Its so painfully obvious to anyone who has spent time around low status college guys that 90% of people who complain about neckbeards or niceguys are terrified just of being labeled one themselves and never getting that gussy they were never going to get anyways.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-09-07
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1 rationalhuckleberry 2018-09-07
1 le_epic_xd 2018-09-07
That's not him anymore
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2018-09-07
Women don't even talk to the subscribers of /r/justneckbeardthings so what are they getting on their high horse about
1 PeasantPants 2018-09-07
Can confirm. I subbed there last week, and now women run away from me like startled deer.
1 YameteOniichanItai 2018-09-07
they're worse than the neckbeards they make fun of
1 CrosbyStillzandSwag 2018-09-07
Its so painfully obvious to anyone who has spent time around low status college guys that 90% of people who complain about neckbeards or niceguys are terrified just of being labeled one themselves and never getting that gussy they were never going to get anyways.