Even Twatter isn't taking the EFF's latest hot take

58  2018-09-04 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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I know someone who lives in South Africa. He hates living there and wishes he could move out of there.

Ha, What a story Mark

I got the results of the test back! I definitely have breast cancer.

Keep your stupid comments in your pocket

I'm fed up with this world

I don’t think we’ll have time to circle back to this

Yeah you can say that again

All the SA I've met I've met in the States.

Because they moved out.

Wow you've met a lot of immigrants in the land of immigrants? Say it ain't so!

Dont you have some bussy to be pursuing?

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Bussy LMAO.

No I have a bussy that used to get pursued but it's already been caught so

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"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

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Fake news.

No u

No u.

You can add another to the list. I want out this shithole

On the other hand, imagine being a mayo African lmao

would probably feel like being the main character in that idiocracy movie

You have to go back...

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I never knew AutoMod was an EFF member


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Can confirm.

I wish they would get to the mayocide so we can see a modern US invasion?

Can you imagine the reaction if we did that in SA, after pretty much leaving Rwanda and Sugan Sudan to their own devices during their genocides? Twitter apocalypse.

It is nice for the EFF to talk because they do not have to live with the consequences of having to manage the expectations that result from their utterances.

My nigga Ongama is eloquent as fuck

He is on fire.

If he keeps it up, it'll be a literal one.

As long as it doesn't involve rubber.

It's amazing how everybody in the replies seem to be eloquent and educated. More than 99% of Mayos I've seen online


Yeah, my first reaction was "it's usually the FSF with the hot takes."

I'd bleach her

Im not sure how the EFF is even a thing lol

thats not how u wear a beret

OP, what do you think of

He's okay. The DA have kind of abandoned their liberal principles, toying a little with identity politics. The whole Patricia de Lille fiasco has been pretty bad for their image too.

Would take them over ANC any day though. Probably will chuck a vote at COPE next time.

Mbuyiseni Ndlozi

And I'm the Queen of England.