Incoming dramawave as Nike makes Colin Kaepernick the face of its 30th anniversary Just Do it Campaign

13  2018-09-03 by ConservativesRBIGgay


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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What's more embarrassing, the republicans who are still REEEEEing about the national anthem, or the liberals who rush in to defend Nike, the corporation famous for having child sweatshops?

Probably the child sweatshop thing.

the corporation famous for having child sweatshops

So is pretty much every clothing brand in the US. Pretty sad but if anyone actual boycotted that in mass no one would be wearing clothes.

Pretty sad but if anyone actual boycotted that in mass no one would be wearing clothes.

people literally said the exact same thing back when Kaepernick's ancestors were picking cotton, turns out when forced we usually find some good solutions

I'm all for rounding up some Yankees and burning down child sweatshops, whose in?

You are going to get disappeared by the Chinese government.

Then reappear, three years later, making a public apology on state television.

Just kidding, I'd rather be shot.

I mean I’m fine with us making laws stopping US companies from being able to outsource to sweatshops but since no one is going to want to pay the prices of its all manufactured with US labor at least making sure where it’s outsourced to gets paid a living wage for the country and has some laws governing the companies that whoever their using most meet X safety and work conditions.

Theyre both embarassing, but the most embarassing ones are the REEES about the republican REEES, the /r/news thread is almost exclusively talking about trump incoming tweet and the boycotts

Rich black man protesting gets a bunch of shoe deals on the day where millions of people are forced to work on the day celebrating their labor.




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