If you guys aren't following the supreme court confirmation you're missing out

165  2018-09-06 by respaaaaaj

this shits the best thing on tv right now, leaked doccuments, evidence of lying, accusations of participating in stealing shit form the senate, racism, abortion drama and more. God Bless God Emperor Trump and the Resistance.


I love seeing people who literally write rules say the rules don't apply to them because they didn't consent and "Silence isn't consent" like retarded Sovereign citizens

God I love soverign citizens. All time greatest idiots change my mind.


Suggesting there's not a near complete overlap of the two.



God I love soverign citizens

Careful, that kind of loose talk can create joinder!


People who correct people who misspell "sovereign"

Kavanaugh is going to take away all of your rights except for the right to bare arm, which will be made mandatory with sensible regulation for those under 7 year old.

Fuck I don't want to bare arm, I only wear long sleeved shirts.

you are all hereby sentenced to death by melanoma

Kavanaugh is going to make sure you're locked away for a long time pal.

Feeling upset if your arms aren't covered or being upset if your arms are covered is a major sign of Autism, this is why it was so important to the founding fathers to bare arms.

Listen Trumptard, you are completely ignoring the context of "a well regulated militia." If you look at the intent of the Founding Ciscum, they only inwanted to keep the autismos out of the army.

We've since learned how to weaponize autism, so we don't need such backwards bigotry in this day and age.



Notice what both these clearly autistic pictures are missing?

That's right, Sleeves!

I'm trying to figure out what he's doing in that first picture.

Is it just a random act of fabulousness?

Maybe he's unjustly laying the beat down on someone, but he's the only one strong enough to hold himself back?

Taking his own pulse because he just can't even?

He's exercising his right to bear bare arms by holding them at the ready position

Customers who bought this also bought

Long black plush gloves

I've never wished I knew a person more, I have so many questions.

wow, does that man think he’s an action figure?

They're a colonial themed tag team. The first one there is Yankee Doodle, and he is showing his signature move, the Boston Massacre.

His partner, Monticello is down below, doing their usual victory celebration, where he goes about the ring, posing in exactly three corners.

Kavanaugh gonna snatch all they birthdays.

No, short sleeved shirts are fucking horrendous and are only for fat children.

What if I want bear arms? Because that would be fuckin' sweet!

It helps with insertion.

for those under 7 year old.

kinderguardians bro.

Sensible restrictions. No semi automatics, or long guns and a very thorough background check.

with sensible regulation for those under 7 year old.

It's like he doesn't respect the 2nd Amendment at all

"Sensible regulation" in this context means mandating that all seven-year-olds be issued firearms.

State issued? Sounds pretty commie tbqh

Think of it as a long-term investment in the military.

Why bother when you can just hire mercs?

Lefties are all for killing defenseless children in the womb and balk at them being able to defend themselves later in life.

This is why we need to arm all fetuses with tiny rifles

Finally some common sense lawmaking.

Ain't no one taking away my right to bare arms with these two guns I'm rockin

Politics drama is so boring now

the fuck you talking about? This is the most fun politics have ever been. Alex Jones and Marco Rubio almost came to blows yesterday! That's amazing!

Saaay wha?

Alex Jones touched Marcobot on the shoulder and doubled down. Rubio then said he's going to take care of Jones personally.

How the fuck did you not see alex jones cal rubio gay and rubio say he would 'take you out myself'?

its fun imo but people get waaaaay to emotionally invested and forget to just enjoy how crazy it is

You have to go back...

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imagine actually following this shit instead of just reading drama and shitposts about it on /r/drama

I still re-read your username every fucking time

i just hope no one takes 122333444455555666666 next time i remake cause im banned from too much shit

Too late just took it.

Wow less then 5 min that was fast

two two, threethreethree, fourfourfourfour....


I’m not the only that does that.

problem is, there’s too much drama here to fit on /r/drama

The Resistance

which one? The libcuck one or the shadow government coup one from the New York Times op ed guy?


sure why not

This is what they should have done with the new Star Wars.

2 (at least) rebel factions fighting each other while fighting the empire.

The The Last Jedi had that. The hotshot pilot faction was retarded and his plans were retarded.

As was the main plan. Everyone in that movie was stupid.

Best Star War ever.

Rebel weapons design- "hey how about making bombers that literally have to fly on top of enemy spaceships, armed with little grenades that apparently supply their own gravity"

"why don't we just strap some hyper drives onto rocks"

"get the fuck out of here you piece of shit"

yeah well the empire doesn't exactly have a great engineering track record either.

"Lets just make one giant space cannon that we use as both our base of operations and main weapon and we can all live on it."

"haven't we done that 3 other times and some spunky teenagers with glowsticks blew it up every times"

"doesn't ring a bell"

I liked Richard Blumenthal:

RB: "On Demand Abortion is a secret codeword that means you hate women and want to kill girls"

Kav: "The chief justice who wrote the concurrence in RvW literally wrote On Demand Abortion in their concurrence, I was citing that."

RB: "Can you commit to not overturning RvW?"

Kav: "Literally everyone in the last 30 years has refused to answer that question, including everyone now on the SC"


Any Supreme Court justice who answers that question would be legally required to recuse themselves if it came to the Supreme Court.

Brit here, literally no understanding whatsoever of that comment, who the fuck are these people and why is it funny?

If a Supreme Court justice answers that question in their confirmation hearing and they have to hear a case dealing with abortion rights in the future (very likely), then they'll have shown that they are not impartial and are not fit to hear the case. This means that if they don't recuse themselves, any ruling handed down by the court will be subject to be overturned, and that's not the kind of thing you want happening in your highest court.

Let's be real though when's the last time a SCOTUS judge (not a nominee but the people who became judges) has ever been held accountable for any kind of rule breaking?

they'll have shown that they are not impartial

I mean anyone with a brain knows Kavanaugh isn’t impartial to begin with.

Anyone with a brain knows that no one is impartial. If they are answering these questions as part of their confirmation hearing then it means that they show intent to act on their impartiality.

If you actually bother to look at Kavanaugh's record, he's not that bad. I kinda agree with federalists on a lot though.

No one is. Don't bash him for being a textualist (or do idgaf)


He's exactly as impartial as Sotomayor and Ginsberg.

Basically the precedent for the last few decades of confirmation hearings for supreme court justices is that they will absolutely refuse to take a position on whether a court ruling/precedent was decided 'correctly' or whether they agree with it or don't. Yet that doesn't stop senators for the last 30 years from asking these very questions that no candidate will answer yes/no too. All of them will 100% always say they wont comment on hypothetical or real cases that might come before them in the future, or refer to the existence of precedence.

This frustrates senators.

Not just senators, all Americans should be offended.

Burgers should be offended those questions are being asked to begin with.

Why are you such a whiny bitch?

I'll give you ten rubles to drag my nuts through your asscrack

It's a pretty dumb precedent since not being able to ask questions about the prospective justice's beliefs defeats the whole purpose of vetting them in the first place. Everyone knows that these candidates have strong opinions on these issues, so it's asinine to allow them to play coy and say that bias comes in only once they say those opinions out loud during a hearing. This precedent is just a cheap tactic to shove justices through the confirmation process with minimal scrutiny.

not being able to ask questions about the prospective justice's beliefs defeats the whole purpose of vetting them in the first place

That's why you don't ask them about hypotheticals. You ask them about past rulings. This shit isn't hard but senators want to virtue signal to their base as often as possible

that’s why they don’t elect brand new judges to the supreme court. you can look at every decision he’s made to figure out what his leanings are.

t. someone who doesn't understand the supreme court


Lower courts are strictly limited by supreme court precedent. They cannot just say "we think roe/casey are bad law and should be overturned so we'll let you ban whatever abortions you want". They have to apply whatever test the supreme court decided on and while that gives them some flexibility from which we can read their leanings its a really weak signal overall. (sometimes they all but explicitly disregard precedent cough 9th circuits hatred of arbitration cough but that's really rare and the supreme court swats that shit down)

But once they're on the supreme court they can say whatever dumb shit they want and it becomes the interpretation of the laws that the lower courts now have to apply. So everyone will look way more moderate in their previous judicial decisions than they actually are unless they're they're actively bad judges or they grandstand in their dissents.

If you think about it, senators have a lot in common with Reddit mods. They're a cliquey in-crowd that's despised by virtually everybody, a lot of them manage to stay in power despite their incompetence, none of them are terribly smart, and they love to throw tantrums when they don't get their way.

but senators are paid. Reddit mods wouldn't be the most pathetic beings that ever existed if they were actually getting paid.

Consider that a lot of Senators just throw bitch-fits to get votes and don't actually care. Reddit mods throw bitchfits because they really do care.

It makes up for it because Senators throw bitch-fits but don't actually care about things that are important. Reddit mods throw bitchfits because they really do care, but nothing they care about matters at all.

I'm actually rather well liked by most people and I'm quite smart.

I'm pretty sure that Daddy has tweeted that verbatim

MFW filibustering is just the IRL equivalent of a huge wall of text post

Senators piss in buckets. Mods piss in soda bottles. The resemblance is almost frightening.

Introducing time limits on speeches might be a good move, this sounds ridiculous.

user reports:
1: How do I ping senators


Also one of the senators said "Roe vs. Wade is settled law!" and Kavanaugh said "No, it's not settled, because there's still questions about it, and right now 3/9ths of the Supreme Court disagree with the decision", and then they REEEEEEE'd about how he was gonna ban our abortions.

No, they wouldn’t.

That's not how it works. Precedent is as much of constitutional law as the laws are. Having the highest court's decisions overturned is not something that should be taken lightly.

You said legally Kav would have to recuse.

You’re wrong.

Precedent indicates if it was a matter he worked on (see Kagan for prior recusals) then he should consider it.

But ultimately SCOTUS justices don’t have to. They choose to.

fair enough

RB: "Can you commit to not overturning RvW?"

pretty sure that was just bait

You have to go back...

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Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Haha you guys listening to the protesters?

Did you see the Congressman that drowned out the protester? Fucking legend, I tell ya.

That's my congressman!

And that's the only newsworthy thing he's ever done.

Unless you count winning that pie eating contest.

And that's the only newsworthy thing he's ever done.

So then you have a better Congressman than, well, all of us? Braggart.

Unless you count winning that pie eating contest.

Oh he was in 'Stand By Me' with Wesley?!

I wouldn't compete against that fat fuck for anything; he'd probably eat me if he lost so he'd be the winner by default.

How do you think he got elected?

Well, it's Missouri, not Illinois so it wasn't bribery. I'm guessing the profits from his meth labs deep in the backwoods of Christian County.

Why is he not the head of the FDA/USDA

They don't trust him in the corn syrup room.

did he eat the contestants

Senator Billy Long

I'm pretty sure he's been in a porno.

Not any porno I want to see.

that's fucking hilarious haha

This is the best thing a Congressman has done in my lifetime

At 0:32 did she just say that they are censoring and shadowbanning conservatives? What the fuck? Isn't shadowbanning just a reddit thing?

she was harassing the twitter CEO as he was leaving the building about how he "violated her first amendment rights" by removing her check mark

Its called QFD. "Quality Filter". They say its to reduce misinformation, bad sources, et cetera, in practice it was applied to a lot of conservatives, including actual political figures like sitting congressmen and those running for office.

They turned QFD off almost entirely right before Twitter was set to testify, presumedly so they can technically not lie when they say, "We don't shadowban conservatives", but I'd expect them to go back to business as usual once they're out of the hot seat.

Shadowbanning has been around under various names since the BBS era, reddit didn't invent it.

No. "Lets ban them but try to minimize the blowback from banning them" is not just a reddit thing.

Wow. That was incredible

So much reeeeeing. This is good for dramacoin

The Democrats are desperately angling for a hail mary of hail mary's that will allow them to delay the next court appointment until after the next election, when there's a small possibility that they'll control the senate and will be able to exercise some influence on it and not have to live with arch-conservative control over the interpretation of fundamental human rights for a generation.

Praise be to the dramanaut Anthony Kennedy who must've known what a shitstorm retiring five months before the next midterm election would cause. If he had retired a few months earlier, or after the mid terms, the Democrats wouldn't even try this.

They know they can't stop it. They're doing what the bulk of their constituents want, which is making an attempt to prevent it. When and if Trump gets placed in front of a judge, or seven, this gives them the 'we did everything we could to get him here' nod.

In the meantime, trump has placed two guys on the bench who now owe him one. And Garland didn't get a seat because Obama was halfway through his last term, but trump might be half way through his last term.

The hypocrisy of the GOP in the whole thing is sort of shocking to a lot of liberals, who have been expecting the GOP to play by the same rules of fake decorum and false honor that have been status quo for years, despite McConnell's complete disregard for that over the last 2 decades.

This shit is the culmination of years and years of hard work. Kavanuagh could stand on the pulpit, swear to satan and fling his shit at the flag and the GOP would push him through. Humper-dumper doo, bro.

And Kennedy, like any other dinosaur, would not have expected people to even notice what he was doing because he was still playing the old game of fake honor and decorum. He's probably shocked that his working with trump to pick kavanaugh even got print time.

And Garland didn't get a seat because Obama was halfway through his last term, but trump might be half way through his last term.

He was nominated in February of 2016, well past the halfway point. It was a risky play but it paid off for the GOP.

"A risky play"

He got nominated by a president and had zero reason not to put him in, save that he was a liberal. It was a breach in the social mores of the politics and cannot be undone. There's no reason any party at any time wouldn't make the same 'risky play'.

If you're playing basket ball and someone is fowling, but no one is calling it, you gonna keep up the civil game? Fuck that. You go hard. The ref is gone. Someone is getting shot on the court now.

the Presidency doesn’t mean he gets what he wants. We have checks and balances by design, that’s a silly arguement since that Congress was elected on campaigning of lame ducking Obama’s

'zero reason not to put him in' meaning that despite his liberal leanings he was shown to be unbiased as a judge in his history. That he can check a president to uphold balance.

Keep in mind that a republican heavy court has been moving against GOP gerrymandering, and a president who is concerned about being put on trial is hand selecting judges and is supported, almost entirely, by the GOP legislative branch. This seems more of a corruption of checks and balances than Obama putting Garland in office.

You are a meme of talking points.

we're all memes now.

bost bussy or btfo, right?

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Good bot

Dems are probably gonna pack the courts now. So much for institutions.

I hope not. I don't trust any single party to sit in power.

motherfuckers need to re-learn how to fucking compromise and stop catering to their dumbest constituents. "...wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand...". Ideas need opposing ideas to help refine them. No circle jerking in the gooberment.

As Schlichter said, new rules. As the current party is basically ruling with an iron fist, you don't think the Dems will take revenge? You'd better hope for a R Senate when the next Dem president rolls in.

I don't think the GOPwill survive this, but its not like their constituents will vote for the dems. They'll just split into two parties, or three, which will allow for the dems to split, maybe. And if campaign finance can get through, then that will go a long way to solving our woes.

Lot of new blood dems ain't taking corporate cash. Warren and and Bernie-crats have been pushing for campaign finance reform and old fortress liberals are being surplanted by berniecrats at a surprising rate.

There's some hope that this will be a cathartic purge of the fucking pus in the rotting wound that is the system. Or a chance that we're just a sack of dogshit country from now on.

I really doubt on a split, mostly because indy membership is exaggerated.

please the GOP already started splitting with the tea party. And the libertarian party. And the alt-right. The right is fractured in its ideology. They're a divorced couple trying to stay together for the kids.

The dems are poised to split into two groups 90s republicans and FDR style democrats (minus the racism shit). Then there will be the new party, the tankie party and they will run on a campaign of punching the altright on tv.

i'm hyped and horrified for weimar ii: american boogaloo

People like Warren and Bernie are too stupid to define campaign finance reform into a meaningful law.


There's a reason Obama didn't retract Garland and at least try someone more moderate: they were hedging on a Hillary win and a Democrat sweep, so they could get RBG v2.0 on the bench. Garland was never going to get that seat. Ever.

Its almost like they could measure the GOP's reaction from the 6 years of blocked judges that the GOP painstakingly worked to block, right?

Tbh I could live with this court if it doesn't overturn Roe v. Wade. If they get another seat though, then we're officially in crazy land.

I was once talking to my brother about how close we are to a dystopian future. He pointed out that we've already made it to a dystopian future but because it was a frog boil, we just haven't really noticed yet.

My point is, we're already in crazyland, boo.

He has while sipping on his $6 latte.

Not all dystopian futures are post-apocalyptic.

You're the biggest edgelord ever if you think this is a distopia.

first of all, I can spell the word. And use spell check.

Second, think about it: We have robots that are designed to kill people, wild wireless propaganda spread 24/7, everything has a corporate logo on it, not to mention the drug epidemics and furries (There's your ultra-normalized morlock race). And technology so advanced that people barely need to think to function. (See my point about auto-correct.)

You act like robots designed to kill people are a bad thing. So robots designed to kill people cancel out the furries and the drug epidemics. Everything has a corporate logo on it because everything is made by a corporation. Turns out Bill the Blacksmith can't make an iPhone. I'm also not sure how technology enabling stupid people to function is dystopian.

RvW can go, actually decent male BC is nigh and pills&iuds have been around forever

imagine pretending a doctors visit once every five years so you don't turn into a single mom is the end of the world

Kavanuagh could stand on the pulpit, swear to satan and fling his shit at the flag and the GOP would push him through. Humper-dumper doo, bro.

This is emphatically not true. There have been conservative judge nominations that were abandoned because they weren't moderate enough.

historically true isn't the same as currently true. There were conservative presidents that were too crude to be upheld by the GOP, but now they have pussyhands leading them.

I know 'unpresidented' gets thrown around a lot, but we're in new territory, especially with the GOP.

  1. My guess is Republicans have +1 or +2 Senators after the midterms. "Hail mary of hail marys" is a great way of describing it.

That's probably about right, there's a decent range of outcomes, though. Republicans could get lucky and pick up a net 3 or 4 seats, or Democrats could win the chamber by a seat or 2.

Boy if they picked up both houses dramacoin would hit the fucking moon. Imagine trump having literally no legislative support and a legit threat of impeachment every day until 2020. I think he would have a psychotic break in office, and so of course, in real-time on twitter.

An arguably even better scenario (I'm not sure how likely it is, but I do think it's underrated) is that because Trump literally doesn't give a shit about GOP ideology and he just wants "wins", that he'll just sign whatever the Democratic Congress will put in front of him because he's incapable of understanding what is actually put in front of him.

It would be pretty funny if he offered to do whatever they want and rebrand himself as a Democrat and they turn him down because their base still hates him too much.

While that would be better for drama overall, obviously the really juicy drama is if Republicans slam-dunk the midterms.

Senate will probably be a wash. Dems will lose FL and MO, but probably pick up NV and AZ (and possibly TN).

Last time I looked Dems odds of picking up the senate were like 25%. That's even with the good generic ballot numbers right now (which are likely the "top" of the swing cycle, I doubt they're going to be able to do that good on election day).

So many things would have to go right to make this little dance on the parts of Democrats actually be beneficial in any respect. Tbh 90% of it is just cus they're mad.

Lol I guess you actually believe that.


Anthony Kennedy for /r/drama mod please thank you

I just wanna say Richard Blumenthal looks amazing for 73

Spirit Cooking obv.

Literally the reason the Democrats have been kidnapping children. The adrenochrome and blood of children are the path to immortality.

He does actually, he's older than Trump? Damn.

Powell hearings are always good. He'll be talking about interest rates and some representative will throw out some question like "Black unemployment is at an all time high! How do interest rates help them???" and Powell will be caught off guard saying "Well it's not at an all time high and we're not talking about unemployment yet."

its fucking gold.

Fuck that, I'm troweling through Q channels to see whatll happen.

It's mostly them not realizing what's happening yet, or doing the DDF dance, but shits stirring.

I wish my brain was damaged enough to believe in nonsense.

Not only is it freeing, if you're dumb enough eventually you can easily convince yourself that you're actually smarter or posses some hidden knowledge that 'regular' or 'smart' people don't.

See: conspiracy theorists/cults

If you find any juicy drama tidbits don't forget to report back! We need brave scouts like you.

This is making me wonder how hilarious the midterms are going to be.

Don't forget protesters getting caught being paid off by a guy who works with a Democrat-affiliated astroturfing group. It's pure popcorn.

Lol you're retarded enough to believe that

Shouldn't you be in MDE jacking off a seagull?



I didn't need a visual, I needed an explanation.

OP: If you had to eat the ass of someone who is participating in this hearing, whose would you eat and why?

protestor for sure

I just want to see the edited highlights on /r/drama TBH

Somebody ELI5, I am out of loop. What the fuck is happening?

Eh. It became less entertaining once I realized that there aren't any real consequences now. Democrats seem willing to be as outlandish as Republicans are these days. They'll either stack the courts or impeach Kavanaugh.

For some reason, it seems like so much of this shit isn't governed by any laws.

Watching people scream "They're gonna take our abortions!" after screaming "Nobody wants to take your guns!" is schadenfreude made manifest.

C-SPAN: We know drama.