24  2018-09-06 by DerekSavageCoolCuck

This spell is to stop white cis men from appropriating and profiting from queer and trans aesthetics, as well as ‘feminine’, abject and feminist practices in their art practice, while never having any of the lived experiences of queer people, trans folk or women.

Note: You must be queer and/or trans to cast this spell otherwise it will not work


A cauldron/pot/bucket , Sea water , A craft knife , A fat black candle, Olive oil , Neon spraypaint (optional) , A black and white photograph of a cis white man with visible penis (preferably erect) (optional) , Brown packing tape , Matches/a lighter

This spell should ideally be performed on a Saturday and must be performed at night. This is a two part spell, so requires some preparation and a few hours!

Using your craft knife, carve the name of a cis white male artist into your candle. If you are casting a more general spell to protect queer aesthetics and experiences and bind casual appropriation, you can just use the ♂ symbol, which is very powerful.

Place your candle at the bottom of your cauldron.

Take your cauldron and place near the entrance to a space which is important to housing queer bodies. This could be any kind of queer space, including your home, a club, gallery, dungeon etc. Fill the cauldron until the candle is covered (if sea water is hard for you to find, you can use a smaller cauldron/container). Take your craft knife and point it downwards into the water while chanting.

“Into the water I place this blade, To guard against the thief and shade. May no straight pale male flesh nor astral shell Enter into this place wherein I dwell” All other doors open for you cis white male But try enter this one and you will fail!

Then, pour some olive oil into your cauldron. Now leave the candle soaking in the water for three hours. Take the candle, wipe it down/dry it and carve out the bottom so the wick is exposed. Now use your neon spraypaint to inexpertly paint the candle, being careful to leave the now-exposed bottom wick unpainted. Use your brown packing tape to tape the photograph of an erect man onto your candle.


Manthief, curator, collector, steal and reward no more By my will, you shall cease The casual claiming of our core And restore my sense of peace

Light the candle and look at the flame, focusing all of your energy onto its center.

I bind you (from using our magic) Our images Our language Our bodies Our blood I bind you (from profiting from our magic) Our images Our language Our bodies Our blood Let the candle burn out and, if you can, bury the stub at the site of spell-casting, otherwise bury underneath a rock.


wait this is real

Man, I hope she is just trolling, because we def. have modern routers.

Do you know this person/golem-with-rudimentary-intelligence IRL?

Not IRL (thank fuck). But she is from the same country and I rate it's safe to assume the problem here isn't an 80's era router.

If anyone wants to donate their menstrual blood to me I'm going to start making Trump 2020 paintings.

Stunning AND brave!