WHOOPSIE! In-tay-tay-tolerant!

100  2018-09-05 by SandorClegane_AMA


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Isn't this what her fans like about her?

You stole this from /r/4chan didn't you?

He stole this picture from the past. It was here on /r/drama about a month ago.

I paid the Iron Price for it.

Hover hand in a photograph is the worst indicator of being uncomfortable. Most of the time, the person is still moving their arm when the picture is being taken.

What you are saying is that alt-right pinup girl, Taylor Swift was merely checking that there was no designer wristwatch on her right arm at the moment the shot was taken?

yeah good catch, that was a clear case of nazi apologia. we have to stay vigilant

In all fairness though couldn't they have been snapping the photo as she was in process of putting her arm around the kid? I seriously doubt she's afraid of touching black people.

Please provide photographic proof of her abililty to calm touch a Basketball-American.

Also, keep in the back of your mind which subreddit you are participating in.

thank you kanye, very cool.

Mic drop moment right there.

Top 10 Anime Reunions

Actually I didn't realize which sub this was. I thought it was t_d. My B.

Hey repost it again maybe it'll catch on

Is it ok to ping DistoredLines?


It's cool she's just doing the white power symbol.


The difference between these three photos is the first two are at her meet and greets. She’s there to take photos with the fans , she’s relaxed and has allotted time for photos. The one after is outside her New York apartment and more than likely taken as she’s just about to get into her car. Where she more than likely doesn’t have much time for photos.

Not when their are colored folk in the vicinity of her propertay! Why I do declare, we southerners ought to form a militia now the slaves have been freed.

Alright chap... relax. I don’t care that much , just pointing out that photos don’t show everything.

Yes, lets de-escalate this before you call me a


again via PM.

So she doesn't want to touch the ashy little niglet. She probably didn't have and antiseptic available.