Join the resistance

20  2018-09-04 by throwawayforme9000


The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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Actually actually?

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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She’s a brave teacher 👩‍🏫


I prefer when all my holes are resistance holes 😏

First, our Cheeto in chief claimed the booming economy he inherited from Obama was the result of his own doing, and now he’s acting like he’s the first and only president to unwaveringly enable Israeli’s murderous apartheid tactics that killed 60 Palestinians this week. The reality is that he’s capitalizing on the work of President Obama, who laid the foundation for ignoring the slaughter of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children to back Israeli interests. Without the diligent efforts of POTUS 44, Israel would never have seen a $38 billion military aid package, and this current Republican administration wouldn’t have this to co-opt as its own achievement like it did Obama-era unemployment rates.

10/10 shitpost.

Drumpf’s Complicity In Israel’s Brutal Attacks On Palestinians Is Another Example Of The GOP Taking Credit From Obama


Ewwww The Onion is astroturfing reddit

Please keep yourself safe

I aint clicking that shit