pinging was overrated tbh

6  2018-09-07 by madaramen

all it did was to navigate low quality lolcows to here while the better lolcows would come themselves. personally i am fine with quality over quantity on this subject famalams

anyway that's my contribution to the radical centrist agenda


I'm just here so I don't get fined.

You're wrong and I hate you

The best world is to have both.

I NEED to tell people how retarded they're being.

To be honest, the people that get off on pinging were at times the worst type of people like the kiwifarms type bullies. Yes, I'm saying there are worse places than /r/drama.

I thought kiwifarms was busy paying for $3000 worth of vidya for Chris Chan and giving him a back massage

Keep Yourself Safe

Who the fuck are you

Death to those who betray us

Cope harder that I destroyed your little hugbox loser!

you're saying this place was a hugbox while it had pinging?

real low effort sweaty