Poe’s law in action?

0  2018-09-07 by CadicalRentrist



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It's obvious fucking satire, surprising as that may be to CAtards.

edit: to whoever downvoted this post.....F**K YOU

As much as I often think this myself too, there is no way this comment was genuinely written in good faith

Imagine unironically defending rapist trannies smh


don't see anything about XX chromosomes being a requirement. I'd rather trust the dictionary than a random transphobe on reddit....

The definition given for woman:

woman [woo m-uh n]

noun, plural wom·en [wim-in] /ˈwɪm ɪn/.

the female human being, as distinguished from a girl or a man. an adult female person.

a female attendant to a lady of rank.

All contain the adjective "female". Let's look that up on dictionary.com...

female [fee-meyl]


a person bearing two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei and normally having a vagina, a uterus and ovaries, and developing at puberty a relatively rounded body and enlarged breasts, and retaining a beardless face; a girl or woman.