The screeching harpies of /r/relationship_advice kinkshame innocent husband

21  2018-09-07 by Jewdankdied4mysins


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Good job Snippy


He wants me to play along like we're having a threesome with his ex wife and tell him a story of what we're "doing" together. He even calls her name when he cums. This makes me feel like absolute trash. I have told him that I hate it, and he tells me that I'm just insecure and that he has no feelings for his ex, he just likes her body and I should get over it.

Either a really insecure doormat or troll.

how could somebody have such little self-respect

Dunno. Like I'd be out after his first attempt.


nice to see some dota 2 memes out in the wild

Finally someone switched up genders on the /r/relationship_advice bait template.

I was letting him shit down my throat when I thought to myself, "Maybe this is degrading--maybe he doesn't respect me??" All he eats is peanuts and carrots too, so

When my wife only wanted to peg me with a black dildo in bed, while singing the Soviet Anthem. I thought to myself, "Maybe she IS a Communist spy." All she wanted to know from me is how the US Government functions and nuclear secrets too, so

Goddamn lol. I understand keeping a spank bank for some private use, but this is some next level autism.