They targeted NSFW artwork, NSFW ARTWORK!

33  2018-09-05 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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You have the ability to hide all NSFW posts under your Preferences.

You're complaining about a problem you have complete control over.

It's weeb gamer trash anyways.

Isn't this a game where robots that look like teenage girls call the main player "master"?

Hold up now playa, you are talking about this game or any weeb game?

This game specifically.

Robot girl calls a party member who made her master not the mc

No, the one who calls the player character master looks like a 9-year-old child, with the maturity really behaves like a robot, so I'm gonna make this kind of comparison.

Lol, idiots why are they doing this, unless most of this pics were some pedo bullshit? come to think of it, it's weebs, it might have been...

I would also like to add that we'd like the subreddit's frontpage to remain clean and not have content that devaluates Xenoblade series in the eyes of new visitors. They should't have to go nsfw settings first to make it so.

> implying sexy anime girls isn't Xenoblade's entire appeal

What is it with Redditors modding a community without understanding what it is about.

You never played the first two games did you

I did not. I think I fapped to R34 of some of the characters though.

What the first 2 games are is fucking irrelevant. XBC2 decided what it wanted to be about, and banning content because of your ideals for what an Xenoblade game should be is just childish.

Exactly. /r/Xenogears is more his forte, because Xenogears is way better than Xenoblade.

Virgin Xenoblade vs Chad Xenogears

The mods are actually being massive faggots here though. It's literally just them not being able to handle the fact that Xenoblade 2 is an anime tiddy game and not a serious JRPG like Xenoblade 1. I understand why they're frustrated, but they just need to move on.