Dear God, I hope this is a troll. Vegan? Check. Nihilist? Check? Misanthrope? Check. Mad as Hades? Check.

17  2018-09-05 by ReichSmasher2018


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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How damaged does someone have to be to marry that?

Her husband is probably a Nazi or some other breed of lunatic.

Believe me, insane girls like her get a lot of equally insane boys poking around inside them.

Drove into a publicly open Boy Scout camp, full of Boy Scouts, fucked in my car with the doors opened in the woods when I was 16.

I gave my first blowjob in a cemetery at 13 or 14, as well as have had sex and many other sexual encounters in cemeteries.

Fucked an ex girlfriend and then boyfriend now husband (at separate times) in their cars, in my drive way; with my parents awake and home both times.

Gave a guy head at a very public Halloween haunt event at an amusement park, behind the bathrooms.

Fucked many people in my parents double shower (literally two open showers put together as one) over the years in my teenage and young adulthood.

Giving a guy head in a movie theater, letting him bust in my mouth and then spitting it all over the floor in front of us, I was 14.

An ex and I stayed up late with my cousin and his girlfriend playing CoD, he and I were laying in bed in the spooning position, he was quietly inside me for about 30 minutes in front of my cousin - they had no idea.

That's my kind of girl.

They had sex in a cemetary?

Are you fucking kidding me?

I am becoming angrier the more I read through that comment, I sincerely hope that lunatic will burn in Hell.

cemetery is not a hard word to spell. The red squiggly should point that out

Not being a phone poster

Absolutamente asqueroso

I do use my phone. I use desktop mode

Metal af

you sound boring and stupid. 💖

so she sucked off a few corpses as a kid, big deal. don't be such a prude bitch this isn't saudi arabia

Her hell is a psych office

You forgot:

-BPD (red flag)

-Has three pitbulls and refers to them as pibbles (massive red flag)

-Plans to piss on her granny's grave when she kicks the bucket (minor red flag)

I missed the comment where she mentioned the pit-bulls, but wow, I am really starting to get the impression of a troll. She is checking way too many boxes on my list to possibly be real. And if she is real after all, that means our species is fucked.

check her submission history famsci

I thought it was four pibbies?

I can’t tell if troll or not. Xir post history is hurting.

She is certainly a very disturbed individual, but she does not really behave like a troll.

Trolls on Reddit usually invade other subs to stir up shit, but she sticks to what seem like echo chambers and trolling is hard there when the people around you are like-minded and won't be offended by your posts.

That’s my thinking as well but she checks so many boxes.

Truly disturbed individuals are hard to distinguish from good trolls.

Yeh, the BPD subs look interesting, but it's like the swinger lifestyle subs...just seems like a depressing place in the end.

Swinger lifestyle subs aren't really sad imo since most of the drama is self inflicted and often is the result of being naive and not understanding oneself.

BPD internet places are pretty insidious in that there's a lot of fake self awareness and group reinforcement of bad behaviors. They even make it into something noble("we just have more empathy and love than others!") which doesn't help the people around them at all.

Most importantly, she's from Ohio

Has anyone normal come out of Ohio?



Her feelings on children are rational IMO

the big dick problems sub is getting weird man

Imagibe being this ret-- #WOQ.

Understood this will read as a plea

To vindicate intolerance, as surely as it is written

Understand, contempt borne of clear perception

Is a birthright to those who channel it toward progresion

Preserve life through loathing

Awaken hope within hatred

Wrest insight from outrage

This is our birthright and OBLIGATION