😍😍Daily Tay Tay post 😍😍

22  2018-09-04 by Voltar134


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Wtf snappy???

If this is real, it's so sweet of her to feed her pets a nice treat like that 😊

She is a goddess and you should be ashamed of yourself

Wtf how do people think she resembles a rat???

If anything OP is projecting because he's an insecure manlet who's jealous of Tay

Tbh I think she has the curves of a snake 🐍

Uhh honey im 6 foot 1 and secure about tay tay resembling a rat!!!

Keep talking shit and team Taytay is going to ride on your ass.

UwU hot.

Angular face + narrow pointy chin + prominent incisors = vaguely ratlike, if you’re feeling mean.

Uh no you just described a chad, which is what she is.

Large canine teeth, not incisors, are characteristic of superior apes. Hers are puny.

No u


unironically cuter than that dumb broad

First of all how dare you