Drama over Chicago style pizza

80  2018-09-03 by inertProgrammer


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Baitest bait, but still baits

Even for bait that shit gave me autism

Not impressed with the hamburgers at LAX. Taste like every other McDonalds.


'go 'za is the best 'za, natch!

Man, I think I felt actual hatred from reading that. That's a pretty good post.

the best

Debate over a casserole?

Cold marinara sauce on top of pizza smh.

An above ground swimming pool for rats.

I know it's cold in Chicago, so maybe you want something you can cut open and sleep in like a tauntaun.

a casserole tastes better than chicago pizza

It's called a hotdish!

Now I sit back and watch the Minnesotans Duke it out.

I bet they didn't have one with pineapple, broccoli, ham and jalapenos. No wonder it was a disappointment.

Broccoli? Weirdo. Cauliflower works better. California style add almonds and mangos.

Might try this one. Good idea.

God's light is so very far away from us now.

"Is everyone from Chicago this rude"

"Hey guys I tried your famous food at O'Hare and it sucked ass"

I know it's bait but I want to believe it's true so bad lol

Have you seen a Chicago "pizza"? It's a fucking casserole.

The way people from Chicago choose to use words, that guy saying "In an airport?" might actually be asking what the weather is like in Mexico.

Yeah that what I, whole fucking tomatos floating in soup. Gross.

People who like Deep dish pizza should not be trusted

Your farts shouldn't be trusted.

Your mom shouldnt be trusted

No argument from me.

tbh, people from Chicago almost never eat "Chicago style" pizza. I don't think I had one until my early 20s.

All the mom and pop places make a really crispy thin crust and cut it in squares. If anyone had asked me what "Chicago style" was before I learned about the tourist pie, that's what I'd have told them.

The only reason that stuff hasn't died off is that tourists keep buying it.

I fuckin' knew it!

people from Chicago almost never eat "Chicago style" pizza.


It's true. Am from Chicago and hardly ever eat Chicago style(nor do my friends), but we eat tavern cut all the time. Suburbanites and tourists keep the deep dish economy alive

it's not true, plenty of people eat deep dish in the city lmao

the thin crust might edge it out but it's really silly to pretend there aren't tons of happy hours/work lunches/drunken nights in/etc. ordering deep dish in the city

All those after hours tards are transplants and faggots who should be gassed and gunned down in the streets by Daddy

this is a fantastic comment, thanks for making it

No problem. Hope Naperville is nice during Labor Day Weekend

i'm gonna buy your entire complex you renter piece of shit

Yeah right, you doo wop dago

excuse me the only dago in my life is /u/riemann1413gf

I didn't know body pillows could have accounts. brb, gonna go make a dozen

is it still a body pillow when it's covered in a thick layer of WOP grease

It's almost NYC pizza at that point

The pillow in your bedroom is still a pillow even after all the times this wop has slid it under your mothers ass and she rubbed her Dirt Star all over it 🤔

You mean the Gangster Disciples?


No, I mean Black

Fuck you opp, RIP JoJo

the thin crust might edge it out

According to the owner of Aurelio's, it's 80% to 20%.

Thank you

fuck yeah

Vito and Nick's?

The one in the picture is from Pizza Castle in Gage Park.

Vito and Nick's is the shit, too. I theirs with italian beef, giardiniera, and crushed garlic.

oh god Im jonesing

Deep dish pizza is proof that all it takes to impress the general public culinarily is to add as much cheese as possible

I feel so bad for those people. They think that a casserole is a pizza. That must suck.

jon Steward said it best, the fact that you have to preface it with "Chicago Deep Dish" discredits them. NY just calls their pizza "Pizza" , because they aren't trying to pass off a sloppy mess of toppings as pizza.

I mean if we are being real, neither is real pizza. One is a tasty meat pie with cheese and sauce, and NYC shit is floppy grease covered garbage. Good pizza is tavern cut chicago style(the real Chicago style, not that tourist shit) or a good wood fire brick oven pizza.

What the fuck did you just...What did you just say to me?

did you just...say Chicago pizza is superior to NY pizza? What are you fucking insane? You need help. Go see a therapist.

Tavern cut? Yeah, it is much better because it isn't a soggy cardboard covered in grease.

Dont' try to pull that on me. Chicago pizza isn't what you just said, Its the aforementioned casserole slop. Stop trying to fucking get out from under it. your shit idea for a pizza is exactly what is presented here and not some kind of hidden secret tavern pizza.

Someone call the cops and have this lunatic locked up. You are a danger to society.

Deep Dish Pizza is a fucking Cheese and dough abortion, low class tomato swimming pool garbage. fuck that and fuck you.

Deep Dish is bad, I said that in my comment. Learn how to read you retarded Italian/Irish mutt. Learn the difference. Deep dish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago-style_pizza. On the bottom of the page is Tavern cut. Note the different you fucking tard.

Please neck yourself in some woods, but far enough away so the Logang doesn't find you and put you on youtube

I know opinions are subjective and can't be wrong - but your opinion is wrong.

May God have mercy on your soul, though I am pretty sure after this you are 100% going to hell.

God isn't real. If there is a Hell though, I'll definitely see you there since I know you look at loli porn.

Of course God isn't real, Its a turn of phrase.

Nobody agrees with you about that - you are living in a fantasy world if you think Chicago Pizza in any form holds a candle to NYC pizza. I feel bad for you because your tastbuds must be fucked. I imagine you'd also eat a big ol bucket of shit.

Clearly you are projecting in your use of the word "retard" because you wouldn't know a good slice of pizza if it held you down and fucked your mouth.

Go back to your anime. You only have a few hours left before school tomorrow buddy

Lol what?

damn you must be really upset . calm down it will be okay. I was only kidding. you can keep having a shit opinion about pizza if you want.

"I was only kidding"


I was just saying that because my facts about pizza clearly caused some kind of mental break for you and you started talking about anime and school kids. Really odd, but I just figured i would be nice about it.

You're new to /r/drama, I get it. Get used to this boi

Dude, I just said pizza was going to rape your mouth. I think I am on the same page. :D

And yet you can't handle being called a retarded child who looks at Loli? Hit too close to home I guess.

I don't know, You are the one that abandoned the pizza conversation. Actually, I guess I understand. I would probably bail if i got fucked up that badly.

and I definitely don't care. In fact, if you know any good ones link me, ya dirty bitch.

There wasn't much left to argue about. You weren't talking about pizza anymore. You were talking about greasy cardboard and were being such a retard you didn't know that tavern cut and deep dish were two different types of pizza. That would be like mixing up ribeye and filet mignon you uncultured swine. I'm not the one who made the topic change.

nah dude you changed the subject to your favorite thing, loli porn. and then tried to play it off on me.

then you brought up children and needing a bedtime, which is probably also you sub concious bringing you back to how much you are attracted to children.

I was talking about REAL pizza, not the Chicago shitbomb you are confused enough to think is pizza.

I'm so sorry for your parents

Don't feel bad for them , they never had the displeasure of eating any of that dirty garbage Chicago has the nerve to call pizza.

You bore me. Not enough tricks in your book to stay entertaining.

That is cool. Whatever will get a retard like you to shut up is fine by me.

Ackshullyyyyyyyyyyyyy, the only true pizza is [Neapolitan.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neapolitan_pizza_

Finally somebody who knows what they're talking about.

Roman style comes a close second. The rest are spin-offs. Delicious spin-offs, but spin-offs nonetheless.

oh shit, tru

Actually the best pizza is east Tennessee gas station pizza because they dont charge you for toppings and if you buy it frozen you can use ebt then get them to cook it

But then you die of an overdose because the cooks snort fent off of the same table they make pizzas on.

That's a topping you actually have to pay for

Hunt Brothers Pizza FTW

It's literally a pizza pie.

It's a crime against humanity if what it is.

It's all about the sauce. I'm going to argue that while New York and Chicago both make very good pizza, they're both pretty overhyped and you can find pizza that's pretty comparable in many different parts of the country. Most big American cities have good pizza somewhere. You just have to look for it.

This is a good take. Most cities have good pizza, and all cities have shitty pizza

“No Pizza Hut is actually pretty good.”

Shits fired.

I need punctuation, wtf is this trying to say?

They’re saying Pizza Hut is better than any deep dish Chicago pizza

That's what I thought. Could have gone either way given the lack of a comma where it belongs

No! Pizza Hut! Is actually pretty good!

lol at that one whiteknight sticking up for m'lady's objectively bad palate

Jon Stewart is a retarded Jew

i love misunderstood / misassigned lyrics in iTunes.


For whatever reason, when i read your response, I hummed to myself The Frauds "Two Pasadena". I don't know why, I just hummed it, and then i wanted to listen to it.

So, I listened to it in iTunes, and I checked the lyrics, because I never knew them. For whatever reason, they got them wrong

I don't know where these come from, but I am very


I'm leaving again for the second time around

You better believe, that this was all just a joke to me

And as I look down on them, I repeat these words in my head

?They never heard one sound out of my mouth, they never heard one sound?


I saw pretty clear, that when I left you all stayed the same

Now I think I believe, that I was never alive in the first place

They never heard one sound out of my mouth

They never heard one sound out of my mouth

They never heard one sound out of my mouth

They never heard one sound


Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die

Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die

Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die

Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die

Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die

Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die

detroit style for life

Mmmmm pan

fuck chicago style pizza. /u/riemann1413 can you give us the skinny on chicago style sushi?

kill your self

We cant all have two pints of gin and bourgie foodie bullshit for lunch while we're riding the L

then maybe stop being poor

Oh no, I'm far too stupid to do anything but hoodlum bullshit with my ghetto friends

Pfff, lasagna is better

The important thing is that deep dish pizza was invented by a Texan

Deep dish takes 45 minutes to bake and has to be eaten within 15 minutes of coming out of the oven or it is glop.

Lmao, if you have that strict standards for food to be passable it is probably shit. He is not selling me on Chicago pizza.

You're not supposed to take it home.

It was invented by a guy from Texas who owned a bunch of different touristy restaurants, probably because he wanted you and your friends to sit in his restaurant and buy beer all night.

I kind of like deep dish pizza if it's used as a conveyance for more cheese.

Best one I ever had was actually at a greek restaurant in Detroit. Cheese was somehow miraculously still gooey but not burn the roof of your mouth hot, which is the challenge with something that large. Usually they're either pots of lava or cold.

The best pizza on earth is Chicago Connection pizza, and it's not Chicago-style and isn't located in Chicago. That is basically a metaphor for Chicago.

Honk4Tits Dabs on any murican pizza.

Chicago is the 2nd best style, next to Detroit. NY style is a scant, greasy floppy mess.

‘GO ‘ZA O ‘Z A

Want to piss off a Chicagoan?

One-up anything they do by saying "Oh, I had something similar in New York. I'd say it was a little better there."

I like a good Deep Dish... but it's really not Pizza even with how broad that definition can get.

Chicago... pizza? Ha! You poor, poor misguided children... That... atrocity is not, nor will it ever be, considered a pizza. Perhaps you would have better luck if you referred to it as a... LASAGNA SOUP waits for vociferous laughter and applause to die down But I digress... This slop (and let us be clear, this is, indisputably nothing more than flyover gruel) The cities of New York, Los Angles, islands of culture in these otherwise vapid, uncultivated United States... They have made outstanding contributions to the art of pizza-making. Sure, it may never quite compete with authentic pizza Italiano (I would like to take this moment, just to clarify to our European, particularly Italian friends, that I am in no way attempting to compare American pizza with vastly superior Italian pizza. There is no doubt that, while we may produce something edible, we are light-years behind mother Europa, not only in matters of pizza making, but in other areas such as income inequality, social justice and access to healthcare) but its innovative, creative and exciting. The city of Chicago, however... Forgive me, but this is a deeply emotional subject for me... I will just say, try as I might, I don't think I can, nor will I ever truly forgive you for the disgrace you've brought to pizza... A pox upon the "Windy City", its pathetic so-called culinary tradition, and the people living within.

relax, it's not like it's tranny pizza or anything.

It kind of is

>claims to be pizza

>is actually a casserole

>pointing that out leads to mass REEEEE online

i love your reply. i didn't actually read the thread, i'm just drunk and trying to use the term tranny as much as possible to piss off sjw.

Life-long born, raised, and permanent Chicagoan here to personally apologize on behalf of my fellow neighbors. No one meant to be rude towards you ma'am. Most of us are just quite brash in how we speak. You will find a true Chicagoan cursing up a storm while simultaneously changing an old ladies flat tire for free. That being said sorry you felt we were being rude. However I have traveled the world searching for great pizza and it is only here that you will find what you seek in pizza. I kid you not the 2nd best place Ive rated for pizza is probably Iraq. Small place in Southern Talill that has some excellent pie. Alas, I digress. Judging us on the airport food is not a sufficient enough evaluation to provide any proper basis for comparison. Please visit Morton Grove Peqouds location( Clybourn Ave location stopped ordering cheese ten years ago ) or any Lou Malnatis or Giordanos if you want to keep it simple and nearby the airport. Either three should be sufficient enough to judge Chicago-style pizza.

Holy shit the "m'lady" is off the charts

lol as if you can't make pizza casserole at the airport and have it every bit as good as downtown

you hardly need some expensive wood fired pizza oven flown in from Naples

This is Pizzeria