Poor little Marco gets ambushed by raving lunatic and threatens to throw hands

107  2018-09-05 by ConservativesRBIGgay


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


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Marco Rubio unlocked the best way to get Alex jones worked up and that’s to play the literally who? game. 10/10 troll imo.

Makes sense. Alex has an ego bigger than Trumps and cannot fathom being ignored or unrecognized. Playing the who dis game completely fucks Alex in the skull.


I only became an alex jones fan after he got caught checking out bussy, but I gotta say, Rubio looked nervous af and you’re wild if you think he doesn’t know who Jones is.

They might’ve met at a foam party when Rubio was still in college.

Rubio looked nervous af

Of course, if you had a fat psycho with smoker voice screaming crazy shit at you wouldn't you be nervous?

Guns will protect him..



This should be the next big televised fight. I'd put my money on fatboi.

Eh, Alex Jones sweats profusely just sitting in a chair doing his show. I dont he could go a 3 minute round without being totally winded. He's slow as well, all Rubio would have to do is dodge till he has a heart attack

Ya he made Alex look extra unhinged, and that’s saying something. He gave him zero eye contact and ignored him.

Oh, he'll beat me up," Jones said mockingly. "Oh he's so mad. You're not going to silence me. You're not going to silence America."

Is Alex even aware that the Marcobot can rip his torso in half with one movement of his android arm?


Jones has supervitamins on his side.

I'm imagining Marco and Alex's confrontation to be a pathetic version of the Raiden vs Senator Armstrong fight in MGR.



A fight between Marco Rubio and Alex Jones is sorta like a battle between gonorrhea and syphilis. Regardless of which prevails, you're gonna be left with a revolting stench, physical discomfort, and conversations that are ungodly awkward.

Really going after that comment karma, huh?

How else would I pay rent?

I dunno... how good is your blowjob?

I can suck a golf ball thru a garden hose

holy shit

He can strip the chrome off a trailer hitch.

My lobby could use a good buffing.

Alex Jones was a body builder in the 80s and 90s supposedly and could easily kick Rubio's ass


Lat spread or ban

The virgin Jones v. the chad Rubio

Eh, it’s actually two virgins.

Marco Rubio



all things are relative

Can't wait for big Marco to break each one of Jones's fingers. Darn, they're made for each other

i don't want net neutrality but force private companies to host my content

Lol. Also Alex Jones is what the republicans created. The crazy chickens are coming home to roost.

Side note, Alex jones was there to ambush jack Dorsey who’s testifying on the hill today about twatter but was distracted by Marcobot 5000 and missed his chance.

Ah fugg

Shouldn't he be stalking the CEOs of Facebook and YouTube instead? Twitter is the only one that didn't ban him.

"You are literally like a little gangster thug," Jones said.

Oh... that's fucking cute...

If Rubio actually did thrash Alex Jones I would unironically donate the maximum to his next campaign

I can't stand Marcobot, but I would 100% vote for him if he beat up Alex Jones

Would you vote for Alex Jones if he beat up Marco though?

Free market rights are great and """DEFINITELY""" allow for discriminating against minorities. Y'all remember that wedding cake drama?

But they should be outlawed when they're used to alienate your retardedly blatant domestic propaganda.

Really makes you think.

Easy: Go to the bakery next door.

There's no second Twitter or Facebook.

If all bakeries were owned by the same company, and refusing to bake lesbo-cakes was company-wide policy, a vast majority of people would agree that they should be punished for discrimination.


oh you beat me to it

shoulda mentioned the part where he got called big gay

Rubio won this one. The "Who are you?" is the perfect come back for Alex Jones. That fucking guy is an idiot and I can't wait till they find his fat coked out body dead of an OD. Fucking tranny banging freak show.

Plus, he turned the frogs gay!

lmao I love Alex Jones.

10/10 would love to see this fight happen.

I guess all you have to do to Jones is threaten the kick his ass and he will go crying to mommy. They should ban him from all of internet.

Imagine Jones' reaction if Runio had put his hand on him

Alex should have made a robot joke after Rubio threatened him.

Something like

Sad little Wall-E feeling like the terminator all of a sudden