Psychology PhD with silly Irish name spergs out because a flight attendant didn't call her Dr. sexism clearly to blame

157  2018-09-05 by Denny_Craine


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Most people with a PhD don't seem to use the title. IDK why, if I could call myself "Doctor" I would do it all the time.

I have enough problems with people at work thinking I'm an arrogant asshole, I don't need to basically confirm it for them at the get go.

Also don't tend to refer to myself as Dr. What you said and the fact that being a medical doctor is a job while having a PhD is an achievement. Using a title to declare you work in a profession feels informative while clinging onto a title reflecting something you did years ago feels a bit 'has-been'y to me - especially if you left academia and it has no bearing on the social situation.

I actually plan to get my PhD someday for this sole purpose. I know what that makes me, and I don't care.

Sounds like a marvellous idea, Your Grace.

I work with a few and didn't know for months until I happened to see everyone's names and titles on a business card order form

The title is appropriate in an academic setting or in one where you specifically want to show respect for that accomplishment. Anything else is pure vanity.

When i get my PhD, i want people to address me as dr. Shitpost as well.

Dr. Steal Yo Girl.

That would be a great pimp name


You gotta say the whole thing, like A Tribe Called Quest

Dr. Baby animal pictures

When If i get my PhD, i want people to address me as dr. Shitpost as well.

White women...smh.

White women are the worst. At least some white men some of the time are vaguely aware of their privilege and try not to flaunt it.

This bint is throwing a tantrum literally like some medieval lord upset that a peasant addressed him with a wrong honorific, but her vagina completely shields her from the idea that this could be a little bit classist.

She's an idiot but there's no need to generalise.

You are new here, right?

If she studied psychology why didn’t she assert herself and politely inform the flight attendant of their error. Triggered much.

Expertise in family care, ageing, suicide & homicide.

Looks like an extremely narrow branch of behavioral studies.

In short, shes a sociologist playing psychologist.

For sure. Wonder what the PhD was on.

Judging by her tweets complaining.

I imagine if I was under her care I would would quickly become an expert on suicide too

You wouldn't because she's still alive; she clearly sucks at it.

You need more than one experiment to become an expert, and if your first experiment fails, you are a failure who can't tie a fucking knot, or pull a god damn trigger.

fucking bodied

In short, shes a sociologist playing psychologist.

In short, she's a sociopath playing victim.

Dr. Sexism strikes again! When will this villains reign of terror end?

Find out next time...

Admittedly I haven't finished but I can already tell you getting a PhD is a lot more stressful and significantly harder work than an MBBS.

This guy literally thinks that working on a 50,000 word assignment is more stressful than doing a job where people die if you fuck up.

Idk man I had to right a 500 word essay in high school and it was pretty tough. That's like 8 or 9 times 500 words which is impossible.

The trick is to use a lot of graphs ~~ and rampant plagiarism~~

And really long quotes.

The trick is to use a lot of graphs and repeating endlessly the stuff you have already written because nobody will give more than a cursory glance at your article anyway.


Quote entire chapters of your sources and just kind mesh em together

Solid comment, guy.

My PhD (that makes me a "Dr." in Germany) took three years of full time research, yeah. During that time, I supervised over a dozen medical doctors who got their title within three months working after hours.

Not sure what this mong is getting at? An MBBS takes 4-5 years in Europe. Or are these medics who got a PhD working the equivalent of what she considers 3 years of full time in their spare hours in 1/50th the time?

Another layer of hilarity is that literally every intern/SHO/Reg you meet will go by their first name. Consultants get the Dr treatment unless their surgeons in which case their Mr/Ms. My ultimate point is the vast majority of half-competent doctor gave one iota of a shit what you called them.

It's just title wankery.

In Germany you legally need to have finished a doctorate for a Dr. title (and you can force people to call you Dr. and other retarded shit). Basically everyone who gets a medicine degree also pursues a doctorate. Additionally medical doctorates are comparatively pretty easy and often done alongside undergrad. People who spent three years for their doctorate are mad that the medical doctorate being so easy devalues the Dr. title.

Additionally medical doctorates are comparatively pretty easy and often done alongside undergrad. People who spent three years for their doctorate are mad that the medical doctorate being so easy devalues the Dr. title.

WTF in the US you get a 4 year undergrad, then 4 years of medical school, the 3-7 years of residency before you get your medical license.

A Phd is undergrad, then 2 years masters, then 1-2 year PHd

Med Doctor: 11-15 years PHd: 7-8 years

People wonder why our medical care costs way more.

To actually get a medical license you still need residency so the amount of years is still the same, it's just that you basically can already (legally) call yourself Dr. when you're finished with medical school.

It's literally just title wankery.

A doctor is literally someone whose completed a doctorate, so they don’t need to finish their residency to be called “Dr.”. Also, for math/physics in North America, it’s pretty common for a PhD to take 5-7 years without getting a masters degree.

It's 8 years before you're called a "medical doctor," and during a residency you're basically just a normal worker, so it's not really school. That's like saying a post-doc or assistant professor is still a PhD student. Also 3-4 years is massively underestimating the time for a typical PhD nowadays.

However, I've heard that basically everyone in Germany gets a doctorate so maybe it's completely different. All of the """"doctors"""" trained in continental Europe who present at Anglo academic conferences are uniformly extremely terrible and have no idea what they're doing and waste everyone's time.

Shhh shhh

I don't look down on you for a worthless PHd. Its ok

In the US you can get your license after one year of post grad training

In the US you can get your license after one year of post grad training

A Phd is undergrad, then 2 years masters, then 1-2 year PHd

PhD programs in US universities are 5+ years. But you can apply to a lot of fields straight off a BA and they'll sort of throw you a free Master's degree after the first couple of years of PhD work.

Becoming a nurse and then doing a PA program is easier than getting your PHD tbh. It’s what I’m doing currently.

It is weirdly that way in other areas of expertise. I know some people you don't like honorifics and just perfer to be called by their names.

I think I know where the confusion stems from. To practice medicine in germany you don't need a "Dr." but you still have to study, do a residency, etc. and pass two state examinations. If you pass all that you can legally open a medical office and treat patients but you cannot put "Dr." in front of your name. To legally call yourself a doctor you need to write a thesis but these are usually of very low quality.

I don't know what a MBBS is but my cousin is getting an MD/PhD and he says the MD part is hilariously easy and low stress compared to the PhD part, and medical students are just whiners who are good at memorizing.

Yeah I was always under the impression that residency was incredibly tough, the workload for medical school itself never sounded that crazy.

Yeah med school is literally all about the grind

MBBS is British for MD (medical doctor).

Dr Rohin Francis. Cambridge-trained cardiologist doing a PhD @UCL. Science & medical educator that makes YouTubes, graphics and bad jokes. #SciComm dilettante.

I mean, he would know.

I think the main takeaway of this whole thing is that people who demand to be addressed by their title are a bunch of obnoxious, insecure retards.

The flight attendant probably just realized psychology is a psuedoscience.

8 years for a Mental Homeopathy degree yikes

tf is mental homeopathy, is that even a real thing?

Interesting that the employer lists actual credentials

• Bachelor of Arts (2003) • Doctor of Philosophy (2009) • Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (2010)

But on her own website seems to go out of the way to avoid saying the PhD is not in any way medical.

has qualifications in Psychology, Human Movement Studies, and Higher Education

I'd love to help you but I kant.

Human Movement Studies

So walking?

no she imagines shes the next plato

You have to go back...

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Doctor of Philosophy


That's the actual title you retard

it says Psychology PhD tyvm

but Doctor of Psychology though

somebody with a PhD in math has a Doctor of Philosophy in math

I will never call someone with a PhD in Philosophy a doctor.

No you dumbass PhD means Doctor of Philosophy. Like literally that's why the letters mean. She doesn't have a PhD in philosophy

Hey, I didn't go to college because I used pen on my SAT Scantron instead of pencil and got a failing grade. Please be more understanding.

A PhD is philosophy is no more respectable than a PhD in psychology anyway so who cares?

Idiot. A Ph.D. IS a doctor of philosophy. Every Ph.D. is a doctor in philosophy no matter the discipline you study.

I love the way all the no-nothings here are shitting on Ph.D.'s. What sort of fucking retard thinks being highly educated is something to be sneered at?

For half the majors, any randoms could get PhD with hard work. Some majors, that just doesn't cut it. Not all PhD are the same.

Most of my college professors were doctors, but literally none of them required you to address them as such. I guess that's the difference between a STEM degree and a doctorate of philosophy?

STEM PhDs are doctors of philosophy you nit. They all are. That's literally what PhD. stands for. They don't have you call them doctor because you call them professor, an (ostensibly) more important honorific.

My wife is a doctor in chemical engineering. But she is aware it doesn't matter as much as a gp or medical professional

Does she teach?

yes and consult

That's the only real use for doctorate in engineering in most places.

My wife

Press X to doubt

What a vain, self serious, grandstanding cunt. Where I live, titles like doctor are almost never used commonly - when I visit a doctor (an actual real doctor of medicine), it's culturally appropriate to refer to them by their first name. Schools here don't require students to refer to their teachers as mister or miss or sir or ma'am or anything other than their first name too. Military and when talking to the elderly are the only cases where one might use titles.

Fuck the elderly and the fuck military too.

This but unironically

Reader, writer, talker, feminist, author of 'Adelaide' (published by @newsouthbook ). She/her. Narungga land. I read, therefore I am.

Legit I don’t think you can get more peak mayo than this. Actually in awe not gonna lie

author of 'Adelaide'

Psychologists are 100% of the time creative writing majors who are in disguise as "scientists"

Mother of two furbabies. I like dogs more than humans. Fluent in sarcasm. Touch my butt and feed me pizza.


Only one thing is missing: "love to travel".

People with PhDs who insist on being called Doctor are hilarious and sad.

t. About to get my phd and will never ask people to call me doctor

Dr. 😂

I'm an MD and it weirds me out to be called doctor outside of work. I don't put it on my plane tickets because I don't want to be bothered for medical emergencies

^^^ This is the right reason.

This guy thinks it's perfectly normal... but he also is someone who feels the need to include Dr. in their twitter handle.

someone who feels the need to include Dr. in their twitter handle

femoids smh is she on about?

How much of a retarded atention seeking cunt do you have to be to write doctor instead of your name when buying a plane ticket

Cunt O'Dwyer it is

Chill out Siobhan.

Because of she didnt call her

Dr Sexism is to blame

Peak white female fragility. If you're not a medical doctor, I really don't see the issue with not being called a doctor. I get that you literally earned it, and that's great for you, but if you're unable to just enjoy the fact that you've completed your education and become a certified PhD without being called a title by a dude just working his job as a plane pilot, maybe you should consider suicide.

I call her Dr.Mclonghorseface, PhD in some shitty pseudoscience.

I’ve never met a PhD who even WANTS to be called “Dr ___”, let alone demands it from some random service worker. Most actual doctors don’t even like to be called that when they aren’t at work.

It seems like it takes its toll. I know of one who has serious health issues from the long hours.

Lmao imagine actually believing this isn't about your fragile ego?

The Virgin PhD Doctorate vs the Chad Medical Doctor

I did not spend 8 years at an University to be called miss

This why the "wage gap" is a thing. Men get an education to earn money and get a more interesting job, women do it for status.

There's a strange place where feminism overlaps with a rather traditionalist notion of status and authority... Hence the emphasis on "leadership", being "strong", honorifics and being deferred and submitted to.

The emphasis on leadership and strength sometimes edges into Mussolini territory to be honest.

People who insist on being called Dr. when they aren't medical doctors are some of the most annoying people who have the largest cacti up their asses.

Source: Had high school teacher who had a PhD in whatever. Was insufferable.

Just another episode of Femayoid Entitlement™

You're not a Doctor if you have a PhD in psychology. I don't care what it says on your silly piece of paper. Society at large does not consider you a Doctor.

Generally speaking, if a doctor gets pissy you don't call them a doctor, they are usually a shitty doctor.

And thats for a medical doctor.

If its a PhD? Thats just some horrible ego and shitty personality.

> Do not look at my ticket, look at me, look back at my ticket, decide it’s a typo, and call me Miss O’Dwyer.

The real sexism is someone could tell that she wasn't a medical doctor just by looking at her.

They put Dr on their flight ticket so the crew knows to come to them in a medical emergency. I guess she can help if the captain is having a bad day.

People demanding to be called doctor is literally a nonsensical hierarchical holdout from the past though. Is this more of the "white feminism" we keep hearing about?

Lol, 8 years for a PhD doesn't sound positive about the "Dr."

Yeah it's an archaic holdover to a terminology only academics recognize. Honestly the sotf sciences should all just switch to Professor or something, and leave "Doctor" to the medical profession. But we all know the only reason these people care they get acknowledged as a "Doctor" is so they can get a little extra respect and attention.

The vast majority of people think of Doctor as a medical professional. I mean fuck, most people probably don't even recognize Dentists as "Doctors" but they sure as fuck would go to a dentist for advice in an emergency over someone who studied late Aztec pottery for 4 years.

"Professor" is much more prestigious in academia than "doctor" lmao.

Yeah but not in an airport to some poor sap making a barely living wage.

it’s about the fact that this wouldn’t have happened if I was a man.

Pretty cool that she can see into parallel universes.

If you aren't the type of doctor that stands up and helps when someone shouts "Is there a doctor on this plane?!", then you should probably just shut the fuck up. Sincerely, a doctor who isn't a medical doctor.

What the fuck is this? You can become a medical doctor in germany working after hours in 3 months? Something tells me this lady doesn't exactly know what she is talking about, or is being disingenuous.

Obviously, you're not a golfer.