Screencaps of r/subredditcancer trigger random incel mayo

45  2018-09-04 by RyuunDragon


We can submit quotes?


  1. This Post -,*,,

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Screencaps, hell I am right here. AMA.


The only people triggered here are the couple dozen angsty edgelord 16 year old fags that comprise this sub.


Which is why you no-life losers been following me around for the last month, brigading me and re-posting any mention of your sub anywhere else to circle jerk too.


You're all still malignant cunts and I still hope you all die of super AIDS.


P.S. Who doesn't link to old.reddit?

Who are you again?

"random incel mayo"

You people have fucked vocabulary.

It was polite of you however to attempt to redact the name, but since this is going on in another thread as we speak and it's NOT redacted, there's really no point.

The best course of action with you people is to Barbara Streisand myself and fight AIDS with fire.

Will you be my new daddy?

The semen shot out of his engorged member so forcefully that he could feel an ever so slight burning sensation in his urethra caused by friction due to the rapid ejection of the fluid. Three more, large-volume evacuations occurred, each more clumpy, thick and sticky than the last. He could feel his lower abdomen emptying. As the exhilaration from the orgasm waned, guilt and loneliness pulled him back to reality. Now sobbing quietly in the dark, unfurnished basement, he cleaned the wasted bodily fluid from his desktop, edge of the keyboard and a pool on the carpet using an old stack of Arby's napkins. The tears on his cheeks sparkled from the light of his monitor.

fight AIDS with fire.

You're going to set fire to yourself?

I'm not an idiot and I have the option to use old reddit turned on by default.

You are an idiot then, because your link doesn't go to old reddit.

Just because I have it turned on by default doesn't mean you do. Dumbass.

OK, lesson time you cuck

If you have it turned on, but just copy the link to your submission without it, guess what happens? Everyone that clicks on the hotlink gets taken to the new reddit, even if they have the old enabled by default.

You hotlinked to new reddit.

Mouse over your link you posted and see what it says. It's not old.

Now please go acquire cancer of the eyes or amputation of the hands so you can no longer use this website.


Nope, still brings me to old reddit :)

Still goes to old reddit for us, you mong.

Wrong. Still old reddit.

Please learn how to computer grandpa.

You deserve the redesign.

Enable it default then. It's one click of a button

How was your summer vacation?

How many dicks can you take at once?

If you only knew the amount of excitement your somewhat limited but understandably autistic harangue filled up empty hearts of an average /r/drama user, you'd ... stay as you are.

Team platypus or team Tay?


How many times this week has your dad screamed at you to get a job?

Why are you such a petty faggot?

Will you post your bussy?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Dude I bought some suits, had a great lunch, went to trial, and came home only to find you still here being all buttmad about r/Drama still.

You'll be a regular in 2 weeks, I guarantee it

What is up with lawyers and blogging about your day on drama

Crippling self-hate.

Don't you relate?

Not really tbh