You guys are fucking gay

13  2018-09-07 by headasplodes

The fact that you're getting all hysterical over the possibility of the sub being banned is just sad


Dude bussy lmao

Well bend over and give me something to be happy about you weeb

I'm just mad that one Greco-Persian man with the smallest ass in the world thinks he's cool enough to harsh my buzz

Anyway fuck you

BUT BUT BUT my free speech!!!!! Nobody should be be able to take away my access to make a fool out of myself on the internet, anytime anywhere!

We already know your him. Time to move on to another alt

get a life blow goobal


If only my "boring" posts could really just make you fall asleep.

At least then your moron bullshit would be quiet for a while.

You're trying too hard at being superior, mate.

You're posting on r/drama. With an alt. Because you're an attention seeking whore.

can't tell is ballowgoob or weird srdine

Neither, dumbass


Neither, dumbass


Neither, dumbass


Neither, dumbass




Very Gay

dude hysterical lmao

Weren't you so upset over being banned you made a bot to post in /r/Drama?

Dramacide now