goes in and buys one day's worth of groceries, and all the ingredients are raw. I understand different cultures and how Spanish people have nothing going on in their lives, but sometimes I just want a piece of hot chicken and a cold coffee to go. I asked the lady behind the counter about this and she said "pues, los americanos siempre tienen prisa y aqui nos gusta vivir mas despacio" and I was like "wtf I don't speak gutter Latin" and left.

For "gastronomically" obsessed, sure they love their fatty fried fish, meatballs, tapas of all sorts, chorizos, tortilla and sandwiches... Fuck, they treat a fucking sandwich like it's the panacea.

starts clapping