A wild ride in LegalAdvice: man has restraining order against him by his girlfriend, man gets girlfriend pregnant, man is ultra fucked.

17  2018-09-05 by Ghdust2


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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So actual lawyers who troll here (i.e. u/ComedicSans), on a scale of 1 to absolutely utterly useless, how sound is the advice they give here?

Actual lawyer here, the only sound advice in that thread is to get an attorney.

Nobody on /r/legaladvice is a lawyer.

Thankfully all the people seeking advice are LARPing.

It's simply a creative writing exercise at both ends.

Figures. Especially with that one comment claiming the guy will be charged for statutory rape (for violating a restraining order with his 24 year old GF).

Are you really?

Are you well versed in bird law? Cause I could totally use a bird law guy on the team. They are always a wild card

real talk /r/legaladvice is an absolute garbage subreddit for legal info, although it can be a decent source of depressing drama, if you're into that.

Half of the mods and "quality contributors" are either cops or some other kind of non-lawyers who routinely give straight-up terrible legal advice that is significantly adverse to the OP's interest. The other half are like underemployed junior associates doing doc review in real estate or something, or else law students, all of whom feel perfectly comfortable spouting off on high-stakes criminal and family law matters in random jurisdictions where they have zero expertise.

Moreover, the mod team routinely locks threads, removes posts, and bans users not for posting bad legal info, but just for making mods or starred users look bad (seriously). And the same mod team also runs /r/bestoflegaladvice where they similarly stifle any meta-discussion that goes against their clubhouse.

You know how various hobbyist forums or message-boards will develop their own kind of insular echo-chamber, often dominated by a handful of prominent users, where everyone on abcGuitarTalk.com parrots that MasterBrand cables are the best, and made a huge difference in their tone, while over on xyzGuitarTalk.org, everyone says that MasterBrand is an overpriced joke and WillyWires are the best deal and run by the nicest guy?

Well, /r/legaladvice is like that, except the echo-chamber received wisdom that they pass around is various flavors of folk legal advice that are just a smidge more credible-sounding than "cops can't give you a ticket without their hat on".

I shudder to think of the years people are spending in prison due to the terrible advice dispensed on that sub.

For a minute, back in its early days, answers tended to be a lot more thoughtful, informative, and detailed, and users were mostly pretty good about not actually giving advice but instead just painting a picture of what they personally knew about that area of law. Then it was revealed that a HUGE proportion of the most-interesting posts were all coming from alts of a creative-writing troll who would just make up outlandish scenarios to read the discussion. After that, a lot of the people who used to invest significant time in creating long, thoughtful effortpost answers left, and the sub got overrun with power-tripping regulars who tell people to turn themselves in to the police and tell the judge everything.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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I wonder if we could get them to do an AMA but I dont think they are brave enough to endure everyone seeing how shitty their sub and advice is.