r/DramaButWithPinging gets banned

208  2018-09-06 by A4QualityPaper


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

To all the regulars it was a honour serving with you

Oi m8, u got loicense for that honour

Have you got a permit to use this licence based joke format?

How to out yourself as a CAutist even on a new account

How to out yourself as a humorless dickhead even on a throwaway

Sorry, I've been moving. Did they give any reason?

That was predictable


wow, rude

The admins sure wouldn't want anyone from that sub to find out about [r/DramaButWithPingingButNotBannedYet](www.reddit.com/r/DramaButWithPingingButNotBannedYet)

Aw, I’m currently out my face on nhs drugs in hospital after an op and was trying g to think of something to post in there.

Who dunnit?

Idk they got r/pinging too

:( :( :(

This is a crime...

drugs are bad. Chose the love of my Personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, instead.

Yeah, I prayed they’d give me something stronger. Amen. They did.

You should put your faith in the Intergalactic Space Lizard Quixtar, heathen.

Does his bodily secretions have pain fighting characteristics

Which genitals did you replace?

They signed my hospital wrist tag F with a circle. I’m a real gurl 😊

Change your name to CocoNutsOff IMO

You can’t change your username in Reddit.

Deadnaming smh

But, but, when I’ve felt myself I’ve always been all gurl.

You wanna trade drugs via mail?

No, thanks for the offer.

The admins sure wouldn't want anyone from that sub to find out about [r/DramaButWithPingingButNotBannedYet](www.reddit.com/r/DramaButWithPingingButNotBannedYet)

/r/pingpong has existed for 7 years and is clearly devoted to the great game.

Their only posts are on /r/redditrequest basically saying, "Fuck you, I'm a piece a shit who thinks I'm better than you so I'm going to keep this subreddit that everyone wants and I don't actually do shit with."

Based. Make me mod

invite sent :)

Make that sub I made the last one

we could just repurpose r/thebanout18supporters

Good idea

Y'all should make an 8chan board for it or smth


Like, pinging in an /r/drama post but putting the ping in some random thread in /r/crackerjacks or something?

I was thinking about making the post again, but that would work better, although the bot would probably get banned quickly

It would be fucking hilarious but it would be banned in like five seconds.

Do it

Then they're gonna ban /r/drama altogether

We ain't trying to look at child porn.

If Gallowboob was still a mod you woulda been banned for that comment.

Mod Me too pls.

Mod me too!

Doesn’t matter. They still haven’t banned /r/the_dotard

I'm pretty sure the admins don't like playing whack-a-mole especially with stupid meta subs.

They'll ban r drama then u retard.

Why do I keep finding dead canaries in this coal mine

Fuck if I know. Hopefully enough people get fed up with the shit to move over to vote and make the nazis a minority.

Moving to Voat wouldn't allow us to ping the reddit retards, though.

Also Voat doesn't allow you to vote until you have a certain amount of comment karma, and there are very active communities there which are dedicated to downvoting he non ideologically pure. Also if our karma becomes low you can only comment a couple times a day.

Voat has more issues than its population. They can barely afford their own servers and everyone jumping ship ain't gonna help that.

I'm kinda surprised they're still up and running. It's been a year or two since I've been there, and they were having problems with server costs back then.

Azure lol

for real, I put a WordPress site up just for convenience and it's $250 and runs like crap. Only thing Azure is good for is connecting VS to it directly. I'm currently trying to figure out costs for switching to AWS for my WP site.



Before I mock you, which I badly wanna do mind you, how are you spinning enough resources in Azure to be spending that? I'm curious an horrified at the same time.

250/mo for WordPress

Does the site have enough traffic to warrant that price?

I do not care if its vote or what, I just want to find a place that is fairly active (aka not dead), does not have power abusing admins/mods, not flooded with politics on every sub and definitely not "mainstream". Sites are better when it is active, but under the radar. The moment it goes big, that is when it starts to turn to shit. I miss the old reddit, before it got big.

/u/spez is the zodiac killer

Nuu. We're still there

We'll be back they can never get rid of us. We're like drama fueled cockroaches


We can't have it explicitly be a continuation of ye olde /r/drama. That'll get you banned 100% of the time. You need to go the /r/pussypass route of being nominally separate but basically the same thing. Make a new drama sub that just happens to allow pinging.


/r/pinging got banned as well despite not being so explicit about things.

How is literally naming your sub pinging not explicit as to the purpose? You're basically admitting that it's a sub whose entire purpose is harassment.

I'm surprised it took that long tbh

It's in a better place now with 72 virgins

We're here until we get banned!

Well that didn't last very long.

We stuck to our word

It was a fun sub tbh. I think everyone pretty much universally misses pinging here.

I'll probably create another when I get the chance tbh



did they give your account a spanking?

The superior /r/pinging wins by default!

It was also banned. redtaboo strikes again.







Reddit: Implements a function to message users by writing their usernames

Also Reddit: Bans you for using said function

Peak idiocy.

Reddit: allows you to write words to people

Also Reddit: bans you for calling people retarded queefbag niggerfaggots

Smh my darn head, the hypocrisy is real 😤✊

Doesn't matter what the content of your ping is, no pinging is allowed, even if you want to whisper sweet nothings to the retard on the other end.


Welcome to the Hug Box.

those philistine bastards

some circlejerk subs like r/japancirclejerk still have pinging. Make a new sub called circlebroke5 or something and pretend it has nothing to do with r/drama. There's your new pinging sub ;)

Gaijin larpers get a free pass because redtaboo is an 80 iq weeb

more like redweeabo

If they don't want people pinged then they should disable pinging or make it so people can block pinging.

Seriously, at this point they're just being retarded.

Then again, this is the same people that decided to fuck over their only lifeline to celebrities.


They even banned /u/DramaButWithPinging - what did he do to anyone? 😢😢😢

I guess all we have to do is ride this ban wave out. I give it a month left or so. Who knows, maybe AngryDM's imaginary GF would do an AMA with us?

So fucking gay.

They even banned my bot /u/ DramaButWithPinging - what did he do to anyone? 😢😢😢