Vox Day co-opts "ComicsGate", leaves a popcorn-filled mess on r/kotakuinaction.

35  2018-09-04 by Ghdust2

The guy who has actually published and distributed 15+ comics (with a lot more on the way) wants to start another imprint instead of simply talking about it for the thousandth time? So what? Think the wimps holding the center are going to get things done? bah.": https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/9cqf29/twitter_bullshit_ian_miles_cheong_actual_altright/e5cl58s/

"The way I see it, an SJW is someone who's been duped by current social trends and doesn't realize that they're being an asshole. An actual alt-righter is someone who knows full well that they're a douche and embraces it." "Help me understand the labels as you're applying them. Because it sounds like you have more sympathy for useless idiots than you do people who've actively decided to oppose them. ": https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/9cqf29/twitter_bullshit_ian_miles_cheong_actual_altright/e5ckxaj/?context=1

Full thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/9cqf29/twitter_bullshit_ian_miles_cheong_actual_altright/


Vox Day is the "leader" CapeshitGate deserves

Is this whole thing as fucking idiotic as I imagine or is it worse?

Shit the brain cells I lost reading up on this guy died without the dignity of being collateral damage of a proper drink.

How do these people function?


How do these people function?

Making some unwarranted assumptions here


y i k e s

unironically linking 'rational' wiki

How does one do this without being so retarded they choke on their own tongue?

Honestly just use KnowYourMeme these days.

Legit. More factual and with far less editorializing.

Still the best GamerGate description on the internet. "It's a backlash" perfectly describes it without necessarily saying one side was right or wrong, because it's a very nuanced shitshow. Even Wikipedia says it's a harassment campaign because all the journalists, who were the ones with a vested interest in not talking about ethics, said it was.


I'm honestly unaware of what issues there are with rationalwiki. I looked at the encyclopedia dramatica one first, but it read like it was written by Vox himself.

How does one manage to have such strong opinions about every website?

How does one manage to have such strong opinions about every website?

Critical thinking.

You're confusing critical thinking with autism again. Do you guys have a little guidebook on approved sources I can reference instead of some nerd whining at me?

Everybody involved here needs to be tightly packed into a cannon and fired directly into a brick wall.



When even Gamergate doesn't want you :( :( :(

Holy shit they're literally defending the 14 words in there.

People who regurgitate all the alt-right talking points are upset when an actual alt-righter tries to associate with them...

Vox Day was literally the original ComicsGater.

They gave him a quarter of a million dollars for his shitty book specifically in the name of "fighting SJWs in comics!" and are only just now realizing the optics of that weren't very good when they were lying about how they're totally not racist.

Pretending he's "co-opting" the shit he literally essentially invented is funny as shit.

Imagine a group of adult men and women in the 1950s getting angry and arguing about the most recent Mickey Mouse cartoon.