Woke circlebrokers defend drinking while pregnant

177  2018-09-03 by taytaybraps


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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A waifu is still classier then gussy from circlebroke

"Woke circlebrokers" would defend pregnant women using crack cocaine if reddit majority would be agaisnt it.

They’re the real radical centrists. They will defend any view as long as reddit is against it.

Radical centrism is the rejection of the dogmatic adherence to certain political ideologies on the basis of tribalism, including the belief that all mainstream beliefs are inherently wrong.


Radical centrism is the dogmatic adherence to all and any political ideologies on the basis of tribalism and groupthink, including the beliefs that all extreme beliefs are inherently correct. It is not being counter-cultural for the sake of it. /r/circlebroke and its spinoffs are the embodiment of everything wrong with mainstream politics.

New snappy quote?

I would support it.

How partisan of you.

I refer you to the above quote.

Beautiful quote, definitely going into the radical centrist manifesto

In a world where the upper class wears black and the lower class wears white, they’re the people who have noticed that the middle class is wearing black as well, and have decided to wear white to differentiate themselves.

Les wrong?

Edgy contrarians is the right term.

No, they're the real reactionaries.

I wonder if they'll start supporting Trump since most of reddit is against him

I can't believe they already haven't.

They did it with Romney.

It was a completely different user base then.

According to them Reddit is pro-Trump..

While there are a lot of Alt-Righters and Trumpets on Reddit, they're in no way a majority. Obviously if you start looking for it then it's easy to find Trumpets, even easier to find Anti-Trumpers though.

I have noticed how pro Trump Reddit is while using T_D for my front page of Reddit to search for things to hate jerk about.

Criticising them for bringing in another crack baby is 'literally r/poorpeoplehate'

That comment was dripping with sarcasm.

Weirdly enough, they were pro-Romney back around 2012 simply because Reddit was mainly behind Obama. It's almost impressive how far they can go to be as contrarian as possible.

I would personally defend women using any form of substance if they had a male fetus inside of them. I honestly think it's a pretty reasonable thing to do.

What if the fetal alcohol syndrome causes behavioral problems that women are often on the receiving end of, like violent tendencies?

That's why you abort males before they are born 😃

^ You've got the right idea!

But who will we enslave then? And I don't want my future slaves to be retarded cause of FAS.

Sounds great! Means lots of women who can't find a guy their age. More for me.

Who cares, they're the ones that gotta take care of a downie all their life

You realize they can put them up for adoption or outright abandon them, right?

Anyone that puts a child up for adoption should have a mandatory vasectomy or tubes tied

Actually we have to pay taxes to support their spawn through 12 years of sitting in the back of a classroom, eating glue, fighting, and vaping while she gets a monthly tugboat

Yeah but that's everyone's kids, not just the downies

Only if you're a single mom or a poor

Are you trying to fill the pizzashill shaped hole in this subreddit? By all means, do.

I'll try 🍕

I guess there’s two options:

  1. Be a reasonable person and hate women who drink while pregnant

  2. Ensure the future growth of all circlebroke subs by encouraging women to produce more kids with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

I think we all know which choice is better for dramacoin

Women are naturally so nurturing that they’ll willingly drink a neurotoxin while pregnant, causing permanent damage to their children, and you’re sexist if you have a problem with it.

Women are like squishy, retarded men

We need a solution to the femoid problem before its too late

I miss pizza. He would have a manifesto detailing his solution.

Whenever Pizzas not in the thread, all the other autists should be asking "Where's Pizza?"

What does squishy mean in this context?

( • )( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)

lol CBers are so online that they think drinking while pregnant is fine but making a flippant comment about how "some people shouldn't be allowed to breed" is literally calling for eugenics.

Posting is literally more IRL than IRL

We need more people like CB2 and woke chapo idpollers. They're the best recruiters for the far right.

They're pretty much the same people. If you wanna make a left-leaning subreddit you basically need to make it actively hostile to metareddit or it becomes a circlejerk about "owning le redditors". /r/cth becoming a circlejerk about gamers/Musk/JBP with posts about socialism every so often is a good example.

It is filled with a bunch of retards that openly hate Chapo for not liking them enough and state they never even have listened to the podcast.

It's the newest rule of the internet that you must give the most strictly literal uncharitable interpretation of everything that other people say

That falls after the caveat that "if it is opportunistic for me to do so"

Although CB2ers are ironically the most reddit people on reddit, it's not surprising that they think a comment on reddit is more immediately harmful than drinking while pregnant.

I don't think Cb2ers count as contrarians at this point tbh. Their "I'm totes diff from other le redditors" opinions are pretty reddity at this point.

It isn't contrariness to think you should probably not be a pregnant alcoholic.

You're right I lost track of how many levels of contrarianism we were on

What does "being online" mean? I've seen it a few times but as expected googling "being online meaning" didn't help the way I was hoping it would.

From what I can tell it's like a mix on being woke and generally being on top of current thing? Or am I totally off track?

Use your imagination my man...

Bruh if my imagination had given me an answer I wouldn't have to ask now would I? Smh

From what I can tell it's like a mix on being woke and generally being on top of current thing?

... Current online thing.

If you're being serious, it means they get the majority of their social interaction from places like Reddit or Twitter.

Also, if you're being serious, you should go outside more often.

Wymyn are fed up with misogynistic OB/GYNs telling them what they can and can't do with their bodies.

Fucking patriarchy is always trying to make special rules to make wymyns' life worse.

Literal eugenics advocation: Some people shouldn't procreate.



When you agree with 19th-century racists that a propensity for harmful behavior is a genetically heritable trait

Wew lad.


Are these the same people that defend #KillAllMen and say you can't be racist to white people or sexist to men?

TIL fetal alcohol syndrom is an integral part of being poor

Is it not?

Cb2 will excuse everything if someone is poor

Fetal alcohol syndrome is the only way to grow their numbers.

Drinking while pregnant? But thats how you get DavidReiss666!

Yeah I'm sure Reddit wouldn't care as much if she wasn't a woman

Because... then she wouldnt... be pregnant... what

Transphobic much?

Speaking of which, I am calling it, one of these someone who's biologically female but identifying as male is gonna get pregnant and then try to claim the 1m prize someone set up if you ever show them a pregnant man. And then claim transphobia when told to get rekt.

The OP thats over from trashy was clearly bullshit to begin with, how is it people cant see that shit? That was some facebook 'friend of a friend and my friends friend heard someone else say they heard her say something about smoking' shit.

Women can drink a glass of wine or two in the last trimester. Amerilards are just weird about it for some reason.

the last thing americans need to do is drink more alcohol lol

I actually posted twice in that sub, not defending pregnant women who drink but defending fat women who drink and getting accused of being pregnant.

Circlebroke is fine at times but sometimes they take it a bit too far.

They're a /bit/ dogmatic.

You have to go back






Here's my favourite response:

"Literal eugenics advocation:

Some people shouldn't procreate"

I'm LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT now I CANNOT believe that it's 2018 and someone's ADVOCATING EUGENICS.