Abortion is Ableism and therefore should be illegal says retarded women

26  2018-09-06 by ConservativesRBIGgay


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Catholics always have the lamest takes on abortion. She's comparing disabled people to fetuses and basically saying they're both leeches on others yet the other side is the ableist one 🙄

Radical constructivism makes two big claims, that "knowledge is not passively received but actively built up by the cognizing subject" and that cognition "serves the organization of the experiential world, not the discovery of ontological reality". Glaserfeld thinks that those who "do not explicitly give up the notion that our conceptual constructions can or should in some way represent an independent, ‘objective’ reality, are still caught up in the traditional theory of knowledge".

This school of thought 'opens the gates' to all sorts of relativistic thinking such as standpoint epistemology.

Standpoint epistemology seeks to establish a "more objective science", but attempts to replace “traditional science” (i.e. science that focuses on the examination of the object of research solely) with the demand that an examination of the researcher as well as examining the object of research is required. We fundamentally should not assume that there are different types of science for women and for men, nor different ways for women and men to study science or conduct scientific research.

*She is literally arguing from the vantage (i.e. standpoint) of a fetus. *


So because these cunts can't be objective, they assume no one can?

And therefore all science is subjective because the scientist is not objective.

To be fair, not every social science course is as steeped in this bullshit, but there are certainly more than some places that claim that "all scientific facts are social constructs."

Statements like that come straight from this line of thinking, that it's all just subjective.


boring TLDR

TL;DR: Radical constructivism = Literally Jaden Smith. Standpoint epistemology = Literally climate change denier arguments.


so she's a teenager, right? there's no way that girl in that video is older than 16.

She claims to be a junior in college right now.

so she's like 19.

so basically, she doesn't know shit about fuckall and is trying to preach to people. lol

Looks like she has a collar bone tattoo, my little sinless, chrism-anointed lady.

Lol she made her account private

Her sperg out is actually a strong reason for abortion.

Abortion is also transphobic. It’s 2018 and transwomen are still forbidden from having abortions smdh.

Makes a good case for ableism imo

passionate about life, music, spina bifida advocacy, dancing in public, + YOU.

Always with that ending to their bios.