The Musk Defense Force is out in full force Musk triples down on his "accuse a guy of being a pedophile with zero evidence" strategy.

19  2018-09-05 by seshfan2


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Some choice gems. Remember, that there is absolutely zero evidence this guy is a pedophile other than the fact that Musk accused him.

Has anyone considered the fact that Musk has access to unlimited resources, including legal departments that surely would have done their due diligence? I say, if musk says he's a pedo then the MF is a PEDO


Yea, Im short $TSLA but believe he is correct w this guy. The media running to the rescue is also suspect as they tend to normalize & cover for these things. Could be totally wrong but I think the guy is a freak.


I noticed that but he’s just relying on Musk to provide evidence? How about being a reporter and I don’t know, asking people questions. I think a lot of people would be interested in the truth whatever it is.


@elonmusk is way too smart to be making allegations like this if he wasn't absolutely sure it was true. Looks like he got the inside scoop on this pedo from someone who probably knew him. I hope the evidence comes out soon.

I love how obvious it is they didn't read the article, where the journalist asked around for some evidence of either him having some criminal charges, asking his long term girlfriend about the accusation and asking the other divers about the accusations. It's so dumb.

long term girlfriend

this seems suspicious. women notoriously cover for pedophiles. also, does anyone else find the lack of evidence suspicious, almost like a giant pedophile ring would try to hide as much evidence as possible.

Yep, i say we check if Alefantis owns a pizza shop in thailand

Musk has access to ... legal departments that surely would have done their due diligence

Love it. Surely these weren't deranged twitter rantings of somebody too successful to stay grounded (pun intended), obviously he ran this accusation by his legal department first.

There’s a rumor in some circles that Musk thinks lawyers are a waste of money.

If true that would explain a lot of things.

Any lawyer will tell you that the best way to handle secret evidence of someone being a pedophile is to make random accusations on Twitter.

Am lawyer can confirm. Shotgun accusations work best in a public environment.

Hey, if Daddy is allowed to say whatever he wants, then surely Space Daddy can too.

The DDF has competition for this year's annual mental gymnastics tournament

Bold move Cotton, let’s see it play out!

I love how Space Daddy has half of Reddit shitting the bed to defend some creepy old white guy who moved to Thailand.